The 3rd ANNUAL W.S.O.P. Championship event Satellite in Toronto is here!!



  • I'll be running a couple more this week starting on Tuesday Night. If anyone is interested drop me a PM for details, I will try to get it going early (7pm ish)
  • Bump

    And still seats available call me to lock one up.

  • What time are your satelites going to start Josh? I'm at a funeral service earlier in the day but would like to try one satelite before the tourney. It looks like I'll be there and working on one more.
  • Hey Joe..

    Sats are starting at 11am and running right up to the 3pm tournament. BTW is was nice meeting you out at the Bridge Club...

    Freaking pocket 3's....
  • you think pocket 3's is bad? How would you feel about being taken down heads up with 7 2 of hearts. Won a tourney last night and that was my MONSTER hand. It was nice to meet you, next time I just want position on you. :) I'll see you Saturday.
  • hahaha.. just busting your chops. But I can't believe how many races I have lost recently going in with the best hand. Played the RiverRoom tourney last night and lost races where I had Pocket 10's and flopped a set and still lost to K Q offsuit hitting runner runner flush, then QQ losing twice to AK. Bad run of luck but hopefully I get it out of the way now before heading off to Vegas in a couple of weeks for the big one.

    See ya Saturday.
  • Final Bump.. Satellites will run Saturday starting at 11am. and going right up to Main Event time at 3pm. Good luck to all that are coming out.

  • Who won?  What were the prize payouts for the final table?

    I played in a satellite, but with 10-minute blinds and a small starting stack, I never got the cards to survive into the final four. :'(
  • BlondeFish wrote:
    Who won?  What were the prize payouts for the final table?

    I'm curious to know what happened too.

  • Josh will post the names soon I would think but once the 5th person was eliminated the final 4 players wanted to play for cash only and not the trip so he divided the prizes into a 50% 30% 15% and 5% structure and they played it out.

    In a major shocker.. Joe Zap was the first player eliminated when his AK went down to A3 with the board showing A 3 5 (They got all their chips into the pot after the flop)

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