Game at Shopsy's Friday June 16 th



  • Thanks Wolfy but LaBeach is gonna come and get me, appreciate it just the same though.

  • sorry guys but I wont be able to make it tonight
  • I can't make it shopsy. Friend of mine baby is currently at Mac as am I
  • Hey Shopsy want to say thanks for a great night.


    P.S. send me the address for that software.
  • Thanks for the great night, always nice to play at the best Casino in MerryHill...err Ontario.

    Congrats to Rob on the win!

  • Nice basement.

    Thanks for the game, had a great time.

    Congrats Rob.
  • Thanks for hosting, Shopsy. Nice game.

    Way to kill the cash game afterwards. Good thing I can dodge bullets, baby.
  • Hey Shopsy,

    I left my keys there last night, did anyone happen to pick them up or are they still there? If so I'll have to come by sometime soon and grab em'.

  • Don"t see them anywhere, could they be somewhere else ?
  • I'm sure I left them on the floor under the large table, almost positive.

  • Thanks for hosting, Shopsy! It was nice to finally take one down... it's been a while. :)
  • Hey Shopsy

    I left a bagfull of Catherine's things there, in the video game room, near the couch.

  • I see what's going on here.  You guys all purposely left stuff in Shopsy's basement so you would have an excuse to go back.  Very sneaky :D

  • lol, I'm still here, i figure I can hang out here another week before I'm found out.
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