Game at Shopsy's Friday June 16 th

I"m in Maryhill between Kitchener and Guelph, 10 min. from the Pioneer gas bar on Hwy. 7  PM me your e-mail and I"ll send out directions on thurs. night. We"ll start at 7 p.m.

We'll play for $40   We"ll start with 4000 in chips and use the standard Bristol Street blind levels and payout will be 40/30/20/10 if we hit 16 or 50/30/20 with less than 2 tables.  rake free.  BYOB and BYOS.

We"ll follow this up with either another tourny or a 1-2 NL game, whatever we decide that night.

Let me know if your interested in a seat.  We will shoot for 18 players on this one.

1. Shopsy                         9.  Rob (Zithal)
2. Brent                          10. Steve (labeach2002)
3. Cameron                      11. Al
4. Greg(Pkrfce)                12. Mark(DrTyore)
5. Wolfhound                   13. Mario(Itsame)
6. Cory( Folded)                14. Shannon(STP)
7. Tom N                         15. Mike B. ( Ranger)
8. Larry L                         16. Amanda(easy)
                                      17. Steve (labeach2002)

Blind Schedule
  Level 1: 25-25
  Level 2: 25-50
  Level 3: 50-75
  Level 4: 50-100
  (BREAK: 10 minutes)
  Level 5: 100-200
  Level 6: 150-300
  Level 7: 200-400
  Level 8: 300-600
  (BREAK 10 minutes)
  Level 9: 400-800
  Level 10: 600-1,200
  Level 11: 800-1,600
  (BREAK: 10 minutes)
  Level 12: 1,000-2,000
  Level 13: 1,500-3,000
  Level 14: 2,000-4,000 
  Level 15: 3,000-6,000
  Level 16: 4,000-8,000
  Level 17: 6,000-12,000
  Level 18: 8,000-16,000
  Level 19: 10,000-20,000



  • Crap, I can't make it I have to work that night.

  • I'm interested. Put me down as a 'meh'. I'll let you know in a couple days if I can make it. Thanks, Shops.
  • I have to see this basement.
    I'm in.
  • Well looks like I will be able to play - mark me down for a place.
  • Hey Shopsy
    I'm in like flint. See yah then.
    The 'Wine Man'
  • Put me down for a seat Shopsy, I pretty sure I can make it!

  • me thinks Happy will be available i'll confirm in a day or two
  • Count me in Shopsy!

  • I'm in Shopsy

  • DrTyore wrote:
    I'm in Shopsy
    That sounds so dirty.
  • Count me in too.  I like dirty :wav:
  • Ok, I'm in Shopsy, too. Things are getting a bit tight...
  • Things may change by Friday, I'm back to tentatively in. Put me down if you don't mind as 'cumseecumsaw'...

  • I might be wanting to play...this might be largely dependant on certain other people going and being able to take me with them - and then to the Spur immediately afterwards...Soooooo Shannon, let's hope you can go. Put me down Shopsy, but it's not my fault if I don't come.

    :h: Easy :h:
  • I'm in (for sure) if seats are left.
  • If there's room, please add me.

    Wow... out of my house twice in a week. If I'm not carefull, I might catch the cancer.
  • Glad to see the interest so far, We can squeeeeeze 9 players in at each table to make room for everyone. Still room for 1 more.
  • I'll be coming for sure cause Rob can take me - but I still expect to be taken out afterwards. Everyone should keep that in mind...=P
    Certain people, who shall remain nameless, owe me lots and lots and lots of beer - (roughly 4 pitchers worth). I want to wake up on Saturday still drunk...
  • Looks like I will have to cancel Shopsy, Wolff take pictures of the basement...was really hoping to see the palace.

  • Was wondering if anyone can give me a lift, probably somebody from Waterloo. I'll be at work in Bloomingdale, so most of you should be driving right past me, and I can meet you at the corner of Sawmill and St. Charles (the street which runs into Maryhill). PM me if it works for you - thanks!
  • Hi Shopsy, i've played a bit at Bristol and a bit here and there around KW, i'd love to play on Friday if your okay with that.

    Steve (labeach2002)
  • beanie,

    I'll swing by and pick you up....i'm still drunk from last, i'll drive.
  • It's looking more promising that I'll be there to win some money. And yes, drink some more beer. I may also have to sing some songs...

  • The $90 I won last night at Bristol is already burning a hole in my pocket! :)

    If you still have room, I'm in. If you are currently full, can you put me on a waiting list and I'll PM you my phone number in case you have a cancellation. I'm in Elmira so it's only 10 minutes to Maryhill.

    "Ranger" Mike
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    I'll swing by and pick you up....i'm still drunk from last, i'll drive.
    Thanks Dave - PM sent.
  • I'm in for sure. Tom, Mark, Mario, Rob, Wolfy any of you guys wanna hook a brother up with a ride?

  • I can't make it now, so I guess it wasn't for sure. :'(
  • PM sent Shannon.
  • Shopsy,

    blind me in, I might be late. Prophet's 22 car not working and I might have to give him a ride. I will call you if I am going to pick him up or maybe I should just play without him.

    Blazin 72
  • If Brent's still in Baden, I can pick his ass up.
    Cam, if he needs a lift, call me at 745-3960 after 1 but before 3.
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