Check or bet... $50/$100 LHE hand



  • KJ also would almost certainly three bet the flop as would QJ most of the time. If 88 saw the river it would also call; very few opponents are calling the turn then folding the river with 88 here.

    Not everyone wants to go 3 bets with top pair and a mediocre kicker with 2 players (one of which is the pfr and is yet to act). 88 would have raised before the river I'd assume, and would certainly raise the river with a boat.
    Also, most opponents are not raising A9o, K9, T7, 89, QT, T7, Q9, or 97 from E.P. further reducing his range. [/quote}

    OK, now you're giving your opponent credit for not being a donk. So let's say he's raising AA-TT, AK-AT, KQ, KJ-KTs, QJs. Of those hands how many call that we beat: TT, AK, AQ, AT if he's calling A high as you suggest (and this will only happen if the other opponent hasn't called since no-ones overcalling there with an A). The rest is either calling us and beating us or raising the river. And the opponent behind us doesn't have that tight of a range since he didn't raise. He easily could hold a 9, a better J.
    Also, most of the time a nine is going to 'donk' the river, ie. lead out. Since your opponent has not down that, it limits these hands from their hand range.

    Yes, but there's an opponent who has yet to act. You aren't last to act. Given 2 checks in front of you here, you can probably bet here for value. Please enlighten me as to what you think the player behind you (not the pfr) has. He either a) has a hand that beats you (KJ and QJ I can see a lot here since he called 2 bets on the flop). b) has a draw like T9, QT, Q9, 97) that beats you and will raise. c) has overcards and will fold to your bet.

    But yes it's an EASY river value bet...VS. LOOSE PASSIVE opponents.
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