Bristol St. Classic XXV - Wed. May 10th @ 7pm (Waterloo)



  • $10 last longer anyone?
  • Unfortunately, I can no longer make it tonight. Please take me off the list. Good luck to everyone.

    Dave P.
  • Is there an updated BSC list for points anywhere here on the boards?

  • Yes. The link is at the end of the original post.
  • #24 = ScottyZ?

    I think a correct guess is worth a couple of forum bucks :) Too bad I can't make it tonight, have a good time.
  • Damn being busy, I was going to say what Adam said, it'll be good to meet ScottyZ...always good to get to apologize to someone face to face.
  • Hey Rob,

    Can you put down a second "+1" for me?
    That'll be three including myself.


  • I'll have to back out tonight. Got sick, don't want to infect everyone else.

  • Zithal wrote:
    Yes.  The link is at the end of the original post.

    Thanks Sir.
  • Sorry Rob, it's a definate no go now. Most due to the fact I'm just in from work and showered.
  • #24 = ScottyZ?

    I think a correct guess is worth a couple of forum bucks :) Too bad I can't make it tonight, have a good time.

    You got it!

    Rob had sent me a PM about it earlier so I wasn't sure if I was supposed to give it away or not before the tournament. :)

    Great tournament, and it was nice to meet some poker players and/or forum people from the area in person. :cool:

  • Posting thanks already? It isn't even 1 AM yet ....
  • Great Tourny Rob!!
    Nice to finally meet ScottyZ.

    I went out 6th place. Got SUCKED OUT huge twice before making the final table...somehow still in the chiplead when I got there. And by lead I mean everyone was sooo tight in chips.

    I want to know how it finished, my money is on Mark for second only after getting sucked out by John (the lucky one :))...haha...QJo vs KK...eek.

    Again, awesome tourny.
  • Great times Rob! Thanks for hosting.

    Sorry to disappoint Josh, but Mark didn't make second. I'll let Rob post the results of the tourny. I know he was fiercly making some notes and i don't want to steal his thunder.

    Thanks again Rob.
  • Hey Rob....

    Thanks for the poker...even though i didnt last long...........

    Darn River.......Well anyways...Thanks again.

  • haddon wrote:
    Great Tourny Rob!!
    Oh yeah!
    Nice to finally meet ScottyZ.
    Oh yeah!
    after getting sucked out by John (the lucky one :))...

    Ugh yeah, I knew my A9 was good but I guess his J10s was, well....soooooted.  Great game all, congrats John.

  • Shannon, I still cant believe you didnt double up when the blinds were 25-25.

    Two blinds limping to eachother and both completing an overfull boat on a rag board.

    Pete, Kudos.

    If I am holding 77

    and the board is 3 10 3 x 7 (With no action and just limped blinds)

    I am going broke!
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