Bristol St. Classic XXV - Wed. May 10th @ 7pm (Waterloo)

The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament
Wednesday, May 10th - 7:00pm
(doors open at 6:30pm)

$20 Buy-in Freeze-out

$$$ Pay-out $$$
1st place - 45%
2nd place - 25%
3rd place - 15%
4th place - 10%
5th place - 5%
Each player will receive 4000 chips for their $20 buyin. You are eliminated from the tourney when you lose all your chips. The tourney will not stop, except for short breaks, until one player holds all the chips. That player will be declared the 1st place finisher. The last player eliminated will be the 2nd place finisher, the second last player eliminated will be the 3rd place finisher, etc..

Late players: If you know you're going to be late, please phone and a seat and chips will be set out for you and you will post blinds and fold until you arrive. Players that are late that haven't let me know will give up their seat to the next player on the waiting list. If there's no one left on the waiting list, late players may buy into the tournament during the first level (20 minutes), but must immediately post the big and small blind if the blinds have passed them.

Waiting List players: Players on the waiting list will fill no shows at the start of the tournament to a maximum of 32. The remaining players on the waiting list are alternates. During the first four levels, when a player busts out, you have the option of joining the tournament at that point with a starting chip stack.

The tournament will last approximately 5-6 hours. Seating is limited to 32 players with alternates. (8 max tables) Please reserve your seat in advance!!

Blind schedule, chip values, rules, etc, etc, will be posted at my place, or you may msg me for specifics.

As always, tournaments at Bristol Street are rake-free Current points standings can be found in this thread.

BOYB, BYOsnacks


  • Reserve List

    1. "Zithal" Rob L
    2. "8Ball" Tye Z
    3. "Ranger" Mike B
    4. "stpboy" Shannon
    5. "Oragami" Jonathan C
    6. "beanie42" Trevor (Late)
    7. "Bluffy" Jeff B
    8. "Dirty Whore" Mark B.
    9. Steve W
    10. "ItsaMe" Mario (Late)
    11. "King Mob" Dave
    12. "JohnnieH" Johnnie H
    14. "Wolffhound" Dave W
    15. "Ercules" Eric
    16. "TNORTH" Tom N.
    17. "PokerQueen" Mandy
    18. "YellowSmurfette"
    19. Jon P
    20. "AcidJoe" Joe
    21. "SirWatts" Mike
    22. "haddon" Josh
    23. "Fallen Angel" Gow
    24. "Special Celebrity Mystery Player"!!!
    25. "Slippery" Pete A.
    27. "diddy" Paul
    28. "diddy" + 1
    29. "Shtebs" Steve
    30. "diddy" + 2

    Waiting List

  • Sign me up, please.
  • I'm in!


    Dave P.
    Dave K.
    Mario P.
    Johnnie H.

  • Ok, thanks Mark.

    Mario and I will both be late, as we have a softball game at 6:30 in Cambridge. We should be there by 8PM at the latest.

    Please post and fold.

    I can drop off the buy-ins early, if you need them.

  • Sign me up
  • Zithal wrote:
    13. "MrsWhore" Catherine (hmmm.. that may not be the GREATEST nickname)

    Whippy's playing? Friggin sweet. Although I"m scared sh!tless.

    Good Luck Whips!!
  • PS....who is the KW Triple Crown rep for BSNAC? i.e. who do I give my looney to?
  • Im in.
  • Two things:

    1. Yes, this will be a Triple Crown Event, and money can be gotten either by myself or "stpboy" Shannon

    2. Rob, please add "pokerfancy" Marjiolijn to the list
  • Hi! I'm new.

    Please Sign me up too if there is space left.

    And where do you guys play?

    And Jon P.

  • Put me down as a definate maybe..... I need to find out what my daughter is up to before I can commit
  • Hmm yeah put me down for this.
  • Hi! I'm new.

    Please Sign me up too if there is space left.

    And where do you guys play?

    And Jon P.


    Welcome to the boards! Good to see new people out. :) We play at my place.. I'll PM you the details.
  • HI Rob

    Count me in.

    Dave Kostis.
  • Please add me. :)
  • hey rob!

    Please add me to the list! Thanks!

  • Hey Rob

    Catherine's not coming... :( She already had plans, something about short notice?

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Hey Rob

    Catherine's not coming... :( She already had plans, something about short notice?


    Boooo Mark! Poker should be a plan everynight. Everything ELSE should be short notice. :D
  • Woooo!

    I'm in. Thanks.

  • Hey Rob...

    :'(  Sorry, but I am going to have to back out as well...    Work sucks :rage:

    Marjolijn...(aka: Mary)
  • Hey Rob,

    I'd like to play, and 75% that I'll bring someone else along too.


  • I just got called into work, can't make it now. Sorry. :'(

  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    DrTyore wrote:
    Hey Rob

      Catherine's not coming... :(  She already had plans, something about short notice?


    Boooo Mark! Poker should be a plan everynight. Everything ELSE should be short notice. :D

    Hey.. I'M still coming....

  • Zithal wrote:
    24. "Special Celebrity Mystery Player"!!!
    Rob, I asked you to be discrete! Now everyone knows I'm gonna be there ;)


    I couldn't not post in a Bristol thread. Best of luck tonight guys. My money is on Rob to take this one down (he's due... hehehe)
  • Hey Mark,

    Can you collect all monies for the first ever KWTC eligible tournament...ugh as long as it's eligible...

  • stpboy wrote:
    Hey Mark,

    Can you collect all monies for the first ever KWTC eligible tournament...ugh as long as it's eligible...


    Sure.. no worries.

    Will it top 24 people?

  • Just got the word and I'm back in.....Oh yeah! Greg, are you sure you don't want to change your pick of who will take this down? Heehhehehee, Rob is due I guess.

  • Put me down if there's room please Rob

  • Hey Rob....

    Could you add me to the list please?


  • We're caught up as of this morning.
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