Stars $ for Full Tilt anyone

Wondering if anyone is interested in a trade,i need FT$ and will will trade for stars $ . Im ez to find i play 30hrs /week on stars,my name is jrockhaf,i would like to trade about 1k but 600 would be fine if anyone is interested


  • and so it begins
  • whats that mean?
  • if that is a hint that you think this is a scam ,pls just dont reply,i would exchange $100 at a time or whatever,I keep 8k+online all the time so i would not try to scam someone for 100$,and have to listen to them for 30hrs a week or get myself arrested.
  • i keep $100k online...hey can anyone transfer $50 to my stars account???
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    i keep $100k online...hey can anyone transfer $50 to my stars account???

    yes, i can.
  • Can you sent $100 my way too.... :D
  • Hobbes wrote:
    Can you sent $100 my way too.... :D

    technically yes.

    but just becuase i CAN do something does not mean i will :)
  • w.e if he is scamming someone they'd be a fool not to phone the guy first and work things out... Seems genuine
  • I generally don't like to keep more than $40K in my Stars account at any one time, GTA you must have cajones, I would never trust a site with that much money. :D

    To the OP, why not just transfer your money out of Stars and into Neteller, then transfer to FT?

    Oh ya, cuz that way you can't scam anyone, sorry my bad.
  • You cant cash out T$. And as far as I know you cant buy FT$ like you can stars T$ on any sites.
    Why the hell do you need FT$ anyways that you cant use cash for.?

  • Jrock - there is this incredible new innovation for poker players when it comes to banking called Neteller. True it has been around for years and nearly every serious poker player uses it. However since you clearly have not heard of it you should know that it would allow you to move money from Poker Stars to Full Tilt without any cost within hours (even shorter usually as Stars is very fast at withdraws and deposits are immediate).

    Asking people to transfer money from one site in exchange for money on another site is one of the most common fraud scams to be had. It usually involves having a site cancel a transaction (which some do) or more likely uses a stolen credit card to fund an account and then "cleans" the money by getting it on another site from the victim so that it is unlinked to that same card.

    So even if you are legitimate, you are asking for a trade that mimics a very common scam that would not even be needed if you had a Neteller account which a 30 hour a week $8k + in balance player would certainly have. See now why it looks a bit odd?

    Have a great day.
  • SocietyRed wrote:
    You cant cash out T$. And as far as I know you cant buy FT$ like you can stars T$ on any sites.
    Why the hell do you need FT$ anyways that you cant use cash for.?

    FT$ in this case = Full Tilt
  • is he asking to trade tournament dollars on stars for full tilt dollars. Unless hes trying to buy a fucking hat he doesnt need FT$..
  • Monteroy,ty for a mature response,the reason i dont use neteller is because I keep my $ in American funds because when i cash out I take my check to my stock broker and he invests it in amarican stocks,if i used neteller ,,stars would transfer my $ out to neteller ,who would then convert it to canadian b4 i got it.I really wish i didnt post this on this site ,and am just gonna have to use my credit card,so its really not the end of the world.
  • If your broker has a netteller account (not sure if you deal with brokerage house or not), you can do a peer-to-peer transfer.

    Not sure what they charge for that though.

  • Here is a simple solution.

    Create a neteller account that is in US funds. The default choice for Canadians is Canadian funds but you can have your neteller account in basically any currency.

    If it is in US funds there is no exchange rate charges as the money is not being converted. WHen you need to withdraw you can have them mail you a check for $2 (arrives within a couple of days) and deposit into a US funds bank account (easy to open) or maybe directly into that brokers account.

    If you already have a Canadian funds neteller account they will have to close your old one to make a new one.

    Honestly, I am kind of stunned you have played this much for this long and did not know you could have been using Neteller all along :D
  • jrockhaf wrote:
    Monteroy,ty for a mature response,the reason i dont use neteller is because I keep my $ in American funds because when i cash out I take my check to my stock broker and he invests it in amarican stocks,if i used neteller ,,stars would transfer my $ out to neteller ,who would then convert it to canadian b4 i got it.I really wish i didnt post this on this site ,and am just gonna have to use my credit card,so its really not the end of the world.

    completely untrue, Neteller keeps the funds in US Dollars, we all move money around from site to site using Neteller without exchange. Firepay may force you to us CDN dollars if you live in Canada but Neteller most certainly uses USD! seriously take a look at your request, you have to realize how much this looks like a scam when transfering funds is so simple! your story is just way to unbelievable.
  • Big E could u explain how you would cash out using,neteller and keep your money in amarican funds?
  • My stock broker only deals in Rand. Can someone explain to me how he could deal in $s, the way i currently have this set up is i win on FT, then scam, ameh, transfer into stars $s as they obviously are easier to convert into Rand, duh!

    Then the tricky part. I hire a porter in the Caimans to row my Stars $s over to the Cape where a girl dressed as a boy (obviously), then runs (without shoes) the Stars $$s over to the northern border with Zimbabwe. Due to the outflux of tourists at Vic Falls during the rainy season, the black market conversion gets me a sweet, sweet deal!

    Can anyone explain how I could otherwise make these transactions?
  • jrockhaf wrote:
    Big E could u explain how you would cash out using,neteller and keep your money in amarican funds?

    Very easy. Cash out from your pokeraccount to your neteller that is in USD funds. If your account is in CDN funds call neteller support and they will help you opn a new account in USD funds and transfer all of your information over. Then once the money is in your USD neteller account, you request a fedex'd cheque (cost a few bucks but comes next day). On delivery you recieve your cheque for the cash out amount in USD funds.
  • jrockhaf wrote:
    Big E could u explain how you would cash out using,neteller and keep your money in amarican funds?

    It did not sound like you wanted to cash out but rather transfer from Stars to Full Tilt. Unless I am missing something you'd simply withdraw money from Stars into Neteller, the money in Neteller should be in USD, if it is not you can change it so it is. Then deposit from Neteller into Full Tilt with no charges whatsoever? If you want to cash out in USD you'd have to request a cheque from Neteller it would be in USD and cost you a service charge, cashing into your bank account would convert the money to CDN...but from you OP it did not look like you were cashing out? With transfers being so easy, simple, and free you can see how it looks like a complete scam!
  • Should have read before I typed, I see Soup answered you first. I'm sure you'll find a sucker to scam, it won't be on this forum tho!
  • I have a more general question.

    I used Neteller to fund my original buy-in to Party - however I was charged like 8.9%. I am glad I havent busted out since - because I swore I wouldnt use it again.

    However, I would like to take advantage of some bonuses at some various sites - and maybe try Stars for their tourneys - Can I deposit money into Neteller from say Titan - and then deposit on another site - without paying that 8.9%???

  • TNORTH wrote:
    I have a more general question.

    I used Neteller to fund my original buy-in to Party - however I was charged like 8.9%.  I am glad I havent busted out since - because I swore I wouldnt use it again.

    However, I would like to take advantage of some bonuses at some various sites - and maybe try Stars for their tourneys - Can I deposit money into Neteller from say Titan - and then deposit on another site - without paying that 8.9%???


    Yes, and it's as easy as how you just typed it.

    Poker Site #1 ---> Neteller ---> Poker Site #2 (No fees at all)
  • TNORTH wrote:
    I have a more general question.

    I used Neteller to fund my original buy-in to Party - however I was charged like 8.9%.  I am glad I havent busted out since - because I swore I wouldnt use it again.

    Hey Tom, there shouldn't have been any charges to deposit...did you deposit CDN into a USD Neteller account..I could see them dinging you then but I was pretty sure they only charge a few to send a cheque and of course to convert currency?

    8.9% sucks tho man!

    But yeah, as it's clearly noted here a transfer from site to neteller to site should not include any charges if kept in the same currency.
  • Yeah I deposited it in CDN and it became USD.

    I didnt know it was an option to keep it CDN.

    But I am very happy to see that I can easily transfer funds - now I can finally exploit bonuses - previously - I figured if it was a 25% bonus it was hardly worth the time after getting dinged for 9%

  • 8.9% is only for instacash. The best method is to deposit with your visa directly into a poker site (for free) and then you can cash it out into your neteller (again for free).
  • My Porter only charges 5% -- SUCKERS!
  • I'm guessing you and your porter will be very happy in BC....not that there's anything wrong with that....


    p.s. GTA...i was j/k, and btw, if you still feel like kicking my as*, my address is in the off topic lounge under Fatboy.
  • Soup wrote:
    jrockhaf wrote:
    Big E could u explain how you would cash out using,neteller and keep your money in amarican funds?

    Very easy. Cash out from your pokeraccount to your neteller that is in USD funds. If your account is in CDN funds call neteller support and they will help you opn a new account in USD funds and transfer all of your information over. Then once the money is in your USD neteller account, you request a fedex'd cheque (cost a few bucks but comes next day). On delivery you recieve your cheque for the cash out amount in USD funds.

    Yep.  My cheques from Neteller are in USD every time.  As for the FedEx charge, it's $11.00 USD.  So, if you're anal like I am, request your cheque and add $11 to the amount (ie: if you withdraw $111 the cheque will be for $100).
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