I really hate it when....



  • PokerFancy wrote:

    Oh, and last:  when you ask for a regular coffee and they give you a double double... yuck   


    For me - it's 1 cream/2 sugars not vicey-versy! NOT VISEY VERSY :rage:
  • Big E wrote:
    moose wrote:
    Sorry have to disagree with you there.  The bottleneck is the light not the bridge.  If people lined up in one line from Doon Valley Drive onwards the backup would be far worse.  Staying to the right means 3 MORE cars make it through the light.  They are modifying the intersection so that less cars have to go through that light and widening the bridge so that more cars can make it through in one cycle.

    I totally agree Moose, if we all lined up not using the right lane it would be a huge back log and a mess...I understand what you're saying here...and really the root of the problem is the design and it's nice to see they're working on fixing it. I don't think I explained myself properly tho...what I was really getting at is that people need to understand when to merge left and use the zipper idea...I'll merge to the left with ample time to make the light and rather then the guy behind me moving left after the card behind me moves up, he'll hammer the gas shooting to make the light, followed by a BMW, a souped up Civic, and a mini-van and then I'll miss the light because they all tried to 'squeeze' in.....can't we all learn the zipper?

    When I was helping my wife learn to drive I had her spend hours on taking my zipper up and down...you know, just to 'grasp' the concept!

    lmfao. I still say you are zipping up far too soon.

    Make the light, then zip. That's why the lane continues through the light and doesn't end before.
  • Having had a sales job that required me too be driving the majority of every day taking care of customers I have a tall list of driving offenses that just drive me nuts. Too many here to list so I just quickly mention a few.

    - people who are trying to be curtious and stop to let me turn left in a busy 2 lane street. While the gesture well intentioned, there's a whole lane beside them with cars whizzing past that I can't see coming so I have to wait. Then they get frustrated with me and they are the ones holding up traffic. Just follow the rules of the road and I'll turn when it's convenient or traffic stops moving then I'll weave through.
    - people who can't understand roundabouts. I know they're knew and few but it's actually an easy and much more efficient/convenient concept. I've seen people come to complete stops before entering it when it was clearly empty. I once had a lady in the roundabout stop as I approached. She then waved me ahead of her when I had the yield sign and there was a vehicle behind her. MORON! they are designed to keep traffic moving and she completely had the right of way but got timid for some reason. If you are afraid of vehicles... don't drive. It's that simple
    -I completely agree with Shannon on his intolerance thing. My girlfriends family is VERY catholic. Which is fine in itself but I often find myself biting my tongue and seething with anger of some of the clearly hateful and narrowminded discussions they have. I try to be respectful of their faith and beliefs but they seem to require them control what everyone does and how everyone lives to such a degree that it's infuriating. I know several religious (catholic, muslim, sikh, Jehovah's witness, etc...) people and the large majority of them a pretty laissez faire about life.

    Wow that was a lot larger then I intended, sorry.

  • Shtebs wrote:

    -I completely agree with Shannon on his intolerance thing. My girlfriends family is VERY catholic. Which is fine in itself but I often find myself biting my tongue and seething with anger of some of the clearly hateful and narrowminded discussions they have. I try to be respectful of their faith and beliefs but they seem to require them control what everyone does and how everyone lives to such a degree that it's infuriating. I know several religious (catholic, muslim, sikh, Jehovah's witness, etc...) people and the large majority of them a pretty laissez faire about life.


    Well, this will piss you off a LOT then...


    Warning: That clip will likely cause brain aneurisms (sp?) with regards to the anger it should cause you

  • Mark, i feel so bad now. i call steve a bird all the time, why is calling steve a bird bad? i call him a goof sometimes too. I mean, i love steve like a brother and he laughs when i call him a bird.

    i'm not trying to be a jerk, i just want an explaination as to why calling someone a bird and/or a goof is bad.


  • It means diddler or like pedo or like sex predator....I think.
  • DrTyore wrote:
    Shtebs wrote:

    -I completely agree with Shannon on his intolerance thing. My girlfriends family is VERY catholic. Which is fine in itself but I often find myself biting my tongue and seething with anger of some of the clearly hateful and narrowminded discussions they have. I try to be respectful of their faith and beliefs but they seem to require them control what everyone does and how everyone lives to such a degree that it's infuriating. I know several religious (catholic, muslim, sikh, Jehovah's witness, etc...) people and the large majority of them a pretty laissez faire about life.


    Well, this will piss you off a LOT then...


    Warning:  That clip will likely cause brain aneurisms (sp?) with regards to the anger it should cause you


    Thanks Mark,
    I was torn between laughing my ass off and weeping because of this woman, who is a monumental idiot. It's kinda funny, 'cause hateful people like this (much worse than what I was refering to in my first post) love to exhibit their ignorance and miniscule mental capacity but it's also pretty depressing because there are far too many people who share these moron's views.
    I guess that's why mankind has poker, beer and women. The things that can bring, both, some of the greatest highs and lows. Often in the same day.

  • Is calling someone a "goof" really bad? I call my kids goofs all the time.

    My big pet peeve is when people talk with food in their mouth. Especially when it is over the phone and they chose this time to call me. Swallow first ass munch.

    On the judging issue, I am trying not to judge others. I do it and sometimes I catch myself and try to adjust. But who am I to judge others? There are some things that we can't help but judge, such as sex offences and other heinous crime, but who I am to say you shouldn't like O-Town or only eat vegetables? Judge not lest ye be judged by that which you are judging.

    I also hate dog shit on my lawn.
  • Josh is right...

    The kiddies nowadays consider "goof" and "bird" the worst insult you can hurl at someone because it means a pedophile / kiddie chaser... I don't dislike it because of the phrasing, but because it's really quite stupid.

  • Shtebs wrote:
    [I guess that's why mankind has poker, beer and women. The things that can bring, both, some of the greatest highs and lows. Often in the same day.

    Amen brother....and Mark, that was a disturbing piece...I agree, it's funny in a way but scary that people can rally around something so ludicrous?
  • I hear "bird" tossed around at all the Toronto clubs and I really don't think THEY mean or are aware of the pedo connotation attached to it.

    Just FTR.
  • Not to drag this topic back up but...

    Okay, what is with these people that are only happy when they're complaining? They always need to feel insulted / put upon!!!

    From the Internet Movie Database's message board ...

    Topic title: "Racist and Offensive"

    I'm gonna cut and paste some of this...

    ...cannot believe that Hollywood would make a film close to September 11th....

    ...racist since the <edited out for now> represent Muslims ....

    ....infect America with their presence with the word of Allah....

    ...it is trying to show that Muslims must be all bad and as a nation the US must drive <them> out ....

    ....West tries to teach Americans to become desensitized against Muslims similarly what Nazi's did with children's books. I mean it is a slap to the face of Muslims around the world with such a movie in a sensitive time.....

    <another poster>

    ...To me also it's obvious what the creators meant by this movie. Regardless of whether or not the racism is apparent to YOU, twistedsoul (who has the innocence of a child i'm sure), it doesn't hide the intent of the creator, and it's still racist....

    ...You have done your people a heroic deed by breaking the silence, now let us all be heard!. If you are muslim as I am, do NOT go see this movie!! ....

    Okay... ready for it?

    The Film: "Snakes on a Plane"

    <Full post>

    I cannot believe that Hollywood would make a film close to September 11th. Having snakes on the plane just only representing terrorists. It is racist since the poisonous snakes represent Muslims saying they poison and infect America with their presence with the word of Allah. Mean while since people fear the snakes it is trying to show that Muslims must be all bad and as a nation the US must drive out the snakes that are Muslims out of the US. Just showing how the West tries to teach Americans to become desensitized against Muslims similarly what Nazi's did with children's books. I mean it is a slap to the face of Muslims around the world with such a movie in a sensitive time.

    The whole thread for you nutty guys and gals: http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0417148/board/nest/50908297


  • Mark,

    This is hilarious...

    These people are absolutely out of their heads...CLEARLY!!!
  • The Film:  "Snakes on a Plane"

    I am definitely seeing this movie, if only for one reason.........

    Any movie where Samuel L Jackson says...

    'I've had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane!'

    is worth my hard earned money!

    SLJ is tha man!!!
  • Haha... you saw The Daily Show last night too? Great show!

  • Big E wrote:
    The Film:  "Snakes on a Plane"

    I am definitely seeing this movie, if only for one reason.........

    Any movie where Samuel L Jackson says...

    'I've had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane!'

    is worth my hard earned money!

    SLJ is tha man!!!

    Racist!! :) Let me know when you go... I'm in

  • I really hate it when people rip off a good movie before it's even released!


    Check out the trailer, it looks sooo bad!
  • Big E wrote:
    I really hate it when people rip off a good movie before it's even released!


    Check out the trailer, it looks sooo bad!

    Speaking of bad trailers, I have two words:


  • HA HA, man, as soon as I heard that Rocky music I started to laugh, I'm still chuckling.
  • Johnnie you just made my day man, I love the Rocky saga...I gotta see this!!!!!! (As bad as it will be).

    that looks like Antonio Tarver too, I hate that guy for beating Jones so bad...hope Rocky knocks him out!
  • I just noticed on IMDB.com that a new Rambo is slated for release in 2007.

    Oh Sly.........why? WHY?

    Oh right, you need the money!!

    Some Men not all need to get off there high horses and realize that THIS IS NO LONGER JUST A MANS WORLD...
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Speaking of bad trailers, I have two words:



    Is there something wrong with me.. or does that actually look better than the last 3 rocky movies? Not the first 2 of course... :D
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    I just noticed on IMDB.com that a new Rambo is slated for release in 2007. 

    Oh Sly.........why?  WHY?

    Oh right, you need the money!!

    It was either Rocky X or do the sureal life.....
  • Hey, Acidjoe don't think you're alone. I, over a period of time was involved in a local game convention here in Ottawa. We had a small booklet made up and had all the tournaments rated from 1) need no gaming experience to 5) need to be an expert at playing this particular rules variation. Guess what? The number of times people entered level 5 tournaments who may have known a bit about the rules but were absolutely terrible players was more than just high.
    I think I understand why though. In the 1970s I played a fair amount of poker. (about 2 - 3 nights a week for a few years) I used to think I was quite a good player but in retrospect that was only because I wasn't the worst of the players in our usual game. I fully expect that there are a lot of other people who think that their experience in their small, limited, local game is sufficient to decide how they would do against the rest of the world. It's especially true when dealing with young men. Most have a tendency to overestimate their abilitys.
    Hm, come to think of it there's no reason why a woman shouldn't be able to become the best poker player in the world. They have a few things going for them that we men don't have. they have more patience, more caution. If a woman learns to add in the aggression needed she should be able to play an excellent game of poker. Don't EVER trash talk a woman because they tend not to get mad but to get even. (you've just added that aggression that may have been missing)
    On the other side, young men need to learn patience but tend to want everything NOW.

    As to traffic peaves being an old fart I don't get disturbed by every idiot on the road. (too many of them I'd be upset all of the time) I DO get upset when I'm crossing a street on a green light and almost get run over by some idiot talking on a cell phone and running the red light!
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