I really hate it when....

Hey all

Kinda non-poker stuff in here, more a ranting area, hence the "Off Topic Lounge", but I REALLY hate it when

A: People are unwilling to wait about 3 seconds when driving, and will endanger others because of it
E.G. at an intersection, someone's turning left, they pull out and wait for oncoming traffic to pass, but the dude behind him swerves around him to go straight through.. SOOOO wrong.

B: People leave grocery carts in the parking spaces and don't return them... how freaking lazy can you be?

Anyways... rant away, I'm mildly curious to see what drives my fellow addicts batty.



  • guys passing chips to their buddies in a tourney.

    guys that post crap on a poker board... :D
  • People who rhyme with EGG.
  • Oh good.. I've started a flame war... :)

  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    guys passing chips to their buddies in a tourney.

    guys that post crap on a poker board... :D


    I hate it when people use the merge lane to pass traffic.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    guys that post crap on a poker board... :D


    Driving is worse everyday, everything about driving sets me off nowadays.....mostly I hate people that will cruise in the left lane to get past just one more, nope one more...maybe one more....yup just one more car before cutting over two lanes onto the exit ramp.....also places like Homer Watson and the 401 near conestoga College, every single person in that right lane that ends at the lights just before the East bound on ramp knows the lane ends yet the stay right until they end up cutting someone off forcing everyone to stop and 3 cars that would have made the light miss it. I'm glad I live in a country where fire arms are hard to get or I would be in jail.

    What else sets me off....this hip hop crap where someone takes a 2 second beat and repeats it over and over and over and over until you have an 12 minute song with 3 words you can understand 15 you can't and only 5 different words all together?

    Thanks for starting this post..feels good to rant!
  • I hate when women complain about leaving the toilet seat up. that drives me nuts!!!! "I fall in!" they say. what about in the middle of the night when i get up to tinkle and it gets on the seat and splashes me? hahahaha

    I hate when a bluff gets called by someone who doesnt even knwo they are calling a bluff!!!

    I dont like people who are too confrontational. I'm a pretty easy going guy and i'm finding myself more and more passive when it comes to trivial things in life.

    I'm not attacking you guys who have posted about bad drivers ticking you off, but lets take a second and analize this.
    Dude A can't wait the two seconds it takes to make his move in traffic. it holds you up and makes you mad that his ignorance and impatience is costing you time. doesnt that mean YOU cant wait that two seconds? Let him risk HIS vehicle and HIS life making a dumb move, all it costs you is two seconds right?
    anyway, you get the picture. unless he is risking YOUR well-being, is it really hurting you to wait?

    i love ranting,
  • ... people use what I call the "St. Catharines rule"

    Opposing traffic at red stoplight...
    Opposing car turning left.  You are going straight...
    Light turns green...
    Opposing car beleives since he is first in line and too important to wait for you and the 1-5 cars behind you to pass before he completes his left hand turn (which as last check is the rule o' the road), turns left, thereby slowing down your line of cars to allow this ass to go ahead.

    Opposing car driver then gets PO'd at you when you see what he is trying to do, hit the gas and T-bone his SUV - (oh sorry just my mind getting revenge)
  • I'm not attacking you guys who have posted about bad drivers ticking you off, but lets take a second and analize this. 
    Dude A can't wait the two seconds it takes to make his move in traffic.  it holds you up and makes you mad that his ignorance and impatience is costing you time.  doesnt that mean YOU cant wait that two seconds?  Let him risk HIS vehicle and HIS life making a dumb move, all it costs you is two seconds right?
    anyway, you get the picture.  unless he is risking YOUR well-being, is it really hurting you to wait?

    It happens at the corner of Blair Road and fountain street, which is on my way home everyday.  Let's see if I can paint the picture well for those that don't know the area...

    Imagie a capital letter V (<-- hey!  There's one!), but there's a line going across the top of it, kinda looking like a down arrow.  Fountain street is that top line, and Blair road is the two arches of the V.  Ideally, people travelling towards Fountain street are meant to stay in the left side if they're going straight or left, and those turning right go right.  

    All of these roads are "2 way" roads, meaning people travel in both directions of Fountain street (which becomes Homer watson), and the "right turn lane" of Blair road is also meant for those turning left from Fountain onto Blair.  The left turn / straight lane on Blair is two way so that people turning right off of Fountain can do so as well.

    I have a huge problem when someone is turning left onto Blair from fountain, and someone will drive out onto the shoulder of the road so as to not wait for about 15 seconds - it's even worse when they do this, and then TURN LEFT ONTO BLAIR at the "left turn" lane.  GRRR....  it's dangerous because you don't see the guy whipping around the dude turning right, and if the coast is clear on the left and you start going?  WHAMMO!

    Then I'M the one with a smashd up car / body!

  • 88Fingers wrote:
    ... people use what I call the "St. Catharines rule"

    That is soooo awesome... I was about to post about the traffic when i was out at Brock, but then thought "Nah, nobody'll know what I'm talking about if I mention the corner of Burleigh Hill and Townline....

  • Big E wrote:

    Driving is worse everyday, everything about driving sets me off nowadays.....mostly I hate people that will cruise in the left lane to get past just one more, nope one more...maybe one more....yup just one more car before cutting over two lanes onto the exit ramp.....also places like Homer Watson and the 401 near conestoga College, every single person in that right lane that ends at the lights just before the East bound on ramp knows the lane ends yet the stay right until they end up cutting someone off forcing everyone to stop and 3 cars that would have made the light miss it. I'm glad I live in a country where fire arms are hard to get or I would be in jail.

    Sorry have to disagree with you there. The bottleneck is the light not the bridge. If people lined up in one line from Doon Valley Drive onwards the backup would be far worse. Staying to the right means 3 MORE cars make it through the light. They are modifying the intersection so that less cars have to go through that light and widening the bridge so that more cars can make it through in one cycle.
  • I hate when women complain about leaving the toilet seat up.  that drives me nuts!!!!  "I fall in!" they say.  what about in the middle of the night when i get up to tinkle and it gets on the seat and splashes me?  hahahaha

    My wife tried to pull that crap on me when we were first married. I told her fine, I would put the seat back down for her, as long as she would put it back up for me. But noooo, that was too hard for her so that ended that discussion. I win.
  • I miss the most talked about forum game in months, and all the good stuff comes out in the open!

    People reminding me my wife STILL needs a new dryer

    A player NOT in the hand is coaching another who still is in the hand...this includes any mention of current pot odds...JUST SHUT THE F**K UP IF YOU'RE NOT IN THE F*****G HAND!! :rage:

    Having a professional dealer call time on me after only 20seconds in a huge live tournament...I didn't think dealers were permitted to call time, are they??? If not...JUST SHUT THE F**K UP!! :rage:

    Drivers who think that the rules of the road are meant for all the other drivers, and not them. For Christ's Sake, USE YOUR DAMN SIGNALS WHEN YOU INTEND TO TURN OR CHANGE LANES!! :rage:

    Have to echo the toilet seat one here too. If you have to go THAT badly that you can't take a split second to ensure the seat is already in position, then you shouldn't have had that last beer, should you?? And the excuse that you MIGHT fall in does NOT fly...no toilet bowl in the world has been made to allow THAT to happen!!
  • DrTyore wrote:
    B: People leave grocery carts in the parking spaces and don't return them... how freaking lazy can you be?

    I was at the checkline Sobeys awhile ago, and this lady in front of me leaves her grocery cart RIGHT IN THE CHECKOUT LANE!!!! As if!!!! Naturally, being me, I call to her loudly, "Excuse me Ma'am, I'm pretty sure this isn't were you found this!!!" The couple behind me and the teenage cashier both let out a laugh, and the lady sheepishly returned the cart to the rack. Score one for Johnnie. Yes, it was mean, but she'll never do that again.

    I also hate when people complain that they don't get 7-8 for 2 whole tournaments!!

  • Way to go Johnnie !!!

    Oooo.. I've got some:

    When driving along, at a reasonable speed of course, on the 401 you come across this situation:.... Truck in right lane. Car in middle lane is "trying" to pass truck. Car in left lane (which last I checked is supposed to be the FAST lane).... is trying to pass middle car... Then the right lane ends up being empty, with the left full of impatient drivers trying to get on their way...

    Another: People seem to forget the definition of MERGE and leaving it until the last minute... or dont signal their lane changes.... What ever happened to common courtesy ??? :'(

    More?: Peole who are indicating they wish to make a right hand turn and wait for a green light, although traffic has been clear for ages...

    But then again, maybe I am just a little impatient. (likely)

    Oh, and last: when you ask for a regular coffee and they give you a double double... yuck

  • Speaking of grocery store events....

    The local grocery store at the mall does not permit you to take your carts your car to unload (have those damn cement pillars right at the door). Most other stores allow you take it to your car, and also provide a cart depot for you to return it too, but NOT this particular store.

    WELL WHY THE HELL NOT?? Am I going to steal your precious cart? Unlikely. And MOST people are respectful enough to take their empty cart to the depot and get their quarter back (and why the HELL am I renting the cart anyway?? )

    What they DO offer is a small drive lane 'unloading zone' that you can pull up to and unload your groceries right there. Fair enough, I can live with that.

    What I CANNOT STAND is when people think they can park in this unloading zone, run in to do their groceries, and think they are allowed to do so. IT'S FOR UNLOADING GROCERIES YOU IDIOT!!! Not for your parking convenience! Park in the rest of the damn lot like everyone else!!! :rage:

    Okay, I'm done with this thread now. I'm only making myself more and more upset. :'(
  • Big E wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    guys that post crap on a poker board... :D


    also places like Homer Watson and the 401 near conestoga College, every single person in that right lane that ends at the lights just before the East bound on ramp knows the lane ends yet the stay right until they end up cutting someone off forcing everyone to stop and 3 cars that would have made the light miss it.

    I hate that, I don't let no one in.
    Gotten my share of rude gestures for that.... :D

    Atleast I found a new way home during the construction.

  • Johnnie man that is awesome!!

    I lose my mind when I am doing something on my front line or driveway and people driving by looking at me to see what I am doing. I don't know why, but it drives me nuts and usually I yell, "don't look at me" or "fuck off" or give the finger or something...

    Not much else drives me that nuts...but when be nosily stare I go beserk.
  • QUOTE:
    "Score one for Johnnie. Yes, it was mean, but she'll never do that again."

    HILARIOUS!! i laughed out loud johnnie!

  • I dont like people who are too confrontational.  I'm a pretty easy going guy and i'm finding myself more and more passive when it comes to trivial things in life.

    I'm not attacking you guys who have posted about bad drivers ticking you off, but lets take a second and analize this. 
    Dude A can't wait the two seconds it takes to make his move in traffic.  it holds you up and makes you mad that his ignorance and impatience is costing you time.  doesnt that mean YOU cant wait that two seconds?  Let him risk HIS vehicle and HIS life making a dumb move, all it costs you is two seconds right?
    anyway, you get the picture.  unless he is risking YOUR well-being, is it really hurting you to wait?

    well said.....and it really makes sense! I'll have to try and keep this in mind next time I get cutoff by some jacked up Honda Civic.
  • moose wrote:
    Sorry have to disagree with you there.  The bottleneck is the light not the bridge.  If people lined up in one line from Doon Valley Drive onwards the backup would be far worse.  Staying to the right means 3 MORE cars make it through the light.  They are modifying the intersection so that less cars have to go through that light and widening the bridge so that more cars can make it through in one cycle.

    I totally agree Moose, if we all lined up not using the right lane it would be a huge back log and a mess...I understand what you're saying here...and really the root of the problem is the design and it's nice to see they're working on fixing it. I don't think I explained myself properly tho...what I was really getting at is that people need to understand when to merge left and use the zipper idea...I'll merge to the left with ample time to make the light and rather then the guy behind me moving left after the card behind me moves up, he'll hammer the gas shooting to make the light, followed by a BMW, a souped up Civic, and a mini-van and then I'll miss the light because they all tried to 'squeeze' in.....can't we all learn the zipper?

    When I was helping my wife learn to drive I had her spend hours on taking my zipper up and down...you know, just to 'grasp' the concept!
  • I suppose this is an oxymoron but what I have found I have become intolerant of is....people that are intolerant of others. I'm not a very strongly opinionanted person, I can see grey areas in almost every situation. It bothers me at times when others say things like "I know I'm right" or when people are judging others for doing something wrong or immoral or whatever. I really think to myself, almost on a daily basis, who am I to judge. Or in this case, who are they to judge. I'm not saying I'm perfect, actually that's exactly what I'm not saying. I'm not perfect, noone is! I fall into the trap where I'll gossip and chit chat about things I shouldn't but for the most part I try and see the good in people and try to understand why they are making the mistakes they are making. Anyway...

  • stpboy wrote:
    I suppose this is an oxymoron but what I have found I have become intolerant of is....people that are intolerant of others.  I'm not a very strongly opinionanted person, I can see grey areas in almost every situation.  It bothers me at times when others say things like "I know I'm right" or when people are judging others for doing something wrong or immoral or whatever.  I really think to myself, almost on a daily basis, who am I to judge.  Or in this case, who are they to judge.  I'm not saying I'm perfect, actually that's exactly what I'm not saying.  I'm not perfect, noone is!  I fall into the trap where I'll gossip and chit chat about things I shouldn't but for the most part I try and see the good in people and try to understand why they are making the mistakes they are making.  Anyway...
    LOL - but despite all that, we're friends anyway ;)
  • #1. when people say the words 'retard' or 'retarded'
    #2. when my food touches (like separate things, for instance my salad touching my meat or something)
    #3. when people take or borrow things without asking... as i am an easy going guy i will let you use something just for god sakes ask... there was a subletter in my house last term and he thought when i bought groceries they were his to, no asking, just taking.
    #4. when people leave floaties in the toilet

    i'll leave it there for now...
  • Shannon,

    Isn't saying 'who are THEY to judge', uhh, judging them? :D
  • Kyle, you are one effed up retard. Floaties! LOL. You think they do that just to bug you?
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Floaties! LOL. You think they do that just to bug you?

    i think everyone is conspiring against me and leaving their floaties... you just have to flush twice, COME ON PEOPLE!!!
    pkrfce9 wrote:

    it seriously offends me, it is just an offensive word in general... i don't know why more people don't have a problem with it
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    Kyle, you are one effed up retard.

    as for that, well atleast my imperfections aren't on my face :D:D
  • beanie42 wrote:
    stpboy wrote:
    I suppose this is an oxymoron but what I have found I have become intolerant of is....people that are intolerant of others.  I'm not a very strongly opinionanted person, I can see grey areas in almost every situation.  It bothers me at times when others say things like "I know I'm right" or when people are judging others for doing something wrong or immoral or whatever.  I really think to myself, almost on a daily basis, who am I to judge.  Or in this case, who are they to judge.  I'm not saying I'm perfect, actually that's exactly what I'm not saying.  I'm not perfect, noone is!  I fall into the trap where I'll gossip and chit chat about things I shouldn't but for the most part I try and see the good in people and try to understand why they are making the mistakes they are making.  Anyway...
    LOL - but despite all that, we're friends anyway ;)

    Yes we are but I wasn't thinking of you when I stated the above. So I hope you didn't take offense....

  • stpboy wrote:
    Yes we are but I wasn't thinking of you when I stated the above.  So I hope you didn't take offense....
    I didn't think so, but even if you were, it would take a lot more than that to offend me. Now, if you start talking trash about my family ... or my moustache ;)
  • it holds you up and makes you mad that his ignorance and impatience is costing you time. doesnt that mean YOU cant wait that two seconds? Let him risk HIS vehicle and HIS life making a dumb move, all it costs you is two seconds right?
    anyway, you get the picture. unless he is risking YOUR well-being, is it really hurting you to wait?
    I disagree, and actually, people who waste my time is my biggest pet peeve. Whether it's a few seconds at an intersection, a couple minutes in the checkout, people who show up late for a meeting (or a tournament), or even just the extra time to walk around somebody who doesn't have the courtesy to get out of the middle of the aisle to tie their shoe, it really bugs me. As soon as I read this post I was thinking of Henry Rollins "Think Tank" (which is one of my favorite routines EVER), and I have to agree with him. A short quote below for those of you who haven't heard it:
    Every morning I go into a huge building full of idiots ... standing in lines people's IQ plummets ...
    And where are these people always located? In front of me! Why can't they have the dummy line? ... I'm trapped by morons.
    You know you're in deep s**t when the lady (at the counter) leaves. No - DON'T GO AWAY! COME BACK! I'll help, how 'bout I just club him like a baby-seal and get him out of your way?
    You may think "why don't you mellow out"? Here's my problem - our lives are very short ... and not one second of your life do you get back.
    When the guy takes an extra 2 minutes ahead of me, it's 2 minutes of time I don't get for myself. He's murdering me, but just a little ... it's like murder in the millionth degree. Tiny little increments of time are being torn away from me.
    Maybe I'm over-reacting, but on a day-to-day basis getting barraged by dumb-dumbs is just more than a man can bear.

    Patience may be a virtue, but I'm still trying to learn some.
  • I'm totally with Kyle on this one, there are some phrases that were common when I was like 8, but I realized pretty soon they were inappropriate,and rude (by like age 10). They include:

    -Retard (and any incarnations of that)
    - Fag / Gay / Queer / Homo

    And also some of the new phrases that were no big deal when I was younger, but are now the "worst thing you can call someone"

    - Goof
    - Bird
    - Diddler

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