Turning Stone



  • Congrats AcesUp!

    Some random thoughts on the weekend:

    TS is a dry casino, which means 18 year old's can play there. It looks like they come from far and wide to do so... the $100 max NL games were full--every seat--of players who looked like they were 18 at the oldest. And, they were LOUD. Every other hand an entire table was on its feet, screaming. I was playing $30/$60 or $50/$100 with people who were mostly my age, or much older. One old guy says to another: "Do you remember when you used to have that much fun playing poker?" Other old guy: "No."

    One kid kept surfacing througout my trip. He was about 18, and he bought into the 50/100 for 10K. I said "Do you really need to buy into a 50/100 game for 10K?" He said: "You do the way I play it." OK. We got a live one. He was hyper-aggressive, but easily beatable. The problem was that every now and again he'd actually show down a big hand.

    I pissed him off on the following hand:

    I raise from EP with JJ.

    I get 2 callers, including the kid, and the blinds fold.

    Flop comes Q T 3 with 2 diamonds. I bet, MP calls, kid raises, I call, MP calls.

    Turn is an offsuit 4. Checked to the kid who bets, we both call.

    River is a brick. Checked to the kid who bets, I call, MP folds his missed draw. The kid holds out his cards face-down, and says "I don't really have anything". I immediately say: "Whoa. I called YOUR bet. Let's see 'em". He flips over 4s8s and I take it down. This really pissed him off for some reason, but who cares..

    On the Saturday night, they started a 100/200 game. It eventually became 6-handed. I had 4K, which wasn't enough to play in that game, where it would cost $400 to see any flop. The kid bought in for 10K, ran it up to 19K, and when I left, he was down to 3K.

    It was an older guy who had been playing against him all weekend who suggested the 100/200. The kid told him he'd play him heads-up, any stakes. The guy went to arrange for a table, and the kid--who was generally quiet--mumbled "where is that fat fuck" as he picked up his racks of chips and went off in search of him.

    I was walking to my hotel room and a young guy was walking down the hallway with a laptop playing online poker. I yelled "RAISE" as I walked by.

    A seat opened up in my 50/100 and an immaculately dressed old Italian gentleman in a wheelchair was wheeled into place. He was wheeled into place by a HUGE young Italian guy, with a black eye, who asked him if there was anythiing else he needed, sir. I thought to myself: we got a live one. A rich old guy with a bodyguard, playing the biggest game going at the time. Unfortunately, he turned out to be just another rock.

    There were a LOT of people watching the 50/100 for some reason. I had to elbow my way through a crowd to sit down. That seemed odd to me--I'm so used to multi-tabling 50/100 by myself on my computer, it never even occurred to me that it might be something people would be interested in watching.

    My bustout hand (or close enough to it) in the $300 "consolation" tournament.

    75/150, I have 5K and open raise to 450 UTG with AKo. Folded to the button... a slightly shorter stack... who just calls. The blinds fold.

    Flop: KQ3 rainbow. I check (planning to c/r) and he checks.

    Turn: A. I bet 1200. He moves in for 2800 more. I think and call. He has TJ, no help for me, and I'm crippled.

    OK OK OK, I should have bet the flop, although it may not have mattered. At any rate, after the hand the entire table starts talking about what happened, what should have happened, what I should have done, what he would have done or could have done. I just lost a BIG chunk of my stack and the last thing I want to hear is a bunch of people (one guy in particular) going on and on and on about how dangerous it is to slowplay, etc...

    So I said: "Guys. Can we please stop this post-hand analysis".

    And then the one guy goes NUTS. He's had rage building up inside him for years, and here's his chance to release it. He says: "Oh yeah, it's a lot of fun when you're WINNING, right, but you lose a hand, and we're not allowed to talk about it. Fun game, fun game, when you're WINNING." Etcetera.

    i had been mostly silent at the table, cracking a couple of jokes, but not talking about hands. So I said: "Umm.... yeah... I've just been talking about hand after hand here, right, sir?" He said nothing, and took a horrible beat three hands later that bounced him from the tournament. I said nothing, but I smiled, and tapped the table next to the winning hand.

    Revenge... served cold... all that.

    Losing with QQ vs. AQ all in preflop was particularly demoralizing in the $500. I managed to get 35th, and here's how I busted out:

    600/1200 with a 200 ante. I am in MP with 88 and 10K in chips. EP (BIG STACK) makes it 3K. Folded to me. I am new to this table, so I know nothing about him, but I know I need a coinflip and I need to win it. I move in. Folded back to him, and he smirks. The guy next to him says to me: "You don't know what that smirk means, do you" I said I had no idea. And then the smirking guy says: "This is a dirty hand. This is a very dirty hand. I call."

    And he flipped over 9d10d. 9 on the flop, I am eliminated just out of the money. I stood up, and announced: "That. Sucked." I figure it's not bad for an exit line... there are better lines, but there are worse ones too.

    No trouble at the border getting into the States, or back into Canada. There are a lot of really overweight Americans. Tied to that is the fact that their portions for dinner, lunch and breakfast are all way too big.
  • On the subject of blackjack:

    After we were done with the last tournament at TS, I suggested we play a little blackjack on our way out.  I had some red chips left over--about $80--and gave them to Mike to play with.  $15/hand was the minimum, so he needed to win early.  I bought in for $500 I think.  We left 20 minutes later... him with $300 and me with about $800.

    Driving back to Canada, I suggested we play some LHE at BCC.  Neither of us had to work on Monday, so why not.  The biggest game they had was 20/40, so I put my name on that list.  Mike put his on the 2/5, and I put mine on there as well, for fun.  We went to play some blackjack, and there were no seats at any of the tables.  We did manage to find one that was about to open up back near the bar, but it was a $25 minimum.  I asked Mike if he'd be comfortable playing it, and he said he wasn't, but he'd do it anyway.

    I bought in for $500 and Mike bought in for $200.  The table filled up, and I decided to play 2 spots.  I was told that if you want to play 2 spots, you have to bet twice the table minimum on each spot... or $50/hand.  Ouch.  Oh well, I did it anyway. 

    What happened after that can only be described as magical.  I couldn't miss.  It wasn't long before I was betting $100/spot... the table max.  On one hand, I had split one hand and doubled down 3 times, for a total of $600, hoping the dealer would bust.  He did, and we went nuts. 

    There was a guy named Pete who was to Mike's right who was integral to all of this.  His mother was a blackjack dealer, and he knew all of the "correct" plays.  Me and Mike did not.  So, as the deck was hitting me in the face, I was splitting and doubling in spots where I didn't know I was supposed to.  Pete made me a lot of money, and he was having a great time.  He was about our age, and getting hammered.  He reminded me of Vince Vaughn from Swingers.  He would look at me, and say seriously: "I love you."  And then to Mike: "I love your boy."  "Look at you."  "Look at you guys". 

    I ran $500 to $1500 or so, and a regular player at the end of the table said that I'd been enjoying quite a run, and I should leave.  Of course, he was right, but I had another beer, and bet more instead.  At $2500 he STRONGLY suggested I walk away.  I didn't.

    By this point, we were getting very loud, and as I mentioned in my earlier post, that was a problem.  They were watching us very carefully.  There was no way they could get rid of me for counting cards... it was obvious that I wasn't.  I was making mistakes on a regular basis, but it didn't seem to matter.  So we quieted down, and Pete was making a big production out of being quiet, which was pretty funny.  We tapped fists instead of slapping hands.  We quietly said "yes" instead of letting out cries of joy.

    I ran my stack up to about $5700.  The casino had to buy back green chips from me, twice.  I ended up with 9 purples, and put them in my pocket, resolving to leave before I had to get chips for any of them.  Eventually, the luck ended, and I left with the 9 purples.  Mike left with about $1400.  Pete left up about $500.  Everybody won... that doesn't happen very often.

    Those 7 hours just flew by.  A great end to a great trip.... reckless, stupid gambling actually paying off.  Who knew?
  • Ty sirs but I would have liked to take it down after getting so close. I met Jeff Williams who took down $1,000,000 in the EPT he’s 19. Also there was the deepest 5/10 nl game in the world with stacks of 20K+ and lots of 18 year olds playing it, as well as 1k HU freezouts and apparently high stakes Mario kart in the rooms. Aces tough breaks in your tournies, still 35th is pretty good out of over 300. Was the loudmouth kid you are referring to in the 50 game wearing a Vik jersey? Did you play any craps?
  • AcesUp wrote:
    Was the loudmouth kid you are referring to in the 50 game wearing a Vik jersey?

    Yep, that was him.  I think it was a Vik jersey... it was a jersey at any rate, and he never took it off all weekend.
    Did you play any craps?

    No... I don't know how to.  I don't really know anything about roulette either.  I'd like to keep it that way.  ;) Did you play any table games?

    The lesson that I learned this weekend is that bringing 4K is not enough.  If there's a juicy 100/200 game going, and I want to play in it, I should have the bankroll on me to be able to do so.  Live and learn.
  • What ever you do don't learn Craps! I played a few shoes of BJ during the tourny breaks $25-50 a hand kept running it up then giving it back, still won about $200 overall but lost about $300 in craps. I know BJ is -EV but craps is
    EV especially the way I roll!
  • Funny how you mention a huge BJ run at brantford. I was there two years back, waiting on the 10/20 list or something similiar, sat with $200 at $25 bets. Within an hour I had $2,000 and was playing two hands at table max ($100 each). After a few hours and lots of swings I finished at $2,500 or so, and even after all that action I couldnt get 3 buffet's comp'd (gotta love charity casinos!).

    I also had a couple runs like that last summer in Niagara. Two buddies and I entered with $200 each, we left with over $5,000 combined, and a nice steak dinner at the 21 club. I'm up alot at BJ and after my first loss of $500, I have yet to play a table game in over a year (which is very hard for me).
  • Good trip report All Aces!
    Im interested to know which kids were playing the big games, and put names to your story.
    The kids that had wads falling out their pockets would have been Ozzy 87, MrSmokey1, Hazards21, and maybe Thaaj. Any names ring a bell? pics of guys can be found at Nat's blog www.natarem.com

    Here's my story.
    We decided to only stay for a few nights and came home for the majority of the long weekend.
    The tournies are what draws the crowd, but if you ask me, I could care less, it's the cash games that make the trip.
    If this Casino was licensed it would quite possibly be one of the best places in N.America.
    Unfortunately everytime i get there I need to make the trip 2 miles across the highway to the closest Convenience store, as the closest gas stations don't even sell alcohol.
    Once the beer is in the icebox we finally can take some deep breaths and relax.
    The first night ComaU and I get in the 500max, best game we can find. ComaU is a silly good limit player but we were both looking for NL games all trip long. The 30-60 LHE and 30-60 O/8 games both were looking like good actions games, but we stayed at the 500maxNL till we finally played a pot against each other. This hand came up at around 5am or so, we both started playing just before midnight. I can fold this hand but it doesn't hurt my feelings losing my money to my buddy who drove me here.
    Heres the hand, blinds 5/5 10 handed: loose baffoon (LB) limps in and ComaU makes it 30 to go. I look down to see KK and the first thing that comes to mind is ComaU raise to 30 after an utg limper means he's HUGE. By the time it gets to me on the button there are already 2 cold callers for 30 each. I decide to make it 150 to go, the blinds both leave their $5 children out there but the LB calls 145 more after limping! This is a crazy call for 150 preflop as he has left himself only 200 more in chips going to the flop. Well now its back on ComaU and with 5 players still 'live' in the hand he decides to play for all of his chips.
    The 30 buck cold callers in between us both fold and it's my action with 485 more to call. The loose baffoon is IMO calling for his last $200 100%. (Id like to know ComaU's opinion on this LB's chances of calling for his 200 more.) A lot of things go through my head. Im actually quite sure he is holding AA. I think I have just gotten to a point in life where I don't care enough about 500 bucks to fold a hand like KK allin preflop. The fact that this LB was going to have a dead 350 in the pot sure gave me more reason for calling. A few other things came to mind also, such as when I busted ComaU in the Brantford 1500 tourney (before the break when we would have made a small chop deal) and went on to cash. Anyways I call with my KK, the LB FOLDS, and ComaU shows me his AA. I still can't believe the LB folds based on his earlier play.
    ComaU is capable of making a play here with a few hands. ComaU was very aware of LB's play throughout the night and if he could somehow get me to fold my hand, (which if I hold QQ I muck without any thought) he is making a huge +EV move to get heads up against LB for tons of dead money. The fact that ComaU could have chirped me for a long time to come if he gets me to fold my winning KK, also made me call.
    I shot off another hundred then quit for the night thinking I better get a quick dsleep in before the tourney.

    I always have trouble waking up for the 10am start times they have at TS. We slept through the first day's $200. I got up at 2pm and went for a swim and hottub, and once the one family cleared out I had the water all to myself, as I often find at this place. There was a nice young Lifeguard to keep me company and to save me in case I couldn't match what I saw David Blaine do a week or so ago. :)
    Got back to the room and of course Jeff Camblor and ComaU are still fast asleep, 4pm. LOL. 10am tourney. LOL.
    I got in a 500max game at about 6pm. I took a ton of small breaks, one to eat, a couple times to go for a walk outside, and a few to check out what else was going on.
    I cashed out at around 5am with 2677 in chips from the 500max, so the cash games were good to me. ComaU took a very long session at the other 500max table and produced almost exactly the same results!

    Since we were checking out early we actually managed to get up for the tourney at 10am. A new thing at TS is that you need to have a casino card to enter poker tournaments, so as we show up just in the nick of time, we have one more little chore to complete before we are allowed inot the event. Since none of us slept our $300 entries were pretty 'dead money' if you ask me. ComaU busted early and decided to go get a sleep in his car before the drive back home. I busted mid range, somewhere in the 120's out of the 250 or so that started. Jeff went a little deeper but with about 90 left he finally got desperate and couldn't win a race, as usual.

    I would really like to splurge and stay in the Lodge for the next tourney series, it looks like a nice place. Turning Stone has a lot to offer, I recommend a summer trip there. From our apt. in St Catharines, we get to the Resort in exactly 3 hrs, well worth the drive!

  • One other kid it coulda been is YellowSub. Jeff Williams, the kid who won The EPT finale for just under a million Euros, was there all week.
    He gave some to ComaU and I in the 500max.
    For someone who just won over a million at the age of 18, i was extremely impressed with how composed and level headed he was.
    His poker game is scary too.
  • CanadaKev wrote:
    One other kid it coulda been is YellowSub. Jeff Williams, the kid who won The EPT finale for just under a million Euros, was there all week.
    He gave some to ComaU and I in the 500max.
    For someone who just won over a million at the age of 18, i was extremely impressed with how composed and level headed he was.
    His poker game is scary too.

    Ya I also played the 500 max with the 10/20nl stars crew JERRRY, Thaaj, CasinoCasino, Poor_User, Playaplz, Chipmovr and some others. Jerry said he was set over setted in the big game vs Empire2000.
  • CanadaKev wrote:
    Im interested to know which kids were playing the big games, and put names to your story.
    The kids that had wads falling out their pockets would have been Ozzy 87, MrSmokey1, Hazards21, and maybe Thaaj.  Any names ring a bell?   pics of guys can be found at Nat's blog   www.natarem.com

    I was playing with some of those guys.  One guy wanted to introduce me to MrSmokey1, so I assume they are friends.  I didn't really want to meet him... just said I knew him as the guy who spent $500 on a $10+1 rebuy at Stars that I was in.

    Great report yourself... the 10am start is brutal.  I mean really, you gotta get down there, register, eat, all BEFORE you play.  I didn't get a lot of sleep that weekend. 

    Then again, the 10am start may explain why I wasn't bounced ridiculously early from any of the tournaments.  I was still asleep, at the table.
  • CanadaKev wrote:
    Im actually quite sure he is holding AA.

    I am actually quite sure (99.999999999%) sure you are holding Kings. I am on the other hand 100% sure you wont fold. If the pot were heads up then you need to worry about when im gonna roll over 72o after you fold.

    The only reason I kill the side games is because I always get gross set ups when im deep in chips. If you ever want to win big just get the second largest chip stack at the table and get dealt KK. Make sure the biggest stack gets dealt JJ and last and most important HAVE THE FLOP COME KJ3. BINGO!
  • Finnaly Of age in 10 days cannot wait , going to the turning stone casino in october for the fall poker classic going to be awsome
  • Anyone going there in August for the Empire State Open? We did pass by the casino on our way back from Boston but time constraints didn't allow a stop.
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