Turning Stone

If anyone's played any tournaments at Turning Stone before, can you please share your thoughts here.

I'm probably going to play in the $500 and $1000 events:


OK that picture is useless.  The link is here: http://turning-stone.com/calendar/poker/

How is the structure?  Aggressive, gradual, or typical?  Also, how many players can they accomodate?


  • Sigh I'd love to go down for this, there's a huge thread on 2+2 of people going as well. If anyone around KW is going I am probably interested in chipping in for accomodations/gas. This link is maybe better for the tournaments:


    I think I remember reading something from March on 2+2 that the structure is pretty good but I could be wrong.
  • I played one tournament there about a year and half ago.
    At that time blind levels were 20 min, but they included every level so it wasn't too bad
    No problem to accommodate at least 400-500 players.
    the tournament I was in (184 entries) was held upstairs in a sort of banquet type facility and I had the impression we were only using a portion of what was available, not to mention the regular poker room (16 tables)
  • The games are filled with :fish:.
  • I haven't played any tournaments there yet but the NL games were v. good every time I've been. Rumour has it that the cash games during the tournament will be so juicy you could wrap them in terrycloth and sell them as sweats. Or something.

    Aces, I'm provisionally playing the $500 event. If you're driving down from T.O. PM me.
  • Well I was planning to go for the 200, 300 and possibly the 500 but I just found out because of the asshole COPS on my 21st birthday I may have trouble crossing the boarder, as my prints are still on file for 2-3 months even though the charges were withdrawn :rage::rage::rage: This now also may mean that I can't go to vegas at the end of the month OR for the WSOP. All of this because of some wanna be tough guy cops :rage::rage::'(
  • Thanks for the replies... keep 'em coming!

    I spoke with the poker room guy at TS and he said that these events will not sell out.  So, instead of pre-registering, and then winning seats, and then having to sell the seats I won, I figure I'll just register at the casino if I fail to win a seat.

    That does mean waking up at 8:00am to do so, but hopefully it won't come to that.

    My sched.:

    Me and Mike arrive at Turning Stone on Thurs. in time to play the 7pm super satellite.
    Play $500 on Friday + satellite that night if necessary/possible
    Play $1000 on Saturday
    Play Day 2 of 1K on Sunday, or play the $300, or just go home.

    The tournaments won't sell out, but the hotel certainly will.  The rooms were getting all booked up when I called the second time yesterday.  $75 poker rate at the hotel.
    Soup wrote:
    Well I was planning to go for the 200, 300 and possibly the 500 but I just found out because of the asshole COPS on my 21st birthday I may have trouble crossing the boarder, as my prints are still on file for 2-3 months even though the charges were withdrawn :rage::rage::rage: This now also may mean that I can't go to vegas at the end of the month OR for the WSOP. All of this because of some wanna be tough guy cops  :rage::rage::'(

    There's a story here, and I'd love to hear it.  Please share.  Prints?  Cops?  Border problems?  What happened???

    I had trouble crossing the border just to get from Windsor to Sarnia on my last poker road trip, but that's just because the US Customs guys didn't like my sunglasses and my car.  They went through my ashtray looking for roaches... no dice.  Me and Mike were detained for about 20 minutes though, while the goons stared at us blankly AND suspiciously, if that's possible.  It was uncomfortable, but nothing more than a nuisance.
  • I'll be there on Friday night, Saturday night, and possibly Sunday night... likely after 9 pm all nights. The wife, kids and I will be visiting family in Rome, NY... just 10 mins from the casino (hee hee)... I'll keep an eye out for you... you may or may not remember me from Zithal's pokerforum.ca Celebrity classic a few years ago!!! l assume you'll be playing the 1-3 spread game, after you bust out of the tourneys.
  • Long story short. I was going to a club in Niagara falls for my birthday, bouncer started being dick and we got in a bit of an argument, I was trying to round up my friends to leave, he continued to get in my face I told him to...well you can probably guess what I was saying (I was very calm and respectful for most of it but he really started to tick me off) . Next thing I know cops are involved, pounding my face in, smashing me off the cop car ($6,000 in damage done to the cop car from my head/body being smashed off it) my gf is obviously freaking out, then a 250lb cop punches her (110lb) in the face and nocks her out...what am I supposed to do? Next thing I know I'm arrested and in jail by 11pm on my 21st birthday...AWESOME.

    Basically they were two young cops looking for fights. You should have heard these fucking tough guys, "lucky I didnt nock your fucking teeth out" one cop says about my gf. Then when I was refusing to answer any questions to the cop who was just beating the shit out of me for NO reason he says (while I'm hand cuffed nonetheless) "start talking or I'll nock you the fuck out, right here". Real fuckin tough guys eh? What I would give to find one of them off duty in a club talking shit.

    Sorry for the angered rant, I just get really worked up when I think about the whole event. We do plan to take civil actions against the police and the night club (as they were on paid duty for the club), just waiting for our charges to be dealt with first.

    And because I was finger printed and I had a mug shot taken, its not smart for me to cross the boarder. Even though the charges have been withdrawn against me they prints and shots take about 2-3 months to be destroyed, and if the boarder see's the prints/charges they will be put into the boarder computers and its impossible to get those removed.
  • been there, done that...not vert fond of the small penis patrolmen either
  • did they get a liquor licence yet? last time i was there they were apparently working on it..always makes the side games juicier:)
  • I'll be there on Friday night, Saturday night, and possibly Sunday night... likely after 9 pm all nights.  The wife, kids and I will be visiting family in Rome, NY... just 10 mins from the casino (hee hee)... I'll keep an eye out for you... you may or may not remember me from Zithal's pokerforum.ca Celebrity classic a few years ago!!!  l assume you'll be playing the 1-3 spread game, after you bust out of the tourneys.

    1-3 spread game?!?  That sounds too small.  After I bust out of the tourneys?!?  Not bloody likely.  I plan to get first place in both events.

    I do remember you from Zithal's tourney... IIRC I was playing at the same table as you and your wife.  I might not be able to recognize you easily though, so if you see me and recognize me please come and say hi!  I'll probably be wearing a ridiculously old green ball cap with "1920" on it.
    Soup wrote:
    Long story short. I was going to a club in Niagara falls for my birthday, bouncer started being dick and we got in a bit of an argument, I was trying to round up my friends to leave, he continued to get in my face I told him to...well you can probably guess what I was saying (I was very calm and respectful for most of it but he really started to tick me off) . Next thing I know cops are involved, pounding my face in, smashing me off the cop car ($6,000 in damage done to the cop car from my head/body being smashed off it) my gf is obviously freaking out, then a 250lb cop punches her (110lb) in the face and nocks her out...what am I supposed to do? Next thing I know I'm arrested and in jail by 11pm on my 21st birthday...AWESOME.

    Basically they were two young cops looking for fights. You should have heard these fucking tough guys, "lucky I didnt nock your fucking teeth out" one cop says about my gf. Then when I was refusing to answer any questions to the cop who was just beating the shit out of me for NO reason he says (while I'm hand cuffed nonetheless) "start talking or I'll nock you the fuck out, right here". Real fuckin tough guys eh? What I would give to find one of them off duty in a club talking shit.

    Sorry for the angered rant, I just get really worked up when I think about the whole event. We do plan to take civil actions against the police and the night club (as they were on paid duty for the club), just waiting for our charges to be dealt with first.

    And because I was finger printed and I had a mug shot taken, its not smart for me to cross the boarder. Even though the charges have been withdrawn against me they prints and shots take about 2-3 months to be destroyed, and if the boarder see's the prints/charges they will be put into the boarder computers and its impossible to get those removed.

    That's a pretty brutal story... a friend of mine just experienced something similar... he was hammered, probably said the wrong thing to the cops, and woke up in the drunk tank after having the shit kicked out of him.  That was like a month ago and he's still bruised.
    GTA Poker wrote:
    did they get a liquor licence yet? last time i was there they were apparently working on it..always makes the side games juicier:)

    No liquor licence?  Do you mean in the gaming area only?  They better have a bar at least... what else am I going to do after I bust out.  I don't imagine there's much of a nightlife scene in the vicinity of the casino?
  • Devin,

    No, I mean on the entire property. Something wrt to it being on an Indian reservation. Last I was there a year or so ago they had several bars, but no liquor licence. You were allowed to bring in alcohol as I recall because we brought in wine to the steak house. I'm too lazy to read the entire thread -- what are the dates that people are heading down, if I'm off I may come play some side games for a few days.
  • I'm going to be there from Thurs. May 18 to Sun. May 21

    Mickey Holdem from the 19th to the 21st.

    Possibly others, but nothing confirmed in this thread.

    I'm still confused about the bar/liquor situation, but if the casino is "dry" I'm sure I'll be able to buy some beer and bring it to my room.
  • all_aces wrote:
    I'm still confused about the bar/liquor situation, but if the casino is "dry" I'm sure I'll be able to buy some beer and bring it to my room.

    You can not buy alcohol any where in the casino... however you can (and it is fairly common) bring cans of beer into the poker room in a backpack (or something similar) and open cans at said table and drink them.... Do not attempt to sell them to other patrons... this is frowned upon... you may share... but DO NOT sell!
  • We'll i've now realized if I get a 12er in me I'll have the balls to try to pass the boarder, see everyone in NY :D
  • This is the structure I got from players who played in the Jan/Feb one.

    $200, 300, 500: T2500 30 min blinds

    $1000, T3000, 1 hour levels.

    A bunch of 2+2ers are going, so I expect the fields to be mixed plus donkified.

    Question to those going, if I were to go and didn't have a passport, would birth certificate and driver's liscense be sufficient to cross the border?
  • A_A,

    I booked a room for the 26, 27, 28. All they could give me was a King size bed and a cott too, for 3 of us, (man flirting??!! :( ). Hoping ComaU, Jeff C and myself will head down (maybe Giggles too?).
    Looks like we will play the 2, 3, 5 and head home as we are busted from the Friday 500.
    The poker room on weekends for cash games is an absolute zoo during peak hours, but the games are often outstanding. During tourney time like this, they always get some nice big NL games as well as at LEAST 30-60 LHE going for you.
    I guess some of us should meet up Thursday for a late dinner, there are a ton of options right there.

    As someone mentioned the structures are just OK for the 200 and 300.
    It gets to be a pretty good structure for the 500.
    The 1K has a really really good structure giving 2 days of play.
    See yous soon.

  • Just for clarity's sake, the entire resort is dry, which means that you cannot purchase alcohol anywhere on the grounds, including the lodge. As mentioned earlier, you are allowed to bring alcohol onto the premises, they just cannot serve it to you.

    I'm planning on heading down on Thursday morning and playing at least the $500. Depending on how I feel and how good the cash action is, I may play the $1000.
  • Tilter wrote:

    Question to those going, if I were to go and didn't have a passport, would birth certificate and driver's liscense be sufficient to cross the border?

    DL and BC are suff. to cross the border driving.
  • CanadaKev wrote:
       I booked a room for the 26, 27, 28. 

    Hmmm... are you going down a week later than me, or did you just get the dates mixed up?
  • 16, 17 , 18.

    P.S. That explains why everytime i type a bet of 10 or 15 bucks at the tables, i've been opening for 20 and 25 instead.
    Thanks for the help :)
  • Hey Kev,
    do you know the actual sturcture? Do you think you can post it.


    Question to those going, if I were to go and didn't have a passport, would birth certificate and driver's liscense be sufficient to cross the border?
  • Tilter wrote:

    Question to those going, if I were to go and didn't have a passport, would birth certificate and driver's liscense be sufficient to cross the border?

    DL and BC are suff. to cross the border driving.
  • I think I remeber but these could be off slightly.
    $200, $300 - 2500 chips, 30 min levels, 25/25, 25/50, 50/100 ........
    $500 - 3000 chips, 40 min levels, same as above.
    $1000 - 5000 chips, 1h levels.
  • Soup wrote:
    Tilter wrote:

    Question to those going, if I were to go and didn't have a passport, would birth certificate and driver's liscense be sufficient to cross the border?

    DL and BC are suff. to cross the border driving.

    The last time I crossed the border to Turning Stone at the crossing near Kingston, no problems crossing with my citizenship card so you can try going that route if you are a citizen but don't have a passport
  • I leave tomorrow. Good luck to all those who are playing in this.
  • The short story... we had a great time. No tournament cashes, but they had a great 50/100 LHE game ,and I ended up leaving Turning Stone with a slight profit. On a whim, me and Mike decided to swing by Brantford Charity Casino last night on our way home. We put our names on the lists and decided to play blackjack to kill some time.

    I rarely play blackjack, and I'm not all that great at it. I can never remember when to split 8's (always, as it turns out). Anyway, I bought in for $500 and left with--I'm not kidding--$4500. Don't worry, I'm not sitting here convincing myself to give up my job, and poker, and become a pro blackjack player. I know the game is not beatable in the long run. But what a SICK run. My friend Mike was next to me and he did well too.

    We were getting a little crazy with the high-fiving after a couple of beers and a couple of grand, so the waitress came over and discreetly warned us that we were being "watched". I guess if we were LOSING and having a blast, it would be OK. They like their winners a little more low-key though.

    Basically, they were looking for any reason to get rid of us, and we didn't give them any. What a crazy way to end the trip, on a last-minute decision to head to BCC.

    We never ended up playing any poker there.

    I did run into Dinobot (Courtney) and it was great to meet him.

    More on Turning Stone to follow, but in general, here was the story of my tournaments:

    I'd get a lot of chips in with the best hand. I'd lose. I'd wait. I'd finally get a coinflip. I'd lose the coinflip. I'd play in the cash games.

    That was pretty much it. In the super satellite, they were giving away 10 packages, out of 130 players. I finished 16th.

    In the $500 event, they were paying 30 players of 300, I finished 35th.

    In the 1K and the consolation $300 tournaments, I never really got anything going.
  • Well, I couldn't wait to hear some about some of your tournament winnings....
    But glad to here the BBC was so good too you's
    see you at the Team Canuck tourny June 10th.
    Keep er up
  • The new poker room is very nice, lots of space compared to the old one. Pretty good structure on the tournaments, 5k instead of 2500 would be nice though. I managed to get a 3rd in the 300 and 20th in the 200. I just wish I ran as good as all_aces in Blackjack! I'll probably be back in August for the next few events.
  • AcesUp wrote:
    The new poker room is very nice, lots of space compared to the old one. Pretty good structure on the tournaments, 5k instead of 2500 would be nice though. I managed to get a 3rd in the 300 and 20th in the 200. I just wish I ran as good as all_aces in Blackjack! I'll probably be back in August for the next few events.

    Congrats on the couple of good finishes. I'm also hoping to be able to go down to the tournaments being held in mid August.
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