Kitchener-Waterloo Triple Crown Rules/Updates Thread

The Kitchener-Waterloo Triple Crown will honor the first player in the region to win a Bristol Street Night Club and Casino Tournament, a KPS Tournament and a Cook Crew Tournament.* All of these tournaments are local home games in the KW area and are rake free.* They've extablished themselves as the class of the field in home game entertainment.* The poker is among the best in Southwestern Ontario, with several of the top 3 Royal Cup team members competing on a regular basis.*

This will prove to be a crowning achievement for whomever can pull it off.* Here is a listing of the rules and basically how the whole thing works.

For the Tournament to qualify as a KWTC eligible tournament the following is required:

i. It must be a BSNC, KPS or CC run tournament
ii. A minimum of 16 players
iii. There is not a minimum buy-in required
iv. The tournament takes place after April 30/06

How to win the K-W Triple Crown:

i. Sign up for one of the above tournaments
ii. Prior to the "Shuffle up and deal", at the beginning of the tournament, you must pay $1 into the KWTC side pot.* This is required because if you do happen to win the tournament and have not paid the $1 then your win will not be eligible for the KWTC standings.* The standings will be posted in this thread.
iii. Win a BSNC, KPS or CC tournament.* Once you accomplish this, you no longer need to keep feeding the pot with the $1 at that particular tournament.* You would still need to pay the $1 at each of the remaining tournaments that you have failed to win.
iv. *There is no time limit on how long/short the KWTC will run.* If it is won in 3 months or 3 years, the pot will build untill the time it is won.* If at some point a tournament host(s) closes his doors a replacement will be found or the group of players that have atleast one win under their belts will be entered into a freeroll for the money.* (*The above rule is subject to change depending upon popular vote)
v. Monies will be collected and kept in a small safe.* All of the money that comes in will be accounted for and received by the eventual KWTC winner, pot value updates will be added to this thread.*

The organization of this is run in conjunction with Mark Breaton (DrTyore).* Him and I reserve the right to make changes to the above rules in cooporation with* participant majority.*

Good Luck to all who participate!


Total Pot value: $320

Winners: *
Rob "Moose"
Rob "Zithal"
Tye "8Ball"
Josh "Haddon"
Kristy "KristySea"
Mario "itsame"
Sean "sstar"
Nik "800Over"
Shannon "stpboy"
Mark 'DrTyore'
Mike 'RangerMike'

Greg "g2"
Nik "800Over"

Cook Crew:
Trevor "Beanie42"
Jeremy "2Bullets"
Mark "DrTyore"
Shannon "stpboy"

Last updated: Oct 2, 2008


  • I'm in!!

    I like that it's not during one calender year, so we can start RIGHT AWAY.

    I assume that Event #1 for this will be the Cook Crew H.O.R.S.E Tournament on Friday?

    Thanks to stpboy and Drtyore for looking after this for us.


    EDIT: See next post, I'm a thread donk.
  • Glad you're excited about it Johnnie, as am I! Unfortunately it isn't starting until...

    stpboy wrote:
    iv. The tournament takes place after April 30/06

    Mark and I still need to pick up a few things (ie. cash box, pens...ummm other stuff) but yeah, we wanted to start it at the start of a month as well. May 1/06 we get it going!

  • stpboy wrote:

    Glad you're excited about it Johnnie, as am I!  Unfortunately it isn't starting until...

    stpboy wrote:
    iv. The tournament takes place after April 30/06

    Mark and I still need to pick up a few things (ie. cash box, pens...ummm other stuff) but yeah, we wanted to start it at the start of a month as well.  May 1/06 we get it going!


    and some LOVE!!!

    Man I hope someone holds a tournament on a sunday sometime in the next few months :(
  • one more thing needs to be established that i dont think has been discussed yet.

    bristol holds alot of side events. rob runs christmas tournaments and his legens tournament. will those be included? i'm not sure if any of them get over 24 players (aside form the legends tournament of course) liek the casual fridays?

    i personally think only the classics should be included but thats not for me to decide.

  • I'm honoured to be included in on this. Once May hits we'll start getting the ball rolling on more BSC events!!
  • This sounds great! I'm in.

    Thanks for starting & running this guys!


    (I know this echos Jonny, but hey , I felt it couldn't be said enough.)
  • I echo Tye's and Johnnie's words.

    I am in.
  • I think you've found an easy,workable way to make your triple-crown happen.
    Will you be posting regular updates of the current prize pool and active contenders (anyone who has paid in and won one or two events)?
    I'm guessing a new triple-crown will start as soon as one is won.

    Dave Kostis
  • Exactly Dave! I will post on the OP players that have won an event and how much the triple crown pot has grown to. I won't be able to list the players that have paid into it as we don't think that is completely necessary, it's only relevant for each and every tournament that you play in. It will be up to the Triple Crown player rep. for each tournament to make sure they keep track of who has paid. Hopefully at the end of each tournament, when a winner is crowned, that person would have paid there $1. All of the other dollars that were paid by non-winners are now in the pot and it doesn't really matter who the non-winners are because they'll have to pay the $1 again until they win that event. Make sense?

    I'm glad you guys like the idea, the first one should be sometime next week I'm thinking.

  • The original thread has been updated with the current pot value for the KWTC. The person that played in the last qualifying tournament did not pay his $1 so did not qualify.

  • The OP has been edited to reflect the pot value and current winners at each home game. Thanks to Mark for really taking ahold of this triple crown by the balls! Great work!

  • stpboy wrote: »
    The OP has been edited to reflect the pot value and current winners at each home game. Thanks to Mark for really taking ahold of this triple crown by the balls! Great work!

    Yeah, Mark really likes grabbing things by the balls (so I'm told). Sorry, I couldn't help myself... too easy.

  • Tye's post about Bristol points reminded me, I meant to ask...

    If a KWTC event is chopped, can one player receive the KWTC 'win' in exchange for less money or whatever?

    I vote for no, if a KWTC event is chopped, no one should be awarded the win. Just my opinion.

  • g2 wrote: »
    Tye's post about Bristol points reminded me, I meant to ask...

    If a KWTC event is chopped, can one player receive the KWTC 'win' in exchange for less money or whatever?

    I vote for no, if a KWTC event is chopped, no one should be awarded the win. Just my opinion.

    I agree, and from the OP:
    stpboy wrote: »
    iii. Win a BSNC, KPS or CC tournament.
    I think winning (not chopping when heads-up) is consistent with both the posted guidelines and the spirit of the Triple Crown.
  • Thanks Jen and Trevor

    Congrats Joe, for setting out to do what you wanted to. :)
    I was glad for the chop. IT meant I got to have a two hour nap before work :). I figured the way Jeremy and Joe where playing heads up, they were going to be there till after 1am. playing.

    I believe this quote sums it up. Obviously play WAS affected by the chop.

    When the last two posts in the KWTC thread are by 2/3 of the KWTC tournament directors discussing that chops are not to be allowed, with no further discussion by any of the players or Mark or STP, I assumed then that everyone was in agreement.
  • moose wrote: »
    When the last two posts in the KWTC thread are by 2/3 of the KWTC tournament directors
    To be clear, I posted here as a player involved in the Triple Crown, not as a host. KWTC is totally independent in the same way ProLine and the NHL are related. KWTC may use Cook Crew results, but the tournament isn't directly involved.

    Now, as a player, I agree with Moose, I didn't think chops were allowed. While Joe and Jeremy did play it out, it is a bit different since some of the pressure of winning is removed. I don't think Jeremy should be penalized for this, Mark did authorize it and he continued to play in good faith. However, I think the KWTC rules should be clarified on what exactly a "legal chop" is. I also apologize for not speaking up at the tourney as a player, but it was a long day and I wasn't really thinking about anything (except PacMan ;) ).
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    To be clear, I posted here as a player involved in the Triple Crown, not as a host. KWTC is totally independent in the same way ProLine and the NHL are related. KWTC may use Cook Crew results, but the tournament isn't directly involved.

    Now, as a player, I agree with Moose, I didn't think chops were allowed. While Joe and Jeremy did play it out, it is a bit different since some of the pressure of winning is removed. I don't think Jeremy should be penalized for this, Mark did authorize it and he continued to play in good faith. However, I think the KWTC rules should be clarified on what exactly a "legal chop" is. I also apologize for not speaking up at the tourney as a player, but it was a long day and I wasn't really thinking about anything (except PacMan ;) ).
    Umm... pretend I said the exact same things as beanie... just about the KPS/WPC instead.

    As a player I think Jeremy's win should stand, he kept playing after the chop believing it was for the KWTC win. I just think that the KWTC directors should be more careful with their decisions in the future :)

  • g2 wrote: »
    As a player I think Jeremy's win should stand, he kept playing after the chop believing it was for the KWTC win. I just think that the KWTC directors should be more careful with their decisions in the future :)


    I think it should also depend on if Joe was also playing for the triple crown.
  • Okay... a few things

    A: I'm really surprised at the amount of chatter this has caused, and I would like to apologize to anyone that feels this was a poor decision.

    B: The decision stands

    C: After a discussion with stpboy, it was decided to add two amendments for this type of situation.
    a1: In our opinion, a player wins a tournament when they win all the chips. If a chop for the tourney money is decided upon, that is irrelevant to the TC money.
    a2: In order to prevent collusion or any sort of deal making with regards to the TC money, any chop agreed to must include that the players are going to chop for $x, and play for the last $y, where y is a sum equal or greater than the tournament buy-in. Any other potential collusion will be decided upon by the TC organizers (stpboy and DrTyore).

    Bottom line - anyone has a problem with this, leave beanie/g2/Zithal out of it and talk to us. Again, they have (really) no say in the triple crown. We use their events as the scoresheets, but someone's analogy to pro-line and NHL hockey is a good one.

    As for last night (Saturday, Jan 27th) game: Jeremy's win counts. Joe's participation in TC was, IMO, irrelevant as far as the game quality goes (and no, he wasn't in it FYI), as was the chop agreement.

    Please feel free to PM me with any questions / concerns / comments.

  • Nice post, Mark.

    IMHO the win should stand. Jeremy shoudn't be penalized and I don't remember anywhere saying that chops didn't count. Mark and Shannon make the decisions. If anyone has an issue I would refund their money personally that they have put into this. This is supposed to be a fun way to make poker in this town a little more exciting. Nothing to get bent out of shape about.
  • moose wrote: »
    I believe this quote sums it up. Obviously play WAS affected by the chop.

    When the last two posts in the KWTC thread are by 2/3 of the KWTC tournament directors discussing that chops are not to be allowed, with no further discussion by any of the players or Mark or STP, I assumed then that everyone was in agreement.

    I really dont like the fact the you have used me as the excuse for the chop or any of this. Play as far as I could tell was not affected by the chop. I was there for the long hall weather or not they finished at the time they did or at a later time. I am postive that JOes play had nothing to to with me having to work in the morning. And it was not even JOe who proposed the chop to begin with. It was Jeremy who asked if Joe wanted to chop. And JOe agreed and Mark let it happen.

    And Yes I was glad, that they ended when they did. And if that was wrong of me to say so then so be it.

    I am sorry you feel this way moose.
  • I don't know how you can interpret that I used you as an excuse for anything. You posted that the tournament wrapped up sooner because of the chop. I quoted your post directly. It is impossible for me to use any other words, other than your own.

    I don't feel 'any particular way'. It has nothing to do with the TD's. I only pointed out that they are TD's because they are respected members of the poker community and as such, their opinions are well-respected. Mark and STP let their posts stand discussing chops for over a month with no response. Since they are responsible for the triple crown, they are responsible for administering the rules. The result of the last tournament seemed inconsistent with what had been discussed. As the pool gets bigger and more players accumulate two wins it becomes more important to be clear and consistent.

    My only gripe would be that over a month ago we had two posts voting for no-chops. No-one, including Mark and STP posted disagreement with this. Unless there is some disagreement following, you can only intrepret that as acceptance of a no-chop rule. The OP states that it is to be majority rules and yet we had a chop occur and most people post-fact seemed to think this was ok. If anyone was in disagreement with the posts by Beanie and G2, including Mark and STP, then it should have been discussed, voted on and posted BEFORE this happened.

    I only pointed out a discrepancy between what was posted and what was permitted to occur. If anyone has a personal gripe over me doing that, they can pm me personally.
  • Although I appreciate (and regret) the fact that neither stp or myself responded to the posts about chops, I further do not think that absence of a response constitutes an agreement.

    The rules are in the OP, and as it would appear from there, chopping is allowed. The ammendments that I posted are an attempt to clarify should such a situation happen again.

    Perhaps I'm not making this 100% clear; although I value the input and feedback from the tournament directors they have no say in the running of the triple crown. The posts by beanie and g2, though helpful, were not relevant to the actual rules. Both stp and myself take into account their (and everyone's) opinions, and are trying to make as many people happy as we can.

    If anyone who's won a TC event feels slighted, I'm offering a refund of $10 right now - that should easily have covered any number of TC events you've participated in. However, you will be effectively withdrawing from the TC, rendering your wins null and void. I"m just trying to find the fairest way to deal with this, and the original post, along with these amendments are the rules. Any odd situations, well, I'm just going to have to say that you guys will either have to trust the decisions made by stpboy and myself, or refrain from the TC.

  • You have a rule now. It is clear. I don't believe it represents the opinion of the majority BEFORE this smozzle but C'est La Vie.

    I think you and STP are making a valued contribution to poker in this area. No-one can be perfect all the time. We can only do our best at that moment. Thanks guys.
  • Sorry Moose..

    I'm a bit confused.. the rules as they stand now (I take it you mean the "amendments"), had they been in place last week would have also allowed for the situation on Saturday... so this would all have been the same, excepting the conversations...

    Is everyone kosher with this now?

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Total Pot value: $172

    Rob "Moose"
    Rob "Zithal"
    Tye "8Ball"

    Greg "g2"

    Cook Crew:
    Trevor "Beanie42"
    Jeremy "2Bullets"

    Could you please put a "Last updated: ..." somewhere in here, just so we know when the info was last updated. Thanks

    Looks like we need some more KPS/WPC winners! I'm working on some plans for the summer... I can't wait!

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Sorry Moose..

    I'm a bit confused.. the rules as they stand now (I take it you mean the "amendments"), had they been in place last week would have also allowed for the situation on Saturday... so this would all have been the same, excepting the conversations...

    Is everyone kosher with this now?

    I think we should take a vote on whether chops are allowed at all for Triple Crown wins.

  • If no-one posts, does that mean everyone agrees? Hmm?

    BTW I'm kool with it. But if we do a vote, I still vote no-chop.
  • Hey g2...

    The "last edited" tag at the bottom of the post should give you some idea... :)

  • Original post is updated although I have yet to add the 'chopping rule'. My thoughts on the rule when it was questioned a few months ago are (better late then never right? lol) that if each indivdual location host allows chops and delcares one winner by leaving a portion of the money on the table to play for then that is who the winner is and it does qualify. If a host does not allow chops then that is fine as well. I don't think anyone ever wanted the KWTC to affect the integrity or structure of how the games were played. The only way this could get ugly is if there was clearly an act of collusion, I think we all know/trust eachother well enough to know that won't happen.

    Anyway, I hope my jumbled thoughts make sense. Thanks to Mark for taking most of the heat on this one, I obviously stand by his logical reasoning. Congrats Jeremy on your first ring in the TC.

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