West Side Poker Clubs Heads Up Challenge April 29th



  • Yea i will be tehre for the $40 event.... thanks

  • stpboy has come to quite a few West Side events in the past, so it is a little unfair to day he is ducking us at West Side.  However, the challenge from Hollywood is another story ...

    Prophet 22

    I'm sure Shannon knows I was just joking around. All I was trying to do was stir up some competition, and maybe get STP out to this event. If anyone thought I was serious then I apologize.

    :as :ah
  • I knew you were kidding, I just didn't want Shannon being offended, even though he is conspicuously absent from what will be a great event.

    Prophet 22
  • Brent, put me down for that last spot in the 40 buck event will you.

  • Put me down for both.

    Let me play Shopsy in the 1st round of both so he can deal the side games early.

  • Thanks for getting my back Brent, perhaps I did need a kick in the bum to get me to sign up for this one. Mandy, I'm assuming you were the one posting the challenge to get me to come out since I know your man can never outlast me! Hahahahahaha!

    See you fools there, I guess on the waiting list though.

  • In order to have the 125.00 heads up portion of the tournament, we are going to need a minium of 8 players. Under that format we will pay out 600.00 to first, 275.00 for second and 3rd and 4th will play for 125.00.

    If this is the case there may be room to open up the 40.00 tournament.

    Prophet 22
  • Still lots of room for the 125.00 event. If sold out, five wins = 2K. Real nice pay day. Win 2 matches and pretty much get your money back. This is a rack free event.

    Prophet 22
  • Brent, what time is this starting and when do you expect to finish?
  • Starting time is 11:00 am and the 40.00 tournament should be over by 6:00 pm.

    Prophet 22
  • Folded has been added to the 40.00 tournament. We still have 2 on the waiting list.

    Prophet 22
  • I'm not going to be playing in this, please remove me from the list.

  • The list has been updated. The 125.00 event is starting to fill out nicely. Sorry you can make it out stpboy, maybe another time.

    Prophet 22
  • Sorry Brent, I need to cancel.

    Good Luck All,

  • I won't be here.. I need to pulll out of both
  • brent me and eddy may have to cancel i have lacrosse at 7 gotta be at the arena for 5 , soo  only way i can play is if the turny would be done around 5 so i dont think we can come its are home openner for the year and it sucks cus i really wanted to play this event damn damn damn i hate saterdays
  • Sorry, I have to cancel for this one Brent.

    I just found out I've got some family coming into town for the weekend.
  • sorry Brent, I will have to cancel for Saturday. Too many tax returns to get finished this weekend. Hope it is a good tournament.

  • It looks as if the $125 is not filling. I can't justify the drive to KW just to play the $40 tournament, so I'll have to cancel as well. Sorry Brent. If we get almost full on the $125 please let me know.
  • Is this still a go??? The lists have not been updated in a while since the rash of cancellations, so I am just wondering.
  • Is this still a go???  The lists have not been updated in a while since the rash of cancellations, so I am just wondering.


    whiile there has been a few drop outs, I am expecting the 40.00 tournament to be filled with the walk from the bar players that useally play. I have got the list from the bar so I won't be able to update. There is construction at the corner of Weber and Victoria, but if you go thru the Via Rail parking lot you can still get to the bar.

    Prophet 22
  • unfortunately, I wont be able to make the $40 heads up tomorrow.

    Jason T
  • Even though there have been a few cancellations, I am still expecting a good crowd tomorrow. If you want to play we are doing the draw at 10:45 am and hope to start at 11:00am. We will be playing at the Press Box at the corner of Victoria and Weber, across the street from the Via Rail Station.

    Prophet 22
  • Brent need a wake up call
    call my house when u wake up so i can get there on time my numbers 846-5903
  • never mind iam up and ready see ya there in a bit
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