Heads Up tournament, ladder style, double knockout interest?

With all the talk about heads up matches lately, thinking about running a ladder style, double knockout tournament at the same place as the Royal Cup. Think there would be enough interest to run a 32 person event? Soliciting ideas, format thoughts, etc. Anyone run one of these before? Maybe similar to a ladder tennis tournament?


  • i'd probably be up for this... depending on the date and stuff, sounds like a good idea.
  • Sounds like a great idea. The hardest part is the time restraint. The following assumes that you're doing a 32 person DE tournament and can have 16 games running at the same time..

    To pull this off you need time to schedule 10 rounds. (with a possible 11th, because the winner of the losers bracket needs to beat the winner of the winner's bracket twice) I'd think you'd want to design the matches to last no longer than 45 minutes or so.

    1,000 starting chips with 5 minute blinds might look like...

    100-200 (force the end at this point)

    Maybe add a few more chips to the semis and finals to give a little extra play.

    www.8ball.org has some nice downloadable brackets for keeping track of who goes where.
  • Great idea, and depending on timing/cost Jenn might be interested (she likes HU way more than me).

    Not to step on Zithal's toes, but I think the hand-based blind length from the Royal Cup worked well and was easy to manage.
  • yeah i also liked the hand based blind levels... but either way looks good.
  • I found the hand based style from the Royal Cup a little too aggressive and somewhat unreliable. I prefer time based blinds.

    I like Zithal's blind schedule and I may be interested in something like this as well.
  • specialK wrote:
    yeah i also liked the hand based blind levels... but either way looks good.

    How did the royal cup work?
  • Zithal wrote:
    How did the royal cup work?
    10 hands per level
  • I found the hand based style from the Royal Cup a little too aggressive and somewhat unreliable. I prefer time based blinds.
    The aggressiveness can be controlled depending on number of hands, while the reliability is (no offense) the fault of those participating. Time-based blinds have the disadvantage of punishing players who draw a slow opponent (5 min blinds could easily see 2-3 hands/level) as well as requiring clocks for everyone (or everyone starting simultaneously).
  • No offense on the reliability. I was exhausted and was out of it.

    I still prefer time based because for the most part you can get more than 10 hands in a level and it allows more play. I found the blinds to be really high after only 20 minutes of play that it wasn't a poker game.
  • I found the blinds to be really high after only 20 minutes of play that it wasn't a poker game.

    Why were you still playing after 20 minutes? Seriously I'm in I'd prefer 10 hands or 15 hand blind schedule for heads up. Timed blinds work well for larger but heads up if you really need a 10 second shot clock to prevent someone from slowing the game down to much if you go that route. On line I rarely play heads up for more than 20 minutes except on stars. On average at pacific with 15 hand blind ups it's 11 minutes. I realize most people playing this won't be the pacific/party donks.
  • I found the blinds to be really high after only 20 minutes of play that it wasn't a poker game.

    Flint we barely scratched the 200 - 400 blind level in our heads up match. Meaning we got about 30 to 35 hands in before it ended.

    Here was the blinds for the Royal

    started with 5000 in chips
    All levels were 10 hands in length

    25 50
    50 100
    100 200
    200 400
    300 600 Capped.

    I felt timing blinds would be a problem logistically with clocks. Not timing them would allow people to start when they had a chance. Mind you the heads up portion could have ran a bit smoother and will in the future but I think # of hands is the way to go. I did set it at 10 hands as I wanted it to be a bit more active as it was the last event. Given that this event would solely be a HU Event I would bump that to 15 to allow a bit more play if needed.
  • No offense on the reliability. I was exhausted and was out of it.

    I still prefer time based because for the most part you can get more than 10 hands in a level and it allows more play. I found the blinds to be really high after only 20 minutes of play that it wasn't a poker game.
    LOL, weren't the blinds capped at 300 600? with 5k in chips??? How is that not a soft structure??
  • run it where the west side poker clubs run there events perfect place to run it plus i could get a bunch of guys that would come to that cus its close to home
  • I'd be interested, lets keep the buy in reasonable.

  • cole woods wrote:
    run it where the west side poker clubs run there events perfect place to run it plus i could get a bunch of guys that would come to that cus its close to home
    Sorry Cole, too expensive there.. $300. as I recall. That's ok if you're going to have an event with a prize pool of several thousand dollars but I'm thinking this is going to be a much smaller event, maybe 32 players at $20. per head, meaning a prize pool of $640. Can't spend $300.on hall rental for that. Remember Westside does have a rake to cover the hall. We won't. It's only $40. here in Milton. Perhaps Brent want's to plan a much bigger heads up event, but running poker events is not my business, so prefer to stay small. Jeff..
  • Great idea, Jeff.  I'm all in! :fish:

    Here is how Red Hot ran their heads up tournament in December.  All players started at the same time for each round with 4,000 starting chips.  Blinds were at 25/50, 50/100, 100/200, 300/600, etc. and went up every 10 minutes.  The 64-player, single elimination event began play around 7 PM and it was around 11 PM when I went out as the bubble boy in 9th place, leaving 8 players for the final three rounds.

    Pirana Poker Tour also has heads up matches for all players eliminated in the MTT before it gets down to the final table.  Starting chips are only 2,000 and the blind schedule is very similar as above.  I am the only one on the leaderboard for both heads up and tournaments. :) The highest ranked players will face off in a Heads Up Tournament, where the final two will qualify for the Grand Championship in June.  The champion will win a U$10,000 seat to the Main Event, along with an expense-paid trip to Las Vegas.
    compuease wrote:
    ladder style, double knockout tournament at the same place as the Royal Cup. Think there would be enough interest to run a 32 person event? Soliciting ideas, format thoughts, etc. Anyone run one of these before?
  • BlondeFish wrote:
    Great idea, Jeff. I'm all in! :fish:

    Here is how Red Hot ran their heads up tournament in December. All players started at the same time for each round with 4,000 starting chips. Blinds were at 25/50, 50/100, 100/200, 300/600, etc. and went up every 10 minutes. The 64-player, single elimination event began play around 7 PM and it was around 11 PM when I went out as the bubble boy in 9th place, leaving 8 players for the final three rounds.

    Pirana Poker Tour also has heads up matches for all players eliminated in the MTT before it gets down to the final table. Starting chips are only 2,000 and the blind schedule is very similar as above. I am the only one on the leaderboard for both heads up and tournaments. :) The highest ranked players will face off in a Heads Up Tournament, where the final two will qualify for the Grand Championship in June. The champion will win a U$10,000 seat to the Main Event, along with an expense-paid trip to Las Vegas.
    compuease wrote:
    ladder style, double knockout tournament at the same place as the Royal Cup. Think there would be enough interest to run a 32 person event? Soliciting ideas, format thoughts, etc. Anyone run one of these before?

    Now this blind structure soundsa bit ridiculous if it continues to double every 10 minutes.

    I would prefer a $40-$60 buy-in if possible.
  • West Side ran a heads up tournament back in July and I thought it went great. Lee ripped throught the field undefeated. Lost a marathon match, but had to be beat twice and took the second match down in 7 minutes. I can help you with this if you want, I will post the details next week after I finish with this weeks event.

    Prophet 22
  • BlondeFish wrote:
    Great idea, Jeff.  I'm all in! :fish:

    Here is how Red Hot ran their heads up tournament in December.  All players started at the same time for each round with 4,000 starting chips.  Blinds were at 25/50, 50/100, 100/200, 300/600, etc. and went up every 10 minutes.  The 64-player, single elimination event began play around 7 PM and it was around 11 PM when I went out as the bubble boy in 9th place, leaving 8 players for the final three rounds.
    Way to quick for my liking. The bar poker always tends to be that way. That really makes luck too much of a factor. Think we'll go with the consensus of # of hands per level, thinking 12-15 here. That way we don't have to start each match at the same time.. Also thinking of starting this at say 1pm, finishing early evening, with single SNG's or cash games to fill in as we go, then an optional NL multitable to finish off with whomever is still there?? Now how about date? A Sat in late April, May? Any preferences?
  • I like the hands based blind structure. That way people can't slow down games, and it allows for people to start at different times. This sounds like a great event andinterst will suprise you in the amount of people who are interested and will sign up.

  • Count Mandy and I in. We just need the details of cost and the date, but we are flexible. There should be some great poker at this event, can't wait!

    :as :ah
  • I agree with your suggested buy-in of $20. April 8, 22 or 29 looks great so far. I won't be able to make it on April 1 because I will be in the Tournament of Champions with Daniel Negreanu.
    compuease wrote:
    Now how about date? A Sat in late April, May? Any preferences?
  • Yeah april 1st isn't a great date for me either, I'm playing in the tournament of "impresively named tournaments" and PLAYING with kenny rogers just in case your wondering. I can never beat that guy, he just knows when to hold em and knows when to fold em.... I can't a read on the gamer.

  • I'd rather a $50 buy-in if possible, this is going to be a most-of-the-day event after all.
  • First 3 weekends in april are out for me. After that I'm good.
  • I have talked with Jeff, we  are looking at the 29th for building availability.  Details will be announced next week.

    Prophet 22
  • Jeff,

    You can take Miranda and I off if it is the 29th. Out of town. We can make the first couple weekends in May.

  • Hows about a $2 buy-in in October?
  • $300 is a bit steep. My Mum doesn't cover my entry.

    $50 or so is cool. Let's get this thing scheduled.
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