Kitchener-Waterloo Tournament - polling



  • Opps didn;t read the last line. The 24th of July sounds awesome to me.
  • teach wrote:
    I prefer a freezeout with a larger buy-in. I will win this thing - taking out esool and gekko first and second.

    This is a pretty bold statement....Perhaps a small wager is in order?...

  • Perhaps Teach should focus his poker wrath on "the champ". godknowsthatheneedstobebroghtdownanotchortwo. Of course, we don't really want him there with his cell phone at the table....

  • Zithal wrote:
    2pm : Satellite tournament
    5pm : Break for BBQ!
    6pm : Main Tournament.
    Thoughts/comments? If this sounds good, all we need to do is to pick a date, so I'll propose, umm.... Saturday, July 24th. It's about a month away and gives people time to plan.

    Sounds good to me. I was actually looking into having a tourney the same day so maybe I will hold mine early August instead..
    I am definitely in.
  • I could be up for it too.
  • The idea about a satellite earlier in the day is a godsend.
    Many of us will be coming in from an hour or so away and to come for a 10 buck shootout just doesn't make that much sense.
    A 50 bucker is right up the alley for the majority of players.
    It is a preference of mine as well, and I would love to come play in this.
  • I am thinking that I would enjoy entering in this tourney. Considering it is in Waterloo and so am I.
    Just met Zithal on and told me about this forum and the tourney he is working on.
    great stuff
  • Hi guys...

    I'm new to this site but am a Kitchener resident myself.....I wouldn't be able to make the proposed July 24th tourney but keep me posted of any upcoming planned tourneys or home games if you're having any! My e-mail address is

    Thanx guys!!
  • I think a tourney with $40 - $100 entry fees with no rebuys or add-ons would work the best. Perhaps if there is enough interest, we could start a regular $20-40 weekly tourney. Perhaps get a cash game going.

    I apperars there is enough of us from the K-W area where a weekly game could be in order.

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