


  • Boy has this ever taken off!
    What do I enjoy about the Site?:
    ---questions and answers about hands, or playing styles, If I respond in disagreement I know I can do so without being rude , vulgar, taking shots at the person I am addressing
    ---finding out about touneys in the area- helps me filling around Gym time (see Fat Boys Poker Challenge Thread)
    ---Jokes and humour, I certainly appreciate the indepth reports from many of the forum posters
    ---Conversing with friends I have met on the site

    To enjoy this, what do I have to do?
    ---Be civil, do not try to portray myself as someone I am not!! Work on my writting, try to make the people who read my posts, smile :D
    ---understand that for an open forum to survive, there MUST be rules. Sloth makes the Rules, it's his sandbox, it's his pail, and his shovel and if I can't play right I won't be invited back, Sounds fair enough to me!!!!

    Look at all the typing you made me do. Now Shuffle up and Deal!!!

    Milton Slim (not yet)

    *edited at the request of Milton* (added Sloth's name instead of Scottys')
  • Big E wrote:
    BBC Z wrote:
    Hork summed it up pretty well in the York post. Say whatever is on your mind but be prepared to pay the cost for your words. This forum ISN'T my boss, my customer, my wife, my child, my teacher nor my student. It's a POKER FORUM people. It's not a comment on society, it's not part of some master plan, it doesn't lay golden eggs and it's not going to save the world. It's a bunch of gamblers huddled around their computers talking about poker.

    Can we regain some FOCUS here?

    Poker isn't about feelings and being huggy-cutey, it's about winning money.

    I completely agree (although I really like Lou and appreciate his insight so no comment on the other stuff you said). I am so sick and tired of people trying to please everyone in this world, there are so many different beliefs, outlooks, philosophies, or however you want to say you just can't do it and why should you try? I'm not saying everyone has a right to be an asshole nor should they strive to be one but my god let me voice my opinion and if you don't agree tell me, I'm an adult I can handle any criticism you send my way! I agree that certain lines are there not to cross, racial slurs, indecent material, and foul language are a fine example there's no place anywhere for that type of thing and they are completely unnecessary to get your point across...and I believe that is moderated and dealt with accordingly but what else is a forum for then a place to share thoughts, ideas, theories, congratulations or even to vent frustrations or debate differences of opinion. I much prefer brutal honesty to sugar coated garbage.

    We as a group decide collectively how we should behave.  Everyone can behave how they want.  If someone doesn't like it, they either bring the group to their level or they no longer belong to the group.

    I will post another Don Knotts story and it will be in the right place.

    Funny how my post about breaking the rules was met with great resistance because the poster was a good poster.  In fact I was ridiculed by more than one moderator.  And, I believe you thought less of me as a person.  I do have a thick skin and it didn't hurt me.  Oddly enough I wasn't thinking about me, which is what so many are thinking of when they vehemently defend their right to post in a certain manner.  I was acting in the interest of the forum.  Is 13Cards not a good poster who should be allowed to "bend" a rule?  After all it wasn't one of the "big" rules.  I see stuff all the time which crosses the line of the rules, but definitely not the line of the poster.  Where does the line get drawn?  IMO, the owner of the forum should draw the line and have it enforced.  If we don't like it we find another forum.  Unfortunately, everyone seems to have their own line and inevitably we argue about the line all the time about and not the content.  Btw, the owner of the forum also crosses the line.  And, the line gets crossed all the time as dinobot pointed out with the porn post.  Since there's no line, we should use our own judgement.  Unfortunately we all don't have the same view.  Well that's fortunate, but that's another post.

    So, the forum will go to the lowest common denominator because that's just how nature works.  It's way harder to bring things up a level.  I'm not asking  the folks to change their ways, as everyone can do as they wish and they see fit.  If we condone a behaviour then it becomes the norm.  I think the forum should go how it goes and will participate when it's good for me, instead of where I can help (new lou vs. old lou on the forum).  

  • So this started out as a thread about the mood of the forum of late....

    I'm slightly hijacking here, and am going to post about the forum, and what it means to me:

    This forum is a community. I mean this in the most pure and good definition of the word. I moved to Kitchener about two years ago. I knew nobody in town, and had no idea of what this town was like. Then one day, someone told me about this game at Bristol Street. I went, alone, to this strangers house, and found some great people (one that looked suspiciously familiar, until I realized I was thinking of "Nitz" from the show "Undergrads" ). Anyways, I heard talk of this forum, and decided to finally sign up for it.

    Now, when I talk about poker, I talk about how much fun I have with the people that I've met. We're all greatly diverse in age, personality, skills, interests, and backgrounds. However, I also feel that I can turn to some of the people I've known on here for advice, consolation, support, and any other help I need - oh, and recreation too! I love this forum. I love the people from this forum. I feel that if I needed something, be it help moving or a kidney, I would be able to post here (in the right topic area of course), and find the help I need. I'm not kidding when I say this little corner of the internet means a lot to me, and despite some of the negativity, it is a great honour to be a part of it.

    I think that we should all reflect on just what this place means to us. I know not everyone will feel the way I do, but teh bottom line is, this forum is a great thing. I am indebted to all the moderators and sloth for allowing me the opportunity to have met so many people who have helped make my life better. I can only hope that others have had as positive an experience as I have. This is a shining example of what a community should be, and it's sad that we've lost community in our real lives. How many of us even know our neighbours? To be honest, I doubt most of us can claim we do.

    So, regardless of our occasional bickerings, and differences of opinions, I still love this place. I feel that it is our diversity that makes life interesting, our differences that allow us to grow, and our conflict that help us learn to better appreciate one another and grow.

    Sorry for the "rant".

  • magithighs wrote:
    So, the forum will go to the lowest common denominator because that's just how nature works.  It's way harder to bring things up a level.  I'm not asking  the folks to change their ways, as everyone can do as they wish and they see fit.  If we condone a behaviour then it becomes the norm.
    I agree with Lou here - if the rules are not enforced, things do go to the lowest common denominator.  I think we do need a clear line that is enforced, regardless of where that line is.
    DrTyore wrote:
    I think that we should all reflect on just what this place means to us. I know not everyone will feel the way I do, but teh bottom line is, this forum is a great thing. I am indebted to all the moderators and sloth for allowing me the opportunity to have met so many people who have helped make my life better. I can only hope that others have had as positive an experience as I have. This is a shining example of what a community should be, and it's sad that we've lost community in our real lives. How many of us even know our neighbours? To be honest, I doubt most of us can claim we do.

    So, regardless of our occasional bickerings, and differences of opinions, I still love this place. I feel that it is our diversity that makes life interesting, our differences that allow us to grow, and our conflict that help us learn to better appreciate one another and grow.
    Nice post.
    DrTyore wrote:
    How many of us even know our neighbours? To be honest, I doubt most of us can claim we do.
    I do know most of my neighbors, but there are still some I haven't met (and Sloth needs to close the curtains ;) ).
  •, clearly defined and enforced rules moving forward as of today. Take a good look and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    new rule discussion thread here:

    this thread has been locked to ensure everyone reads the rules and takes a calm breath.
This discussion has been closed.