
I'm just curious. This place was a very friendly forum to come and talk poker and have fun sharing stories about huge pots and bad beats and whatever. Lately it seems that this community is changing moods and anything slightly out of norm is met with hostility and angry confrontations resulting in bans and deleted/edited posts and shit. Can someone explain this to me, because I don't get it.
I for one get timid when posting a reply and a lot of times just choose not to post at all and avoid all this bullshit. I get the sense this isnt a friendly place to come and hang out anymore. Please tell my I'm wrong and I'm talking out of my ass, because I really like this forum and everything that its doing to promote this game in Canada and bring us "laid back, easy going Canucks" together.

Can't we all just get along. :D



  • I was thinking the same thing. Everybody wants to knock out everybody elses chickletts. Maybe its a bad case of forum cabin fever. Actually this forum is just going through the same growing pains that any forum experiencing rapid growth goes through.
  • I was thinking the same thing. Everybody wants to knock out everybody elses chickletts. Maybe its a bad case of forum cabin fever. Actually this forum is just going through the same growing pains that any forum experiencing rapid growth goes through.

    Maybe if that were true.. but it's the people with 200 posts or more than cant stand eachother..
  • We are all just getting sick of each other and more comfortable sharing what we really feel and that is bound to cause a few war of words. We can't all get along all the time, have you met some of us? We can be jerks.
  • I understand where you're coming from SR. I would love a more unified community...and free speech is a part of being Canadian. At the same time, I am the one who gets oodles of reported posts for various offensive topics/content.

    I think I'm going to be leaning more towards freedom of speech unless it is taken to a personal level.


    "Apples are stupid". To me, is totally okay to say (where 'apples' is replaced with just about anything)


    "you are stupid for eatting apples" would not be okay if the target of the statement took offence.

    This is what I'm trying to write as a guideline for acceptable posts vs non acceptable posts. Having said this, I was in the wrong to edit your post (you know the one I'm referring to)

    ps. Apples ARE stupid. Peaches own.
  • People just need to be a bit more thick skinned. There is posts that I find offensive or I dont agree with but I have a choice to read and respond to whatever post. If I find somthing that is not to my liking I simply ignore it and thats that. This is an online community with over 2000 members and there will always be topics or comments that piss someone off. Thats the reality and not everyone can be pleased all the time. It would make the mods job a lot easier if everyone stopped crying to them every time there is a grey area post.
  • sloth wrote:
    Having said this, I was in the wrong to edit your post (you know the one I'm referring to)

    I disagree. I feel that you made an excellent decision in this case.

    Racism should neither be tolerated, nor protected under the flag of free speech. That post was no "grey area".

  • I'm sure Scotty was the first one protesting the term 'ball cock' on toilets too..

    Once you go down this Politically Correct road, it doesn't stop and it just gets stupider and stupider as time goes on.

    If that's what we really want in a forum, I'll be happy to report every single post that may be ever so slightly inapprorpiate or offensive and we'll have a great time saying nothing.

    Is this just a ploy to reduce the number of forum bucks paid out?
  • SocietyRed wrote:
    People just need to be a bit more thick skinned. There is posts that I find offensive or I dont agree with but I have a choice to read and respond to whatever post. If I find somthing that is not to my liking I simply ignore it and thats that. This is an online community with over 2000 members and there will always be topics or comments that piss someone off. Thats the reality and not everyone can be pleased all the time. It would make the mods job a lot easier if everyone stopped crying to them every time there is a grey area post.
    I 100% disagree with you.......people need to be more sensitive to others and not make comments that could be deemed offensive.

    Also how can you not read something because it is offensive with out reading it?

    It appears to me that some people on this forum act and say things that they would not normally say in public using the anonymity of the internet as a shield knowing that if they said the same thing to some one in person that they would cause a fight.

    Simple rule act and post in a manner as if you were talking to a person/people in the real world.

    BTW Before any goes off about this, this post is not directed at any one.
  • I dont say anything here that I wouldnt say to someone in public to their face. For those who know me can second that. My mouth has gotten me in trouble lots of times before and it will happen again I can guarantee you that. You can say whatever you want to me here,  the beers are still on me when I meet you people. (including BigE :) )
  • I think that the term "Freedom of Speech" is being misued. Yes, we do have many freedoms in Canada but that does not mean we have the right to say whatever we feel about whatever we want on a privately run forum.

    No when you start to go down Politically Correct roads it does not get stupider and stupider. It is stupid to say such a thing. I am sure that there is certain types of speech that even you find offensive, but they are not allowed here due to Political Correctness. Is that a bad thing?

    Some things should be deleted by the moderators and if you feel they are too intusive then leave. Go away. I am sure we won't miss you. And if I feel the moderators go to far, I may do the same thing, but they have never given me the impression that they would.
  • I would pay money to participate in a forum where everyone followed the rules which are enforced by the moderators.  Too bad things always move towards the lowest common denominator.

  • Did anyone notice that the other day someone posted a thread called poker porn, which contained a link porn. Not one person voiced any sort of complaint that this was inappropriate for the members of this forum, male or female. Not one person raised the issue that there is no age regulation for being a member of this forum, and the thread was potentially being accessed by minors(understanding full well that the internet is rife with porn, and if it is not found here it will certainly be viewed elsewhere).

    Does political correctness not apply to those things which are sexy?
    magithighs wrote:
    I would pay money to participate in a forum where everyone followed the rules which are enforced by the moderators. Too bad things always move towards the lowest common denominator.


    If you guys want the moderators to develop a set of absoute rules which would govern the use of this forum, and then combine those absolute rules with a set of absoute consequences for infractions of said rules, then you should petition them for that. Personally, I think the forum would become so awfully boring that I don't think anyone with enough drive and imagination to love a game like poker could possibly be interested in it.

    It is stupid to say such a thing.

    Telling people that their comments are stupid makes no sense, and does nothing to make the forum better. It emabrasses people and makes them upset, and as a result they respond like a person who is embarrased and upset. And yes there does need to be limits to political correctness. There is a town in the southern United States which adopted "Heaven - o" as it's official greeting. They felt that hello was bit too anti Jesus and was offensive to some people.

    People just need to use their head. If they fail to use their head, they should be notified in a way that helps them to use their head next time. If people repeatedly demonstrate that they cannot be trusted to use their heads, than said head should be removed.

    Thus shall a perfectly wonderful and brave new society take shape. One headless nation, under Dinobot, with liberty and justice for all as determined by Dinobot.
  • dinobot wrote:
    Did anyone notice that the other day someone posted a thread called poker porn, which contained a link porn. Not one person voiced any sort of complaint that this was inappropriate for the members of this forum, male or female. Not one person raised the issue that there is no age regulation for being a member of this forum, and the thread was potentially being accessed by minors(understanding full well that the internet is rife with porn, and if it is not found here it will certainly be viewed elsewhere).

    Does political correctness not apply to those things which are sexy?

    It's a little different when Porn is in the subject line. Kind of like if I made a post saying I Hate God. Anyone that might get offended by that would have the choice of not reading the post.

    ps. I don't hate God
  • dinobot wrote:
    If you guys want the moderators to develop a set of absoute rules which would govern the use of this forum, and then combine those absolute rules with a set of absoute consequences for infractions of said rules, then you should petition them for that. Personally, I think the forum would become so awfully boring that I don't think anyone with enough drive and imagination to love a game like poker could possibly be interested in it.

    I would pay more money to participate in a boring forum where everyone followed simple rules which are enforced by the moderators.  Too bad things always move towards the lowest common denominator. 

  • dinobot wrote:
    Did anyone notice that the other day someone posted a thread called poker porn, which contained a link porn. Not one person voiced any sort of complaint that this was inappropriate for the members of this forum, male or female. Not one person raised the issue that there is no age regulation for being a member of this forum, and the thread was potentially being accessed by minors(understanding full well that the internet is rife with porn, and if it is not found here it will certainly be viewed elsewhere).

    Does political correctness not apply to those things which are sexy?

    It's a little different when Porn is in the subject line. Kind of like if I made a post saying I Hate God. Anyone that might get offended by that would have the choice of not reading the post.

    ps. I don't hate God

    I see your point, but I still think it is likely innapropriate for a forum such as this one, and I was surprised that it wasn't removed, especially in light of all this talk about being politically correct/incorrect. Personally it doesn't offend me, very little does, what I meant meant was, there is sort of a weird standard there.

    Magi, I see your point as well, but I'm not sure everything is drifting toward the lowest common demoninator. More like a few bad apples.......I think the majority of users on the forum are interested in the same things as you are, and I am too for that matter.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Simple rule act and post in a manner as if you were talking to a person/people in the real world.

    Well said.
  • Actually this forum is just going through the same growing pains that any forum experiencing rapid growth goes through. 
    I agree. I think we went through a period of flame-wars and then swung real hard to the other side where everyone's walking on eggshells. I'm sure there's a happy medium that we'll eventually settle into, but that still won't please everyone. Personally, I find many things offensive that others would consider acceptable/normal. However, I have learned to be thick-skinned about it and ignore that which I can't reasonably change, and allow others the right to be wrong ;)
    sloth wrote:
    "Apples are stupid". To me, is totally okay to say (where 'apples' is replaced with just about anything)
    "you are stupid for eatting apples" would not be okay if the target of the statement took offence.
    I agree about the general principle, however, some people will take offence when non is warranted. Sometimes it is simply impossible not to offend someone no matter how hard you try. I think a key is that if a post can be read 2 ways, try to read it in the most positive and non-offensive way, rather than choosing to take it as an attack.

    Can't we all just get along? We can do our best, but history says no (repeatedly).
  • Simple rule act and post in a manner as if you were talking to a person/people in the real world.

    I think it goes even further than this. I suggest you post as if you are speaking to your boss, your customer, your wife, your child, your teacher, your student. Get the picture? It's all about respect.

    Contrary to some people's opinion, this does not make a 'boring' forum. It makes a civil one. One where people are willing to express their opinions, beliefs, ask questions, etc without fear of being attacked, belittled or embarrassed. It is when you get these discussions going, the forum is incredibly valuable to its members. This brings in new members and gets everyone talking about poker. When you start shouting people down, discussion is squelched and new members as well as senior members give up and go somewhere else.

    This has nothing to do with free speech or being a free country or political correctness. These arguments are ill-informed. This is Sloth's site. He runs it the way he sees fit. Maybe he's ok with the way things are. I hope he is not.

    I don't know whether Sloth runs this place out of love for poker or for economic considerations. Either way, it is in his self-interest to maximize the value of this forum. The vast majority or members here are good, responsible members. There are a mere handful of members who are diminishing the potential of this place. Whatever sporadic value they might add to the occasional poker discussion is vastly outweighed by all the crap they spew forth on a regular basis and their departure would leave no void whatsoever.  I urge Sloth to come down hard and quick. Make a couple of examples and let's move forward.
  • beanie42 wrote:
    sloth wrote:
    "Apples are stupid". To me, is totally okay to say (where 'apples' is replaced with just about anything)
    "you are stupid for eatting apples" would not be okay if the target of the statement took offence.
    I agree about the general principle, however, some people will take offence when non is warranted.  Sometimes it is simply impossible not to offend someone no matter how hard you try.  I think a key is that if a post can be read 2 ways, try to read it in the most positive and non-offensive way, rather than choosing to take it as an attack.

    Agreed, it seems that when certain posters post responses it is assumed they are being arrogant, vile and attacking people personally. I myself have fallen into the trap of assuming it was a personal attack and not simply 'sugar free'. I read posts now differently than I have in the past and find that usually if you don't look for something you won't find it.

  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Simple rule act and post in a manner as if you were talking to a person/people in the real world.

    I think it goes even further than this. I suggest you post as if you are speaking to your boss, your customer, your wife, your child, your teacher, your student. Get the picture? It's all about respect.
    Contrary to some people's opinion, this does not make a 'boring' forum. It makes a civil one. One where people are willing to express their opinions, beliefs, ask questions, etc without fear of being attacked, belittled or embarrassed. It is when you get these discussions going, the forum is incredibly valuable to its members. This brings in new members and gets everyone talking about poker. When you start shouting people down, discussion is squelched and new members as well as senior members give up and go somewhere else.

    This has nothing to do with free speech or being a free country or political correctness. These arguments are ill-informed. This is Sloth's site. He runs it the way he sees fit. Maybe he's ok with the way things are. I hope he is not.

    I don't know whether Sloth runs this place out of love for poker or for economic considerations. Either way, it is in his self-interest to maximize the value of this forum. The vast majority or members here are good, responsible members. There are a mere handful of members who are diminishing the potential of this place. Whatever sporadic value they might add to the occasional poker discussion is vastly outweighed by all the crap they spew forth on a regular basis and their departure would leave no void whatsoever.  I urge Sloth to come down hard and quick. Make a couple of examples and let's move forward.
  • We'll miss you Magi.

    Before you get on your mighty high horse though, why dont you read my MicroFaq and reminice about the good old days where you just TORE UP this forum with the most profanity laden post we've ever seen? Yet, you are still a member here. Interesting.

    Hork summed it up pretty well in the York post. Say whatever is on your mind but be prepared to pay the cost for your words. This forum ISN'T my boss, my customer, my wife, my child, my teacher nor my student. It's a POKER FORUM people. It's not a comment on society, it's not part of some master plan, it doesn't lay golden eggs and it's not going to save the world. It's a bunch of gamblers huddled around thier computers talking about poker.

    Can we regain some FOCUS here?

    Poker isn't about feelings and being huggy-cutey, it's about winning money.
  • BBC Z wrote:

    Poker isn't about feelings and being huggy-cutey, it's about winning money.

    didnt you post int the "what makes you cry thread"? :P

    Just in case: THIS IS A JOKE
  • It is when you get these discussions going, the forum is incredibly valuable to its members. This brings in new members and gets everyone talking about poker. When you start shouting people down, discussion is squelched and new members as well as senior members give up and go somewhere else.

    Where's the POKER discussion then? If anything the forum has been so predominated with all these other "play nice" postings for so long, I think half the people on this forum have forgot how to post a hand...
    Can we regain some FOCUS here?

    Poker isn't about feelings and being huggy-cutey, it's about winning money.

    Well put.
  • You guys are all WAY TOO UPTIGHT! Loosen up! Quit being so politically correct! The whole world is offensive to somebody, SO WHAT! :D
  • magithighs wrote:
    dinobot wrote:
    If you guys want the moderators to develop a set of absoute rules which would govern the use of this forum, and then combine those absolute rules with a set of absoute consequences for infractions of said rules, then you should petition them for that. Personally, I think the forum would become so awfully boring that I don't think anyone with enough drive and imagination to love a game like poker could possibly be interested in it.

    I would pay more money to participate in a boring forum where everyone followed simple rules which are enforced by the moderators. Too bad things always move towards the lowest common denominator.


    we get that from your posts, any more don knotts links?
  • Just because you are doomed to a life of being a long term losing poker player, don't take down everyone else with you. If you want to chat about contributions to CPF, either put up and say something INTERESTING/NEW/REFRESHING or sit the fuck down and shut up
    Nice response to my post. A personal attack and not even the balls to post it in the forum. Some things never change.
  • There is no perfect solution. Trying to get everyone to be civil is like herding cats, ain't gonna happen. The best thing to do I think is to conduct yourself as you see fit and ignore people you find offensive.
    Use the Ignore feature liberally. Someone attacks you then don't respond, it's actually the silent response that gets under an attacker's skin the most. Take it offline, use the PM's for personal feuds (because nobody else cares quite frankly).
    If a new member is unfairly attacked and you don't agree with it then say so. People will be less intimidated of posting if they know there are some sane people around.
    If you just can't be civil then perhaps some testosterone liposuction or something.
    I agree that the best conversations are civil, and there is a difference between civil and sappy. Somebody attacks me then I will take it offline through PM.

    Civil: You're wrong, the right play would have been.....
    Childish: Sigh....keep playing that way you donkey, your mama wears army boots and you deserve to be bitchslapped yadda yadda. Come to my homegame punk blah blah blah.
  • There is no perfect solution.  Trying to get everyone to be civil is like herding cats, ain't gonna happen.
    I disagree - :D
  • BBC Z wrote:
    Hork summed it up pretty well in the York post. Say whatever is on your mind but be prepared to pay the cost for your words. This forum ISN'T my boss, my customer, my wife, my child, my teacher nor my student. It's a POKER FORUM people. It's not a comment on society, it's not part of some master plan, it doesn't lay golden eggs and it's not going to save the world. It's a bunch of gamblers huddled around their computers talking about poker.

    Can we regain some FOCUS here?

    Poker isn't about feelings and being huggy-cutey, it's about winning money.

    I completely agree (although I really like Lou and appreciate his insight so no comment on the other stuff you said). I am so sick and tired of people trying to please everyone in this world, there are so many different beliefs, outlooks, philosophies, or however you want to say you just can't do it and why should you try? I'm not saying everyone has a right to be an asshole nor should they strive to be one but my god let me voice my opinion and if you don't agree tell me, I'm an adult I can handle any criticism you send my way! I agree that certain lines are there not to cross, racial slurs, indecent material, and foul language are a fine example there's no place anywhere for that type of thing and they are completely unnecessary to get your point across...and I believe that is moderated and dealt with accordingly but what else is a forum for then a place to share thoughts, ideas, theories, congratulations or even to vent frustrations or debate differences of opinion. I much prefer brutal honesty to sugar coated garbage.

    To use Society's recent post as an example...if you post something that basically says, hey guys check this out, I was on-line and pushed all-in told everyone I had to leave and that I had 68 and tricked one guy into calling me and took all his money when I showed AA, how cool is that eh? and you don't expect to get some flack, I mean seriously what exactly is the point of a post like this other then to stir things up?

    I don't know Society and I will not make any personal comments about them, to do so I think is wrong...but I fully and completely disagree with this type of tactic and I posted my honest thoughts and I don't believe there was anything wrong with that.

    I spend my days trying to teach my kids to be good people, to not lie, to be responsible, to help people, to share, to use their manners, etc, etc. but mostly to stand up for themselves, their beliefs, and to go after anything they want with all their heart.....then they will grow up and have other people telling them to back down from their beliefs and be 'politically correct', it's sickening to me.
  • beanie42 wrote:
    There is no perfect solution.  Trying to get everyone to be civil is like herding cats, ain't gonna happen.
    I disagree -  :D

    LOL, nice one Trev, hadn't seen that for a while!
This discussion has been closed.