The Legends of Bristol St. - DAY 2 THREAD



  • Can't wait for next saturday :D
  • Congrats to everyone that made it to the 6 player final table. Here's the line up for next Saturday...

    "psi" Sam - $192,000
    "nordique" Kevin - $145,00
    "JohnnieH" Johnnie H - $119,000
    "TiMSuM" Tim - $96,500
    "diddy" Paul S - $88,500
    "Hollywoods" Cole - $44,500

    Should be an excellent final table! Here were the rest of the bust outs since the last update...

    7. "moose" Rob
    8. Bob S (the final surviving Milton Rock!)
    9. "Demonrage" James
    10. "ItsaMe" Mario
    11. "Nemo" David K
    12. "Zithal" Rob L
    13. Eddy
    14. "The Prophet22" Brent
    15. Dave B
    16. Perry D
    17. "xx23" xuan
    18. "E" Elliot
    19. "Wolffhound" Dave W
    20. "stpboy" Shannon

    My tournament was a little up and down. Started the day with $49,000 in chips. Bet strong with top pair, second kicker and was raised all-in by "Nemo" who was on a flush draw, but caught runner-runner straight. Would have been around $75k after that one. Then, lost a bunch to Mario and found my self a few hours in down to $14k! Argh!

    Luck turned a bit, caught some nice rivers on "diddy" and worked my way back up to $55k. Went card dead for a LONG time and finally with $23k, pushed all in -UTG with AQo and blinds at 1,500-3,000(100). TiMSuM in the BB took a while to think about the hand as I was filming a bust out on the other table. He finally called and turned over QJo. Yes!!! Flop brings a Q and the turn is the butt-ugly J and I'm out in 12th.

    It was a bit of a mixed blessing as I'm now completely free to tape.
  • It was a long, and exhausting day of poker. I made up for it by consuming 10+ drinks over the course of 1 hour afterwards.

    The one river that Rob mentioned with me that mattered was my Pockets 10s vs his A6. Flop KK6, turn brick, river Ace. That was good for 15000 right before the dinner break.

    I was up and down for most of the day. I took a lot of chips of Xuan early on, only to redistributed them to the rest of my table. I had a good 60000 pot vs cole with 88 vs his 99, that hurt, and a 50000 pot vs. Tim, my K10 vs his JQ where he git a Q on the flop or turn.

    When it's all said and done, I'm very happy to be able to play next saturday. With the blinds being rolled back it should make for a lot of really good play. Looking forward to it.
  • Such a good night. I watched a bunch of the tables for about 2 hours before we finally got a side game going. Thanks a ton Rob, today was my second time ever setting foot in your home (the first being Saturday) and it was totally awesome. Thanks so much!

    North...we missed you at the holdem & omaha cash games/sngs/props games/donk off what you made at 3am game.
  • ROB

    Just one hell of a tournament. I just hope everyone appreciates all the work you put in to running this show. Job well done and a GREAT TIME was had by all.
  • AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! Bubble Boy yet again.:'( :'(:rage::rage::D:D

    Thanks for the great day of poker Rob. Felt I played a solid game with no suck outs all day, its true.
  • What an outstanding day of poker at BSN&C!! (again!!!)

    I think played some solid poker today, with my luck holding steady.

    Down to 8 at the final table, I have :ad :3d and raise to 15k, obviously trying to take down the blinds and antes Bob re-raise All In, and it's another 4500+ to me. I call, Bob shows the same hand that quadtripled him up earlier in the day, :10c:8s. I turn an Ace, and take it down.

    Two hands later, Moose (to my right) limps , I re-raise All with :jc :jd, and he folds.

    The very next hand Robs raises to 15K, I shove All In with :ad :ks. Moose calls out of turn, and I look at Mario (who is dealing) and say, "I think I might be behind here" He replies with "Yeah, I think so!" which is sarcasm for"Well Duh!!!' Everyone folds to Moose who calls showing :ac :qc! Moose gets no help, and we're down to 6. Great Game Bob and Rob!!

    This is been a great tournament so far, with the best yet to come. Thanks again to Rob for setting this up!!!


  • ItsaMe wrote:
    Thanks for the great day of poker Rob. Felt I played a solid game with no suck outs all day, its true.

    That was something to behold. NO SUCKOUTS FROM MARIO!!!!

    Are you going to deal the FT next week?
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Two hands later, Moose (to my right) limps , I re-raise All with  :jc :jd, and he folds. 

    Excuse me? I don't limp. It was 3x the blind buddy.

    I was impressed with the final table. I thought everyone would try to weak tight their way to tv but the action was fast and furious. Cole managed to donk off 110k in chips in 3 hands.
  • Excuse me? I don't limp. It was 3x the blind buddy.

    You have my humblest of apologies, Rob. I meant no disrespect.
  • Zithal wrote:

    Went card dead for a LONG time and finally with $23k, pushed all in -UTG with AQo and blinds at 1,500-3,000(100).   TiMSuM in the BB took a while to think about the hand as I was filming a bust out on the other table.   He finally called and turned over QJo.  Yes!!!   Flop brings a Q and the turn is the butt-ugly J and I'm out in 12th.

    It was soooooted!  :D
    Thanks Rob for hosting a great tournament so far, I think I was behind in all of my all-ins yesterday, and I've won them all...from what I remember:
    55 (sirwatts)  vs A9s...A hits the river
    1010 (xuan) vs AKo...K on flop or turn
    AQ (zithal) vs QJs...Q flop, J turn
    K10 (diddy) vs QJo...Q on turn

    Can't wait to see the DVD! I hope I don't get ragged too much about these all-ins.  :D

    It's going to be a great final six, I'm actually suprised I made it so far considering I started the day with $10,500.....see you next Sat! :as
  • I am trying to understand this play from Bob, the Milton uber rock.  Was he in the big blind?  Even if there were sufficient pot odds not to fold to the 15K raise, wouldn't it be a better EV to just call and survive with 4,500 chips if he doesn't hit anything?

    Anyway, congratulations to the hugely underrated 1D players.  Almost half of the players who were in the money came from the final day of preliminaries. 

    Thanks to Zithal for a great tournament.  I look forward to more WSOP simulation tournaments. I am hoping to play in another 10,000-chip tournament next week.
    JohnnieH wrote:
    Down to 8 at the final table,  I have  :ad :3d and raise to 15k, obviously trying to take down the blinds and antes  Bob re-raise All In, and it's another 4500+ to me.  I call, Bob shows the same hand that quadtripled him up earlier in the day,   :10c:8s.  I turn an Ace, and take it down.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Excuse me? I don't limp. It was 3x the blind buddy.

    You have my humblest of apologies, Rob.  I meant no disrespect.

    What is this? The touchy-feely board? Do you want me to come over and give you a hug? :D
  • thanks for the great day rob can"t wait till next week and a gain cole thanks for doinking all the chips to my Let the smack talk begin lol
  • hey rob by the way it"s 145 500 not 145 000 come i thaught you ran a legit tourney lol
  • hey dont count me out , blinds are only 2500,5000 iam still going to double up and then your in trouble but in the end ill dump it all but then win it back , see ya at the finals boys, p.s ROCK PAPER SCISSORS , CHAMPION LETS MAKE THAT 2 CHAMPIONSHIPS
  • cole woods wrote:
    hey dont count me out , blinds are only 2500,5000 iam still going to double up and then your in trouble but in the end ill dump it all but then win it back , see ya at the finals boys,   p.s    ROCK PAPER SCISSORS , CHAMPION LETS MAKE THAT  2 CHAMPIONSHIPS
    Isn't it being stepped back to 1500/3000 ?
    That's even more play :P
  • BlondeFish wrote:
    I am trying to understand this play from Bob, the Milton uber rock.  Was he in the big blind?  Even if there were sufficient pot odds not to fold to the 15K raise, wouldn't it be a better EV to just call and survive with 4,500 chips if he doesn't hit anything?

    Anyway, congratulations to the hugely underrated 1D players.  Almost half of the players who were in the money came from the final day of preliminaries. 

    Thanks to Zithal for a great tournament.  I look forward to more WSOP simulation tournaments.  I am hoping to play in another 10,000-chip tournament next week.
    JohnnieH wrote:
    Down to 8 at the final table,  I have  :ad :3d and raise to 15k, obviously trying to take down the blinds and antes  Bob re-raise All In, and it's another 4500+ to me.  I call, Bob shows the same hand that quadtripled him up earlier in the day,   :10c:8s.  I turn an Ace, and take it down.

    I ws BB and with the antes and blinds at that level I had to take a stand with something, I had won previously with 8 - 10 and thought what the hell.
  • 8 10 IS a good hand Bob. It's my favourite. :D
  • Psi wrote:
    cole woods wrote:
    hey dont count me out , blinds are only 2500,5000 iam still going to double up and then your in trouble but in the end ill dump it all but then win it back , see ya at the finals boys, p.s ROCK PAPER SCISSORS , CHAMPION LETS MAKE THAT 2 CHAMPIONSHIPS
    Isn't it being stepped back to 1500/3000 ?
    That's even more play :P

    I'll have all the details for Saturday's game posted at some point tomorrow, including the blinds schedule.
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