The Legends of Bristol St. - DAY 2 THREAD

This Saturday, the remaining players in the "Lengends of Bristol Street" will compete down to the Final Six to be part of the recorded FINAL TABLE!! In addition to the Main Event. Legends Day 2 will also bring about host of side games for those that bust out or were unable to make Day 2. Here's the schedule!
Legends of Bristol St. - DAY 2 - Saturday, March 11th

1:30pm - Doors open!
1:40pm - Seats are drawn.
5:30pm - Dinner break
6:30pm - Resume play
9:30pm - ETA for End of Day 2
9:30pm - Basement is converted back for Side Games.

The Players

"diddy" Paul S - $56,600
"xx23" Xuan - $49,200
"Zithal" Rob L - $49,000
"Hollywoods" Cole - $38,100
"Psi" Sam - $33,000
"Bluffy" Jeff B - $32,300
"Nemo" David K - $28,000
Bob S - $26,900
Perry D - $26,700
"moose" Rob - $25,400
Dave B - $25,100
"Demonrage" James C - $24,500
"johnnieH" Johnnie H - $23,500
Ken S - $23,000
AVERAGE - $22,258
"hughjazz" Dom - $18,700

"2BULLETS" Jeremy - $18,500
"Prophet22" Brent - $17,600
"nordique" Kevin - $16,000
"E" Elliot - $15,200
"Slippery" Pete A - $15,000
"Wolffhound" Dave W - $14,600
"DrTyore" Mark B - $14,400
"ItsaMe" Mario - $13,600
"stpboy" Shannon - $13,400
"magithighs" Lou G - $12,600
"Pinhead" Brad - $11,300
"Lamb Of" John A - $11,100
"SirWatts" Mike - $10,500
"TiMSuM" Tim - $10,500
Eddy - $9,800
"FlintBones" Andrew - $6,500

Blind Schedule (30 minute levels)

Level 1: 200-400
Level 2: 300-600
Level 3: 300-600 (100)
break (15 min)
Level 4: 400-800 (100)
Level 5: 500-1000 (100)
Level 6: 600-1200 (200)
supper (1 hour)
Level 7: 800-1600 (200)
Level 8: 1000-2000 (300)
Level 9: 1200-2400 (400)
break (15 min - colour up 100)
Level 10: 1500-3000 (500)
Level 11: 2000-4000 (500)
Level 12: 2500-5000 (500)
break (15 min)
Level 13: 3000-6000 (1000)
Level 14: 4000-8000 (1000) **capped


1st - 30% - $621
2nd - 20% - $414
3rd - 12% - $248
4th - 10% - $207
5th - 8% - $166
6th - 6.5% - $135
7th - 5.5% - $114
8th - 4.5% - $93
9th - 3.5% - $72


We will collapse down to three tables once we hit 24 players. (8 players per table) The next collapse will occur at 18 players (2 tables of 9 players) and seats will be redrawn at that point.

Once we hit 10 players, the tournament will go hand for hand as we're forming the final table, which is also the prize bubble.

Once we hit 9 players, we'll be taking a short break to redraw seats and re-set the room with our final table (this will include setting up the camera, which should take no more than 20 minutes) Only bust-out hands will be filmed, and not to any great details. The camera will be roaming throughout the day.

When play resumes, we play down to 6 players at which point play will end for the day. The 3 players eliminated are asked to stick around for exit interviews.

Side Action

During the dinner break, we'll be hosting a 16 player single elimination, $5 winner take all Rock-Paper-Scissors event, which will be shown as a side feature of the DVD. Sign up will be first come, first served, during the dinner break. (No pre-reg)

Once the first tables busts, the upstairs table will be available for side games.

Once the tournament finishes, we'll add in a table or two based on need to the basement to continue side games. Play will continue into the evening.


  • Blind Schedule (30 minute levels)

    Level 1: 200-400

    Thank you!
  • ive never lost in rock paper scissors but  will it be 4 out of 7 each match so its not just luck winning one thing   ether way reserve me a spot iam in baby.

    ps. .. when can we get the dvd
  • BOOYAH 5th baby.

    Bring the noise :D

    Flopped 0 sets, 0 flushes, 1 nut straight that got 3 way all in (board J98, I had Q10) vs 107 (OUCH) and QJ (she was playing great until this).
    Pairs, um, 99 once folded vs 3 way all in, 66 twice, 55 once, and that's all.
    AK once.
    AQ twice.

    I didn't have many 'big' hands to make my chips.

    It was crazy fun though.
  • cole woods wrote:
    ps. .. when can we get the dvd
    From what I heard from Rob tonight, not anytime soon.
    He has other things on the go, so expect this to only be done quickly IF he wins.
    Which we don't want :fish:
  • who is
    AVERAGE - $22,258
    and why does he get his name in bold AND italics ?
  • Alright - for those of us who didnt make it - be it that we got sucked out ( :D), unlucky or just plain bad players - whats going on with the side action!!!

    Any ideas for some side games ??

    Lets try to find out who will be there.
  • To all the Day 1a/b/c guys.
    Could you stop playing so fking tight.
    I had the ROCKS at my tables and we were done before midnight.

    Mario was folding 69 off wasn't he ? *sigh*

    Saturday's gonna be a long day of "Raise", everyone foles :D
  • What are the payouts?
  • Payouts are now listed at the top of this thread, based on 69 total entrants, for a total prize pool of $2,070.
  • TNORTH wrote:
    Alright - for those of us who didnt make it - be it that we got sucked out ( :D), unlucky or just plain bad players - whats going on with the side action!!!

    Any ideas for some side games ??

    To start the day off, the living room table will be used for the first cash games / Sng's. Once the first table breaks, players are welcome to make their way into the kitchen.

    I'll also be looking for volunteers to deal the final table of 9 players.
  • Tom, I'll play a cash/SNG game (or 2 or 3) on Saturday for sure.
  • It's been 10 days since I played my day, and now we're down to under 24 hours. I CAN"T WAIT!
  • Today's the day!!! WOOT WOOT!!

    Just over 5 hours to go!!

    See you soon and Good Luck!!!

  • There was definitely not enough smack talk in this thread.

    Who's Shannon gonna (man) flirt with?
    Who's Mario going to have a better hand in an all-in situation against ?

  • Psi wrote:
    Who's Shannon gonna (man) flirt with?
    Who's Mario going to have a better hand in an all-in situation against ?

    The answer to both is Drtyore, of course!!!
  • I may be 10 minutes late. I am at work right now and I am expecting someone to work for me at 1:30. Here's hoping!
  • Psi wrote:

    Who's Shannon gonna (man) flirt with?

    Well Mark will be there so that question is answered.

    Psi wrote:

    Who's Mario going to have a better hand in an all-in situation against ?

    The answer is every time. It could be pr-flop or to the river but I will always come out with the better hand!

    Less than 4hrs to go and I can't wait.
  • Ok We are waiting for any information about todays game so far?????
    Waiting, Waiting, Waiting......
  • Day 2 is underway and we've just hit first break with 27 players left. Here are the first few eliminations...

    28. "2BULLETS" Jeremy
    29. "hughjazz" Dom
    30. "Slippery" Pete A.
    31. "Flint Bones" Andrew S.

    push on the big blind over 2 callers (UTG and small blind)

    blinds are 400-800-(100)
    i have kings and push my semi short stack of about 6500.

    i get called with A9d.

    first card down is the A. Nothing else comes to help.

    Not sure if UTG's re-raise all in was a good move with a big stack in the small blind, or even if it's a good move calling off 6500 of your 20,000 stack with A9d, but alas, the better hand loses!

    had a tonne of fun here, cant wait for the next one.

  • We've just hit our dinner break and are down to the final 20 players. Here are the eliminiations between last break and this one...

    21. Ken S
    22. "magithighs" Lou
    23. "SirWatts" Mike
    24. "Bluffy" Jeff B
    25. "Dirty Whore" Mark B
    26. "Lamb Of" John A
    27. "Pinhead" Brad
  • so mario is still alive..... GO BRENT GO. Aimee and I are cheering for ya.
  • Must be still 2 rocks alive, Bob and Dave B.. Go guys go!
  • I'm out in 20th place. I finally called Brent's 15th all-in of the day. He sure likes to play his cards preflop and try to get lucky by doubling up. My A9d hit nothing against his 77. Best cards all day were JJ and AKs, once for each. With a table that loves to push all in preflop you really need monsters....A9d looked like one after a day of garbage.

    Thanks for the great tournament Rob!

  • Final Table:
    bob s

    Mario was bubble boy
    bobs is near the bottom with 12k in chips
    ave is around 90k
  • What is everyone doing for the rest of the night??
  • TNORTH wrote:
    What is everyone doing for the rest of the night??

    I just left, Tom, and there are lots of side games going on!!
  • Great tourny it was a lot of fun...i made a bad read and called an all in wiht ace high and then got busted out with AQh to 8s but it was an awsome tourny and i cant wait for the DVD!!! good luck to all the players still at the final table
  • stpboy wrote:
    I'm out in 20th place.  I finally called Brent's 15th all-in of the day.  He sure likes to play his cards preflop and try to get lucky by doubling up.  My A9d hit nothing against his 77.   Best cards all day were JJ and AKs, once for each.  With a table that loves to push all in preflop you really need monsters....A9d looked like one after a day of garbage.

    Thanks for the great tournament Rob!


    Well let me say it may have felt like 15 all-ins, however that wasn't quite the case.  I actually saw two flops with you Shannon, and then put you all in after your raise on the flops.  A third time I called your raise pre-flop then, check the flop, turn, hoping you would try to steal, then I made a bet hoping you thought I was trying to steal the pot, but you folded.  Great fold as it turned out seeing as I had quad 66.  And then there was the call on your AK and we had the same hand.

    Last hand with you, I had to try the isolation move with the pocket 77.

    I know you thought it was an all-in fest but there were some hands that I thought went well.

    I have a lot of repsect for Elliot, only having played with him twice.  Both times previously after I had re-raised him he called and had the nuts.

    We are in a hand, I am sm blind and call his BB of 1600.  Flop comes 10 5 3, I check he raises 3000, I quickly say make it 8000 and he says all-in. I think about it and then come to the conclusion he had the 10 but a better kicker, and I had an 8 so I folded saying I had top pair and he showed me an open ended draw.  I think OK but am pleased with the fold.

    Later, folded to me in the sm I have 5 5, and raise 1600 he calls flop is 8 7 2, I check, he checks, turn 3, I check he he bets 4000.  At this point I convinced he has A - J  or Q or K.  I put him all-in for another 12, 000.  He folded.

    My last hand of the night.

    I have lostt 8500 due to blinds and antes in one orbit.  UTG - I see 10 10, I feel I have to make a move and go all-in 35,300.  Everyone behind me, except one person had me covered folded to the sm blind which is Cole and he calls.  He show the ladies and no help for either of us.  

    Feel I played well all day and I had a great time.  Learned a lot about my game.  Thanks for the experience.

    Prophet 22

    PS I want to thank Shannon for the ride to the game and Mark for the ride home.

    PSS Also want to thank Kate for taking care of Zeke, he had a great time and is very tired.
  • From what I'm reading a well played game. I've really not played a lot with ya except for one at the unit and then again at bristol. Your one tough customer to read. congrats to all who made it this far as the field was as tough as it comes.
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