two truths and a lie

kind of a fun 'icebreaker' game I've played as part of team building excercises...not sure how it will translate online, but let's give it a go.

the idea is to list two truths and one lie about yourself, and see if others can guess which one is the lie. Don't be too casual about it, it's supposed to be big dramatic things..

silly: (you will be slapped with a fish if you post like this)

1. My neighbour's name is Fred
2. I like chocolate
3. I have 3 cats

when answering. be sure to quote the person who you're guessing. If you know the poster really well, don't spoil it for everyone! :) If you're posting about yourself...remember to comeback and actually update us on which is the lie or not! Again...not sure how well this will work goes, I'll start:

Which one is the lie?:

I call this "the darker side of Sloth growing up"

1. Was a heavy shoplifter, but never got caught.
2. Went joyriding in a Camero @ 14 and was busted by the cops while I was driving. I was fined, but the police never told my parents.
3. I was stabbed in the upper back during a fight when I was 18.


  • I say the cat thing is true.
  • Sloth: I will guess that the 1st one is a lie... I bet you did get caught!!


    1.  I have nearly died due to doctor error on two different occasions
    2.  I was once nearly shot as a child
    3.  I nearly lost an eye when as a child I was playing with scissors.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Sloth: I will guess that the 1st one is a lie... I bet you did get caught!!


    1. I have nearly died due to doctor error on two different occasions
    2. I was once nearly shot as a child
    3. I nearly lost an eye when as a child I was playing with scissors.


    I'll answer after more guesses. For yours, I'll say the doctor one is a bold faced stinkin' LIE :)
  • Sloth I'm gonna guess the second one was a lie. Marky I'm gonna say the third one is a lie.

    For myself:
    1. A friend and I once spent a night in a crack house in Guelph.
    2. Over a span of 5 years I attended 6 different schools.
    3. I was thrown in the drunk tank for hanging around outside a bar in Turkey point (clearly excessively innebriated) and walked back to my car the next morning, not realizing that the police station was in Simcoe (several kms away)
  • Mark, you stole my answer.  But I agree, I think Sloth got caught (so #1).

    Mark - you like death too much.  I'll guess #1 (it wasn't an error, it was a procedure ;) ).

    For myself (and following the dark/death theme from Sloth/DrTyore):

    I was legally dead for a short period when I was 13.
    As a teenager, I was arrested for planting a bomb at a shopping mall.
    3 years ago, I was investigated for child abuse.
  • Shtebs-I vote for #1

    1) Once got really really drunk took a taxi to Pearson and boarded a flight to Amsterdam and spent the next three days there

    2) Was clinically dead for 24 minutes when I was 11 years old...the second longest time in record in Canada at the time

    3) Was scouted by pro baseball teams while in high school and attended a fantasy baseball camp in St Catherine's hosted by Lloyd Moseby and Ernie Whitt
  • Trev...I am going to have to say #2
  • WOW...some deep ones here!

    Shtebs: I think #1 is a lie...the crackhouse.

    Beanie...I'll say #3 for you is a lie...child abuse.

    Witch...I'll say #1 is a lie.
  • I was born deceased
    I have been arrested in montreal, toronto and London, UK.
    I didn't finish my university degree but the school still gave it to me

    Sloth - I bet you have never been stabbed - I call shenannigans
    Mark - shooting - I dunno - I call shenannigans
    Schteb - I don't think guelph has good crackhouses - I call shenannigans
    Dave - I don't buy the airports allow drunk boarding - I call shenannigans
  • "shenannigans" love it. That should be the name of this thread.

    York...I don't believe you were arrested 3 times. shenannigans
  • Shtebs - #1
    Witchdoctor - #1
    York - #2
  • Wow... my guesses:

    Shtebs:  I'm gonna go with #3, you're lazy man... :)

    Beanie:  I"m gonna go with #1 - I know it's easy to get accused with child abuse, and I think you've had a "colourful" past

    Dave:  I too go with the airport one, but I think you just went somewhere else and are tryin to be cute

    Yorkpoker:  I'm gonna have to with the University one
  • I am the airport one....however the story was stolen from a good buddy of mine who actually did this...and on an unrelated note, he contracted gonnarhea while over there and pissed fire for weeks.
  • Shtebs
    #1 might be a lie, but then again why would you tell a story about a friend...

    Child abuse..haha, I hope.

    The canadian dead record is just too cool, but I bet I'm worng and it is true.

    (It is hard not knowing a THING about a person and guesing these)

    Mine are:

    #1: OFFSA Champion and Canadian Third Place Finisher in Highschool Chess in 2002.
    #2: Completed the Century Club with Jack Daniels only to be bed ridden for 4 days. (100 shot of Jack in 100 minutes).
    #3: Owned a 7200 sq foot house at 18, was forced by court order to sell and live in an "apartment style" dwelling for 5 years minimum because I threw too many parties.
  • York - If the arrests are true, are you a scrapper? :D
  • Haddon-going with #2
  • haddon - I CALL SHENANNIGANS on JD.

    Unless you are superman, or that John allen Nelson character from the movie, Hunk Golden, starring dom deluise from the 80's in which a guy sells his soul for a better life and among the perks gets an indestructible liver, no way.
  • Haha, we'll see.

    Sloth, why don't you cut and paste everyone's into the beginning of the thread? That way when people get home from work and check it will be formatted in a reader friendly way...

    Unless, you like TONS of hits on your site. Haha.
  • although - a friend and I managed to put away 40 shots a piece in Jan (and I was laid out for only 12 hours after that).

    I still don't buy it - unless you are a 300+ lbs moster.
  • I am a 285 rugby player with a serious alcohol problem...sort of. I have no dependents, so for now it is capricious youth?
  • then I buy that. I do agree with the 4 day hangover though.

  • haddon- it would be far too much work for me to do that (I'm too lazy)

    I'll come clean with mine....I was never stabbed.

    -I did shoplift damn near all the time...personal record was over $700 worth of stuff in a day...and this was $700 in 1989/90. Was never caught. Haven't stolen so much as a grape from the grocery store since I was 18 or so.

    -I was caught driving @ 14 by the cops and they never told my parents. I drove past a cop while my buddy was shooting a fire extinguisher out the side window. I should add, it wasn't even my parents car. I didn't know the owner of the car.

    It wasn't a hangover headache...just a constant stomach pain and clear shits with a hint of blood.
  • I'm pretty sure the chess thing is a lie.
  • Ok, lets see ...

    1) I've stood beside Ed McMahon and oogled his wife in Toronto
    2) I've had a sperm motility of 66.7%
    3) I let David Copperfield touch me

    gee ... reading that myself, I'm messed up.
  • I guess I'll come clean too then...

    I only did 97 shot of Jack. It was at an open bar wedding and my aunt stopped it at 95. 70-95 were force fed to me as I was immobilized. The last two I did myself in a drunken movement and then allegedly stumbled somewhere and cabbed from the wedding (in scarbrough) to kitchener with no wallet and no shoes. Its a good story I guess, but I wish I could sya I did the century club with jack.
  • Skittle..

    I have no idea really. Copperfield? I hate that guy...he kind of scares me.

    Sirwatts, I'll find a webpage about the chess somewhere. Or bring you my trophy next time to Greg's.
    If you are googling, it was while I attended St John's Kilmarnock.
  • I've had enough guesses, so here's my deal...

    1.  TRUE - One doctor told my mom she was burping me wrong as a child, turns out I had something called (either) stiloric pinosis or piloric stenosis (sp?) and thank god my mom mentioned it to a nurse friend of hers, who went on shift and talked to the visiiting perdiatritian.  I was on the operating table within an hour (I was 6 weeks old).  A second time the doctor messed up an allergy shot, and didn't inform me of the "must stay in the office for 15 minutes" rule.  I went to the hospital when my eyes swelled shut and I couldnt' breathe too easily.  Emerg doctor told me in about 20 more minutes my organs would have started to shut down.

    2.  TRUE - I lived near a railway track that was on a hill.  Someone thought it would be a good idea to shoot a rifle from atop it, and the bullet lodged into my neighbour's house, where myself, my sister, and our neighbour's kid were playing.

    3.  FALSE - I've never found scissors all that entertaining.

  • good idea for a thread sloth, i like it alot, here's mine:
    1) did century club (with beer) twice in a row (ie 200 shots in 200 minutes)
    2) was pulled over doing 160 in an 80 zone and was not given a ticket
    3) had a stroke when i was 14

    here are my answers
    beanie: child abuse
    sloth: i was going to guess the stabbing
    drtyore: i was going to guess the first
    haddon: the whole century club with JD
    skittle: it has to be #3
    schtebs: crackhouse is a lie
  • If the double century isn't a lie, I would be up for this sometime man.
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