Cook Crew presents KW Chaos 2 - March 21



  • TwoThree wrote:
    I was wondering what happened to you - you made it (just barely) :)
  • put down Trev!

  • Trevor,

    Do you need any table tops for this game?
  • Trevor,

    I apologize for the short notice...the good news is my evenings are all free starting NEXT week,the bad news is I cannot be there tomorrow.....bad news why? Someone will ot be getting my money. Sorry if this throws things off, I'm sure you'll have someone to take my spot....cya at the next one!

  • Do you need any table tops for this game?
    Technically no, but my fourth isn't great, so 1 table-top would be great! Thanks for thinking of it.
  • Big E wrote:
    I apologize for the short notice...the good news is my evenings are all free starting NEXT week,the bad news is I cannot be there tomorrow.....bad news why? Someone will ot be getting my money. Sorry if this throws things off, I'm sure you'll have someone to take my spot....cya at the next one!
    No problem - thanks for letting me know.
  • There is still 1 seat available (and probably a few more for last minute cancellations/no-shows). A quick reminder that the cards will be in the air at 7:00.

    Also, directions have been sent to those who requested them. If you still need them, PM me.
  • Can you throw my buddy down for that open spot? his name is Jay
  • TwoThree wrote:
    Can you throw my buddy down for that open spot? his name is Jay
  • sorry to do this last minute but i can't make it tomorow.
  • Also, can't make it tomorrow night. It's not C++'s fault... it's Java this time.

  • Big E wrote:
    I cannot be there tomorrow.....
    specialK wrote:
    sorry to do this last minute but i can't make it tomorow.
    g2 wrote:
    Also, can't make it tomorrow night. It's not C++'s fault... it's Java this time.

    Next? :'(
  • Me is next 'cause I forgot to mark it in my calendar and scheduled a Play rehearsal for that night. :( Tuesdays and Thursdays are bad for me until the end of April. Very sorry... I've been looking forward to a less serious tournament to unwind with.
  • sign me up if spots avaliable pm me address and # just in case i have to stay at work late
  • mm has to work. Just me tomorrow.
  • Please sign me up, if there is room.
    Wow, I almost missed this because I assumed it was on a Friday like all your other tournaments and weekends rarely work for me. I guess my high school english teacher was right about assumptions. You look like an "ass" and... uh... the "ump" "shuns" you or something like that. Bad joke I know, but why should my girlfriend be the only one that has too suffer them ;)

  • Cool, see you there Steve!

  • Shtebs wrote:
    Please sign me up, if there is room.
    You're in.
  • Just confirming that I will be there tonight, looking forward to a fun night and meeting everyone.

    Steve L
  • Trevor,

    Please sign up Aaron to tonight's game.

  • Are there still seats open?

    I would like to play. Please sign me up if possible.


    Perry D.
  • Aaron and Perry are on the list, and we are now full (barring no-shows). See everyone soon!

    (I posted this at a bar!! YES!)
  • Sorry Trev, I though this was friday... Iam a compleat donk, sorry :(
  • Thanks for a great night, Trevor.

    Who took it down?
  • TwoThree wrote:
    Sorry Trev, I though this was friday... Iam a compleat donk, sorry :(

    LOL that's why I didn't play too hard to get up in the morning.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Thanks for a great night, Trevor.

    Who took it down?

    I think I"m going to start entering tournaments at the last possible minute... Perry took it down

  • it was nice to have met some of you finally. Tyore, Wes of course...saw haddon but didn't get a chance to talk uhh...I'm already drawing blanks about who else i florida on the mind and the memory isn't as good is it.....uhhh..saw Haddon, but didn't get the chance to talk.


    Thanks for all your work
  • Last night was meant to be a fun and casual night of poker after all the "serious" tournaments recently, so I don't have a lot to report. The players seemed eager to unwind, as our 29 players combined for 90 rebuys, swelling the prize pool to over $700. A lot of excitement (and all-ins) during the rebuy period before everyone settled down for some "real" poker. Sloth also made a guest appearance and brought a load of hats, t-shirts, and cards as bubble prizes (thanks Neil!), and was able to meet a bunch of the guys from the forum.

    When we got down to the final 4, it was noted that they combined for a whopping 1 rebuy between them! At the end of the day, it came down to Perry going heads-up with Tom with a 4-1 chip lead. I was happy to note that my prediction was bang-on, as the final all-in was called by Perry right at the stroke of 1. Perry never relinquished his HU lead and is our new champion. Congratulations Perry!
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