So what makes you cry...?



  • haddon wrote:
    I never watch TV, but I was in my bar last night and I saw that Tim Horton's commerical about the asian hockey dad etc..I teared up.
    God damn Tim Hortons.

    Proceed with caution here. This ad has already been berated in this very thread. :)

    For me, the Tim Horton's Foccacia bread guy stired up more emotion than the Asian Dubba-Dubba grandpa.

  • Haha,

    Everyone I know HATES IT and calls it racist etc...

    But I honestly want it to be a feature film haha. Caution is silly. :D
  • i wish i had been more involved in this thread all the way through, i glanced at it when it was first up and then sort of was just like "not really anything" but as of recent events in my life i would have to say that family illness makes me get all teary eyed. i would have to say though that no movie or tv show has ever had this effect on me, and as for tv commercials...well yeah, i don't see how it's possible to get emotional about advertising.
  • I'll be honest...the song "don't give up" by Peter Gabriel gets me quite emotional. The lyrics really strike a cord with me and remind me of a time when I packed up and left my family to move out to BC alone..and a bunch 'o other things.

    In this proud land we grew up strong
    We were wanted all along
    I was taught to fight, taught to win
    I never thought I could fail

    No fight left or so it seems
    I am a man whose dreams have all deserted
    I’ve changed my face, I’ve changed my name
    But no one wants you when you lose

    Don’t give up
    ’cos you have friends
    Don’t give up
    You’re not beaten yet
    Don’t give up
    I know you can make it good

    Though I saw it all around
    Never thought I could be affected
    Thought that we’d be the last to go
    It is so strange the way things turn

    Drove the night toward my home
    The place that I was born, on the lakeside
    As daylight broke, I saw the earth
    The trees had burned down to the ground

    Don’t give up
    You still have us
    Don’t give up
    We don’t need much of anything
    Don’t give up
    ’cause somewhere there’s a place
    Where we belong

    Rest your head
    You worry too much
    It’s going to be alright
    When times get rough
    You can fall back on us
    Don’t give up
    Please don’t give up

    ’got to walk out of here
    I can’t take anymore
    Going to stand on that bridge
    Keep my eyes down below
    Whatever may come
    And whatever may go
    That river’s flowing
    That river’s flowing

    Moved on to another town
    Tried hard to settle down
    For every job, so many men
    So many men no-one needs

    Don’t give up
    ’cause you have friends
    Don’t give up
    You’re not the only one
    Don’t give up
    No reason to be ashamed
    Don’t give up
    You still have us
    Don’t give up now
    We’re proud of who you are
    Don’t give up
    You know it’s never been easy
    Don’t give up
    ’cause I believe there’s the a place
    There’s a place where we belong

    Geez...just copying/pasting and reading them...<sniff>
  • I just downloaded it, very powerful.

    On Paddy's day last year Drink and Fight by Buck O Nine came on and we were all cheers and singing and laughing and I stepped back and teared up in joy. I know, I am a batty boy...who cries on the greatest <strike>stat</strike? holiday of the year?
  • I had a very close friend take her own life in November of 2001. Prior to that I couldn't really have told you when the last time I cried was. I actually remember always finding crying very confusing, I didn't do it, and always had a really hard time relating to other people when they were crying.

    When my friend passed, I went to the visitation, and had up to that point not cried, I was upset, but I hadn't cried. When I walked into the funeral home and saw her casket something broke. I wept, and wept, and pretty much just kept on weeping for about three days. I have a feeling I was getting about 15 years worth of things that had upset me off my chest.

    Afterward, on my way back to London, I was listening to the new(at the time) Weakerthans album which contains a song called 'left and leaving'. It's a very pretty little song, and is apparently about friends coming together at a wedding. So much of the imagery in the song described all the confusion and weirdness I was feeling and how I wasn't sure how to go about mourning my friend, and how I hadn't yet really come to terms with the fact that the world no longer had her in it. It was the perfect song for a totally imperfect time, and so I had a little break down again.

    When I hear the song now I still get a little sad, and sometimes tear up a bit as well, but there is this great line in the song where John K. Samson refers to the "best parts of lonely", which I take to mean the memories you have of someone, and all the things they meant to you.

    So my tears now are a little more celebratory because I'm reminded how lucky I was.

    I love the power of the internet to allow me to be as cheesy as I want, because none of you know me.
  • I'll be honest...the song "don't give up" by Peter Gabriel gets me quite emotional.

    Yes, this is a song that always gets me too. *sniff*

    Another real heart breaker for me is "The World Keeps Turning" by Tom Waits.

  • Scotty,

    As a huge Tom Waits fan, I have no idea what song you are referring to. I mean I own everything. Even some on vinyl. Could you direct me to what album or soundtrack that song is on?
  • Scotty,

    As a huge Tom Waits fan, I have no idea what song you are referring to. I mean I own everything. Even some on vinyl. Could you direct me to what album or soundtrack that song is on?

    It's on the Pollock soundtrack.

    There's a brief prievew clip here:

  • Damn, I missed that.

    Now I got to buy that soundtrack. Damn Ed Harris.
  • Nooner81 wrote:
    So, now that I've spilled my guts anyone else brave enough? How about all of you that watch Extreme Home Makeover shows>>>huh?

    LOL!...Extreme Makeover gets me every time & my wife laughs her ass off.

    Looking for more downtrodden families to get new homes, oh, and it would really help the ratings if you could get someone from the following list.
  • anyone over 25 should remember this - when I was younger, it made me cry (is there anything better than the duet featuring the boss and lil stevie?).

    and of course, this makes me cry now (that they needed to redo it)
  • OMFG wtf... you little girls. Cutting onions made my cry today, short of that i haven't cried since i was a kid. I imagine getting kicked in the balls would make me cry or possible getting a broken bone which i might get in Rugby this season, but other than that NOTHING!!!

    to cap it off, i'll give you a manly roar

  • stpboy wrote:

    I think that American Idol this year has two incredible stars this year, Taylor Hicks and Chris Dougherty! 

    Did anyone end up watching the finale? I think Taylor is great even though I would have really liked Elliot Yamin to have won, that boy can sing! Or, ugh I mean "He can work it out, we've got a hot one tonight!"

    I've just realized that quoting American Idol judges seems more gay then the OP.

  • Easy made me watch and I was very happy to see that Oldie McDownsyndrome beat Boobie Titsalot.
  • They are creating a feline reality show - see . This proves Darwin was wrong.

    People will actually watch this. This makes me cry.

    Shannon will cry when "Muffin" is voted off in week 7 due to an online smear campaign, and will skip Bristol LMCXXIV to watch the finale. This makes me laugh again. ;)
  • The fact that Beanie restarted this thread
  • The fact that I'm not in Waterloo to play in this tournament :'(

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