So what makes you cry...?

In the spirit of manflirting and being sensitive, suggestively gay and of course being made fun of. I thought I'd post this little dialogue about something that I think is hilarious.

If anyone has been watching American Idol this year, I'm hoping they may have a similar experience as me but I honestly doubt it. Yes, for the last three episodes I've had tears in my eyes wathing as these people perform. Not because of the bad performers but because of the passion in the songs and the stories. I always go from tears to hysterical laughing, at myself of course! Kate sits there beside me "are you crying, hahahaha, what is wrong with you?"

There was one episode in particular that did a little story on a couple of cowboys, they called it "Brokenote Mountain". It was pretty sad seeing and hearing about the lives of these guys and how they bonded together. At the same time it was completely amusing to watch. Cry from feeling pity and then cry from outrageous laughter.....

I think that American Idol this year has two incredible stars this year, Taylor Hicks and Chris Dougherty!

So, now that I've spilled my guts anyone else brave enough? How about all of you that watch Extreme Home Makeover shows>>>huh?

stp (not gay, really)


  • I think American Idol is great.  Every night my wife watches that crap and leaves the computer free for me to play poker. :D

    I can only hope the Dancing with the Stars gets picked up again and in my wildest dreams - a 24hr Titanic only TV station starts broadcasting.  I'll be the king of the poker world.

    I almost forgot - The Bachelor. That's another great one. Brings tears to my eyes how much poker I can get in.
  • Now I know who picked the colour for your team shirts :'(

    Actually, I'm still crting after reading your post, not that there's anything wrong with that... :D
  • Gutsy post Shannon. Personally, I think it's very unmanly not to cry (just don't make it a daily thing :) ). Women are emotional creatures, so how can you really connect or understand them if you avoid "their world"? It's a tough balance...

    American Idol though? I won't go there.

    For me, there are basically 3 things, but they have to be at the extreme:
    1. death of a wife ("Love Story" for example, for you older guys :) )
    2. death (or near-death) of a child (if you've seen "Crash", the daughter with the "magic necklace" is one of the best scenes I've seen in a movie)
    3. real human travesty ("Schindler's List")

    The first 2 are probably because of my love for my family, so I can really relate. The third should be universal (although the fact that it isn't is what causes it, IMO).
  • So, now that I've spilled my guts anyone else brave enough? How about all of you that watch Extreme Home Makeover shows>>>huh?

    LOL!...Extreme Makeover gets me every time & my wife laughs her ass off.

    The one that got me everytime was the Bell commercial where a kid about 20yrs old calls his grandpa on the phone from the beaches at Normandy. Grandpa picks up the phone and the kid tells his Grandpa where he is and thanks the old man for the sacrifice he made.

    Hold on I have to blow my nose....

    I also hate that new Tim Horton's commercial with the chinese father and son at the hockey rink!
  • beanie42 wrote:
    2. death (or near-death) of a child (if you've seen "Crash", the daughter with the "magic necklace" is one of the best scenes I've seen in a movie)

    I was thinking the exact same thing.   BTW it was an invisible cloak.  Crazy scene !!!
  • I also hate that new Tim Horton's commercial with the chinese father and son at the hockey rink!

    But the important question is whether you hate the commercial where the guy's mouth wants Yoplait Creamy even more than the TH's ad. Yum yum yum yum YUMMMM!
    So what makes you cry...?

    24 Season 3, 6:56am - 7:00am together with 24 Season 3, 12:58pm - 1:00am

  • I always shed a tear when Peter North shoots a poor girl in the face.

    Something about the pain these girls must feel - I can't say that I know at all what they are going through, but I imagine that it takes a few 'rinse and repeats' to get all presentable again.
  • beanie42 wrote:
    3. real human travesty ("Schindler's List")


    Russia 2
    Canada 0


  • Yorkpoker wrote:
    I always shed a tear when Peter North shoots a poor girl in the face.

    Something about the pain these girls must feel - I can't say that I know at all what they are going through, but I imagine that it takes a few 'rinse and repeats' to get all presentable again.

    is there a hallmark card for that?


    I'm so sorry that you got some in the eye...take solace that it too, makes me cry...
  • Certain songs... but only (oddly enough) when I sing them and let the old mind go.

  • Ok, if this is a "not gay thread" then I can add a big blind.

    Of the few things that get me misty eyed ...

    1 ) Christmas.

    My dad's birthday was Christmas day. I didn't understand why he put the video camera on one year, it seemed kind of odd for him but we carried on as normal. Had our squabbles, laughed til we cried. Christmas night I packed the car to leave and he backed his car out of the driveway and after I parked my car on the street I walked back up to the house and saw my dad still in the car. I figured he was listening to the radio or something.

    A little less than a month later he died. On Jan 14, 1994 he had a second heart (a little over a week after being released from the hospital) attack and died, alone, at home. My mom had gone out to refill a perscription for him and found him when she got back. I had planned on going to my parent's house that weekend.

    Turns out that when he had stayed in the car it was because he was having a heart attack. He didn't tell anyone until he finally went into the hospital a day or so later. I should have gone to the car.

    Christmas isn't the same for me. I usually have an extra "rye & ginger" during that time of year. I miss him every day.

    2) Movie: What dreams may come.

    3) Any act of violence towards or the mistreatment of children.
  • Even though I see like over 10 times, the Last episode of "Band of Brothers" alwasys gets me "right there".

    Also, this article I found when I was reserching dog breeds:

  • Million Dollar Baby you lie if you say that didn't get you...damn movie.
  • DrTyore wrote:
    Certain songs... but only (oddly enough) when I sing them and let the old mind go.


    Johnny's Cash's cover of "Hurt" comes to mind.
  • I'll pitch into this...

    1) The movie Big Fish...being a father of two boys it strikes a real resonance for me since my relationship (or lack thereof) with my father is so painfull. I don't want to go into details on this one.

    2) The episode of 8 Simple Rules (the only one I ever watched) where they dealt with the death of John Ritter's character. Again, Father issues.

    3) Feb 21. I always get weepy. My Grandmother died on this date in 2002. Oddly, the rest of my grandparents are also deceased but I was close to her. She lived in the city and I saw her every Sunday with my wife and son (only 1 at the time). She was an odd lady who had a real love of life (and Sherry). I could go on for hours with really funny stories about her. I miss her everyday.
  • Skittle's post (#1). I miss my Mom every day too.

  • 2) Movie:  What dreams may come.

    Great post Skittle...thanks for trusting and sharing.

    This is by far one of my favourite movies and books of all time. I deal with the possibility of suicide everyday at my job, the images of this story are played in my mind often.

    It's interesting being a man and looking at the things we get weepy about. What about the women?

  • It's interesting being a man and looking at the things we get weepy about.  What about the women?


    It's also intresting looking at the things you men get weepy about... thanks for sharing

    Now that i am a mother i seam to cry often...

    1) Home Makeover (the boys know when this is on they bring me a box of tissue
    2) Broken relationships
    3) Family tragedy's (death/injury of a child or spouse)
    4) The songs Christmas shoe's, Sara Beth and Don't take the girl
    5) Movies so many to list but the one i cried the most was Notebook!
    6) My children when they are really sick or hurt and i can't do anything to make them better
    7) The lack or respect that our vets get from some people. (My grandpa server in ww2)
    8) My grandparents death. For what they gave me but also what my children are missing from them.

    And i am sure there are so many more things that Trevor could list....
  • Ok all you guys who said you were INTJ's in the Personality thread - you lie lie lie! Either in this thread or on your personality test.
  • moose wrote:
    Ok all you guys who said you were INTJ's in the Personality thread - you lie lie lie!  Either in this thread or on your personality test.
    How so? Being mostly analytical does not totally preclude you from having emotions, does it?
  • beanie42 wrote:
    moose wrote:
    Ok all you guys who said you were INTJ's in the Personality thread - you lie lie lie! Either in this thread or on your personality test.
    How so? Being mostly analytical does not totally preclude you from having emotions, does it?

    If Data can have an emotion chip installed, no reason why the INTJ's can't too.
  • GTA Poker wrote:


    At least put a warning on your posts like that!

    "WARNING, the following link may cause you to spit your rye and diet pepsi all over your monitor, please have paper towel ready"
  • You find it difficult to talk about your feelings
    You are strongly touched by the stories about people's troubles
    You frequently and easily express your feelings and emotions
    You often think about humankind and its destiny
    You trust reason rather than feelings
    Your actions are frequently influenced by emotions
    You easily empathize with the concerns of other people
    You willingly involve yourself in matters
    which engage your sympathies
    Your decisions are based more on the feelings
    of a moment than on the careful planning
    You are easily affected by strong emotions
    You tend to sympathize with other people
  • stpboy wrote:
    It's interesting being a man and looking at the things we get weepy about.  What about the women?

    The end of It's a Wonderful Life - gets me <i>every single time</i>, but it's a happy cry.
  • I guess I'm the only person that has ever cheered when Ol Yeller got shot.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    beanie42 wrote:
    moose wrote:
    Ok all you guys who said you were INTJ's in the Personality thread - you lie lie lie!  Either in this thread or on your personality test.
    How so?  Being mostly analytical does not totally preclude you from having emotions, does it?
    If Data can have an emotion chip installed, no reason why the INTJ's can't too. 
    No, no, Moose is right. 'T' for thinking vs. 'F' for feeling - and there's a lot of feeling going on around here. 'Ts' react to situations by thinking them through logically, whereas, 'Fs' react to the human impact of the situation. A 'T' would never watch American Idol and muse over the emotional connection of the singer - they listen for off-key notes and consider potential record sales. Simon Cowell is a 'T', he tells it like it is, because knowing the truth is better than sparing your feelings any day. People should learn to toughen up.
    STR82ACE wrote:
    I guess I'm the only person that has ever cheered when Ol Yeller got shot.
    I almost always cheer for the bad guy. I can't help but see the irony in the fact that the good guys always win in the movies, but finish last in real life. I'm a bad bad lady I guess.

    ***I will add that there is nothing wrong with being an 'F'. We need you. Besides, it has already been pointed out that very few people are INTJ (or ENTJ), so this thread may have shed some light on the over-population of INTJs on this forum.***
  • Easy wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    I guess I'm the only person that has ever cheered when Ol Yeller got shot.
    I almost always cheer for the bad guy. I can't help but see the irony in the fact that the good guys always win in the movies, but finish last in real life. I'm a bad bad lady I guess.

    Not that I'm cheering for the bad guys, just I think that a vicious rabid animal should be put down quickly. Just a fact of life...he was sick, needed to be done, so do it!! Guess that's the ENTP in me. Everyone at work had taken this test, I was the only ENTP. Always knew I was unique :D
  • Easy wrote:
    ***I will add that there is nothing wrong with being an 'F'. We need you.

    Aw shucks. This INFP thanks you ;)
  • I never watch TV, but I was in my bar last night and I saw that Tim Horton's commerical about the asian hockey dad etc..I teared up.
    God damn Tim Hortons.
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