I will personally try some Devinesque 20bb rampaging at the 6max O8 tables in the upcoming weeks.

Anyone else going to attempt any rampage runs?


  • Is this the deal where you move up limits every time you have 20 bb for the next level with the goal being to move as high as possible?

    I don't think I've ever heard it referred to as rampaging.

    I've had really good(lucky) results at shorthanded 1/2 and 2/4 recently, so I'm in.

    I'll give it a go tonight.

  • Yes sir, you are correct...search for all aces previous postings
  • I actually found some of them aftetr this. It's funny, I'm not a big "gambling" type. I play no games other than poker, and am not an action junkie at all. However, whenever I read a big story about a guy taking his forty bucks and running it to alomost fifty grand, I get this twitch in my stomach. I'm going to dedicate a weekend soon, to a full on rampage. Spend a couple of weeks practiscing and
    doing some reading. I'm playing shorthanded 2/4 right now, and am running pretty well, so we'll see how it goes. I'll let you know when I finally get around to trying it.

  • First rampage report.

    $5 at PokerStars 0.10/0.25 9max NLHE Table.

    Push all in on the SB with AQo. (second hand of the table) I get called by K6o and he spikes a K on the turn. I'm out! Not a great start to rampaging... :)
  • Starting in March I want to get back into full ring limit holdem. To get the party started i think I'm going to start with 40xBB at 3/6 and go from there, moving up whenever I have 40xBB at the next level all the way to 30/60 should I be so lucky.
  • Nice post Zithal. I expect that you must be the only rampager to have actually posted how your rampage went bust (which I assume happens like +90% of the time). Way to keep things in perspective! :)
  • Absolute Poker put some money in my account. I'll have to start low, but, seems like a good way to try the Rampaging.
  • I GAVE IT A TRY! Started at party shorthanded 10 20, destroyed that two tabling for 3k. Decided Im gonna rampage the 50-100, sat with 2k and lost 1400.

  • Harthgosh, I don't know if I just can't make it out, but what exactly is your picture of?

  • Thought I'd give this a shot, but I used Fell Knight's blog since I prefer NL.  I played at Empire on the 6-max tables, and decided I'd use $20 (4 attempts :) ).  My results were less than stellar.  I'm not sure if it's due to the strategy which has me pushing more than I ever have, my inexperience short-handed, or simply a run of luck.  Either way, it was definitely a rush, a lot of fun, and I got my starting $5 up to $60 at one point :) .

    Running     Buy-in     Limits                              # HandsMinutes  Cash-out       Key Hand
    Attempt 1$5$5$25 NL (0.10/0.25)43$0KJo, 1 pair lost to 2 pair
    Attempt 2$5$5$25 NL (0.10/0.25)4436$21QTs, straight beat trips
    $21$10$50 NL (0.25/0.50)5432$22none - tight table, just kept stealing
    $33$20$100 NL (0.50/1.00)2218$50KQo - 1 pair higher kicker
    $63$40$200 NL (1.00/2.00)2823$0JJ - beat by 2 pair
    $23$20$100 NL (0.50/1.00)168$47AQs - straight beat 2 pair
    $50$40$200 NL (1.00/2.00)2714$0A6s - missed flush
    $10$10$50 NL (0.25/0.50)2410$055 - brain fart - pushed pre-flop
    Attempt 3$5$5$25 NL (0.10/0.25)1811$1193s - flush
    $11$10$50 NL (0.25/0.50)1815$5blinded down
    $6$5$25 NL (0.10/0.25)11$0KJs - lost to QQ
    Attempt 4$5$5$25 NL (0.10/0.25)32$0AQs - lost to QQ
  • the picture is of a BANHAMMER. It says BAN on the metal of the hammer aswell but impossible to see on the forum. u can see the word ban on the holder.
  • the picture is of a BANHAMMER.

    That's too @#$%ing funny... NH.
  • Decided to do extreme rampaging, so I start multitabling at .02/.04 and figure by the weekend I will be battling neverwin and HALLINGOL. After 50 hands I want to blow my brains out. I'm up $0.40.
    Maybe I will try starting at a higher limit next time. :-/
  • I wonder if you guys were going with 20 big blinds or 20 big bets? Either way, the past couple of nights I started with $40 and did rampaging with 20 big bets. Started at 1/2 6 max andw ent all the way up to 5/10 tonight with around 320. 3 big hands within 3 orbits (flop trips losing to river flush, flop straight losing to rivered higher straight, two pair losing to trips on river) basically "bankrupt" me.
  • started $40 at 1/2, got up to 5/10 dumped a bit and now I've stopped at 150ish. I may give it a few more shots as it was pretty fun.
  • Soup wrote:
    started $40 at 1/2, got up to 5/10 dumped a bit and now I've stopped at 150ish. I may give it a few more shots as it was pretty fun.

    Were you rampaging on Stars soup?
  • RAMPAGE!!!!
  • Started with $100 on Poker Stars playing 2/4 limit. Turned it into $200. Jumped on 5/10 this morning and doubled my to $400 in about 5 hrs.

    I now have $400 and just jumped on a 10/20 limit table.
  • 40 minutes later I drop $300. One guy won 5 hands in a row and his stack went from $400 to $900 in about 5 minutes.

    He dumped it all back in the next 10 minutes.
  • I'm assuming you were playing 6 max?
  • RAMPAGE was an awesome arcade game, smashing cities, eating people. I loved being wolfman.
  • Re-live the old days! No quarters required!

  • westside8 wrote:
    Soup wrote:
    started $40 at 1/2, got up to 5/10 dumped a bit and now I've stopped at 150ish. I may give it a few more shots as it was pretty fun.

    Were you rampaging on Stars soup?

    Yes it was stars 6 max. I kinda cheated, I went up to 5/10 when I was at just over 3ish because my 3/6 table broke.
  • I find that listening to AC/DC and Rage Against the Machine makes the rampaging JUST a BIT more intense. :)

    Just starting, full ring limit on UB. $40 at 1/2. Will post my results as soon as there's something to post.
  • Soup wrote:
    westside8 wrote:
    Soup wrote:
    started $40 at 1/2, got up to 5/10 dumped a bit and now I've stopped at 150ish. I may give it a few more shots as it was pretty fun.

    Were you rampaging on Stars soup?

    Yes it was stars 6 max. I kinda cheated, I went up to 5/10 when I was at just over 3ish because my 3/6 table broke.

    I skipped 3/6 because I just went on an insane run at 2-4 and the table broke with me up to 300 or so which took me directly to 5-10
  • I can't remember ever running this good at limit holdem. I started off 'slow' at 3/6 (6max) only running at 7BB/100 hands.

    369 hands +$153 6.91 BB/100

    But I kicked it into full blown rush at 5/10 (6max) clearing my last FPPs to get GoldStar on PS for February:

    173 hands +$547 31.62 BB/100

    Then I tried some 10/20 full at party. Started slow but then I hit a 2-outer which sparked another full-blown rush.

    190 hands +$703 18.50 BB/100


    732 hands +$1403 15.76 BB/100

    I guess by my 40xBB rule I'm supposed to be at 20/40 next time. I'll have to think it over because I'd prefer not to donk off this rush in one sitting playing too high but we'll see.
  • Are you or are you not rampaging!?!

    Of COURSE you go to 20/40. And, you only stop moving up when you hit the highest limit available at the site you are rampaging.
  • Of course you're right, what was I thinking?? I originally said I'd cap it at 30/60 if i somehow get passed that point then I will reserve the right to pussy out. Those 20/40 donks aren't going to know what hit them.
  • Of course you're right, what was I thinking??  I originally said I'd cap it at 30/60 if i somehow get passed that point then I will reserve the right to pussy out.  Those 20/40 donks aren't going to know what hit them.
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