Feb 23rd - $50 freezeout 8:30pm - RESULTS



  • BusDriver won it?? OMG, now what? End of the world as we know it? Dogs and cats living together? Leafs win the Stanley Cup??

    This is just too much for me to handle.

    GG everyone.
  • Ok, ok, you got me, with all the begging and pleading.  the constant emails, the 25 voice messages a day, sitting in the parking lot outside my work.  :D

    I can't promise anything, but set me up a seat.  I'm 99% sure I'll be late, I'm just asking give me 'till first break, then take my chips off the table if I'm a no show.  I'll call anyway, if I can't make it.


    I think he was playing us........

    It has to be the points that affect his game. No points = No pressure = Bus Driver Win.

    Good Game everyone.
  • First of all, I like to thank my sponsor LAIDLAW for the new bus.  It made all the difference in running some of you over.  The old bus, whill effective, only seemed to injure, not kill.  :D

    I think I finally learned the secret, you have to chump out first, before you can be champ.

    I had a great time, thanks for hosting Chris/El.  Even though I didn't get the bracelet, I'll just let the money comfort me.

    Finally, no longer the ugly cousin!!! <--- Sorry Greg, but we always knew deep down you were uglier
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