Feb 23rd - $50 freezeout 8:30pm - RESULTS

Same format as last week.

If people are interested we can try the new blind/ante structure that has been proposed for the league to see how it works out.

Who's in?

Player List:
derksen (tentative)
esool (tentative)
Eric (tentative)


  • Im in and I think a test drive of the new structure would be a good idea.

  • Hi El,

    Sounds good. Please put me down as tentative. I have a pretty tough work day Thursday.... I have to take a client snowboarding!! Unreal.... they expect too much of me here!

    I think I should be back in time to make the game.

    New blind schedule sounds good.
  • derksen wrote:
    Hi El,

    Sounds good. Please put me down as tentative. I have a pretty tough work day Thursday.... I have to take a client snowboarding!! Unreal.... they expect too much of me here!

    And here I was thinking I was the only one with the tough job by having spending hours doing "research" at Dave & Busters and by have the boss calling me at home when I'm sick to play on-line poker with him. :rage:
  • Deal me in! I need directions.
  • Great! Sent directions via PM.
  • Well, if Greg is going to be there...

    COUNT ME IN!!! :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Well, if Greg is going to be there...

    COUNT ME IN!!! :D

    We're not enough for you AJ? :'(

    Sounds like we're getting a game together here! BusDriver...haven't heard from you yet? Maybe Mrs.BusDriver would like to play this week? Hork? David?

    I'm hoping we'll get at least 8...
  • ElElliott wrote:

    We're not enough for you AJ?  :'(

    It's not that, it's just that AJ likes his game to be a little more....... :fish:

  • Sorry. Don't think I can make it this week. Have fun without me though.
  • Trust me El, you guys make the game fun.

    Greg makes it PROFITABLE! :D

    I'm sure if Justin is going to be there, so will David.

    Has anyone heard a THING from AC/DC???
  • ElElliott wrote:


    This a new player?
  • ElElliott wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Well, if Greg is going to be there...

    COUNT ME IN!!! :D

    We're not enough for you AJ?  :'(

    Sounds like we're getting a game together here! BusDriver...haven't heard from you yet? Maybe Mrs.BusDriver would like to play this week? Hork? David?

    I'm hoping we'll get at least 8...

    I'm on the fence, and Ms.BusDriver is studying for an exam.  I might have to stay home to serve her water, and work the palm leaf fan.  Did I mention my other occupation is Cabana Boy  :D
  • I just talked to Dave and for the first time in history one will be there with out the other! It is shocking, but we arent joined at the hip.

    Hopefully we still have enough players. What is the count looking like?

    See you guys Thursday

  • Might have one more joining me.  The other stepson is in town, and has asked about a game or two.  I'll confirm his attendance later tonight.

    BTW, you need the table again? Let me know.
  • Right now we have 5 confirmed, 1 tentative, and a Bus on the fence. If AJ's stepson makes it out, it'll be 7, if the Bus makes it over the fence, we'll have 8.

    I'll post in the main home game section to see if there are any new players that want to join.
    STR82ACE wrote:
    BTW, you need the table again? Let me know.

    That'd be great - thanks!
  • Forgot to add....ACDC is swishing down the slopes in Lake Tahoe.
  • If we have such a small number may I suggest we bring it down to two places paid instead of three. That is if we have 5 or 6 people only. If the tenatives come through then we should be fine.
  • JHJ wrote:
    If we have such a small number may I suggest we bring it down to two places paid instead of three. That is if we have 5 or 6 people only. If the tenatives come through then we should be fine.

    I was thinking the same thing.
  • I could be a last minute entry if that is OK. I will be at the auction tomorrow night but depending how things go I could possibly cut out early.
    If this is OK I would call at 8pm to let you know either way.
  • esool wrote:
    I could be a last minute entry if that is OK. I will be at the auction tomorrow night but depending how things go I could possibly cut out early.
    If this is OK I would call at 8pm to let you know either way.

    Sure :)

    I emailed you directions.
  • My buddy Eric is going to come tomorrow to make up for daves empty seat. I will see if he wants to continue, he says stakes are a bit high but we will see if we can hook him in.
  • Stepson Nate has confirmed as well! See you all tonight.
  • Cool - it'll be great to have two new players.

    I've put Eric down as tentative....hopefully you can convince him ;)
  • Ok, ok, you got me, with all the begging and pleading. the constant emails, the 25 voice messages a day, sitting in the parking lot outside my work. :D

    I can't promise anything, but set me up a seat. I'm 99% sure I'll be late, I'm just asking give me 'till first break, then take my chips off the table if I'm a no show. I'll call anyway, if I can't make it.

  • Ok, ok, you got me, with all the begging and pleading. the constant emails, the 25 voice messages a day, sitting in the parking lot outside my work. :D

    You forgot to mention the telegrams, faxes, and smoke signals.

    You're in till first break :D
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Ok, ok, you got me, with all the begging and pleading. the constant emails, the 25 voice messages a day, sitting in the parking lot outside my work. :D

    You forgot to mention the telegrams, faxes, and smoke signals.

    Good thing you didn't have to send the Strip-A-Gram, huh?
  • Hey El!! Got room for two more?? Terry and Tony are asking for a game tonight.
  • Thanks for the heads-up AJ - sent Terry the directions via email.

    Now if all the tentatives show up, we'll have 12 :D
  • Ok - Terry & Tony cancelled already....so we're back down to 7 confirmed & 3 tentative.
  • He hemmed and he hawwed....but the Bus Driver finally decided to come out for the game, and of course, took it down!

    He went into the final battle with newcomer Eric, who played a solid game, but was an underdog with Bus Driver's massive chip mountain staring him down. After a double-up, I thought maybe Eric could pull it out....but Bus Driver ended up the winner.

    BigChris came in third....and I think Justin was bubble boy (I stopped paying attention when I was knocked out so early by He Who Shall Remain Nameless :'()

    It was a great game. I hope our new players had a good time and will come out again (maybe for the league, as well?).
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