Tournament of Champions, season celebration



  • I don't think I was born in 'YOUR' day :D
  • jbird8306 wrote:
    BigChrisEl wrote:
    What about Guitar Hero?

    if your telling me there is a video game where you can play guitar, thats crazy talk!
    I'll smoke you all!

    Jbird... you ain't the only guitarist dude. I feel a wager coming on :D

    BigChris.... do you have guitar hero? I've been wanting to try that game.
  • derksen wrote:

    Jbird... you ain't the only guitarist dude. I feel a wager coming on :D

    BigChris.... do you have guitar hero? I've been wanting to try that game.

    Yeah I have it, it is pretty fun. Have you played Amplitude? Because it is made by the same group and the game play is very similar except with more Guitar Rock songs.
  • Put me down as tenative. Great idea Derek.
  • Me thinks you guys would :h: love :h: my daughters new "TWISTER DANCE MOVES!!" i'LL ASK HER IF YOU CAN BORROW IT :D
  • Ok, folks. It's here - the day you've all been eagerly anticipating.... The Pokerlympics are here.

    I have emailed those of you who attended the TOC. Please email me back to confirm and for exact directions.

    The scoop:

    Time: 8pm Saturday, March the 4th

    I'm really hoping some of you guys carpool so it's easier to take your money... er, I mean so you can drink. Seriously, try and carpool so you can let loose a little.

    The guest list so far is as follows:
    Justin, David, Eleanor, Chris E, Karey (the one who spends my winnings), and Me.

    AJ? (please invite the Mrs. as she has been very patient with us during our 13 week stint)
    Bus Driver and Mrs. Bus Driver (a chance for the Mrs. to take her money back from me???)

    Greg (Shall I confirm your appearance until 23:15?)
    Krazy Kris
    Chirs S.
    Chris H.

    There will be a buy in for each event of $5. You can buy into as many or as few events as you like. Below are a few possible events. I am open to anything that isn't too serious
    Dealers Choice (possible a larger buy in, say $10 or so.... we can decide the night of)
    Rock Paper Scissors
    Billiards (a quick game of 9 ball, or most balls sunk from the break?)
    Foos ball (team or 1 on 1)
    Coin toss
    What number am I thinking of?
    DDR (for those who chose)
    Beer Chug
    Blind Man's Bluff
    3 Card Monte (AJ, please bring your Copags so I can bend them in half... kidding, but if someone can bring a deck of good cards to play with, it would be nice. All I have are Bee)
    Cut for high card

    Some games will have to be elimination, some round robin style. We can figure out that stuff the night of.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to having you guys over. No need to bring anything as my fridge and wine rack is stocked (that is unless you plan to pack away 1/2 a case or more)!

    Those of you who haven't confirmed, please let me know so I can figure out my possible winnings. It would also be nice to make sure I have enough booze/food, etc.

    C ya.

  • I'm bringing my hat
  • Dude... whatever works for you. I thought you were off the inside out Luske hat since the Bus Driver's tournamnet fiasco???
  • derksen wrote:
    Dude... whatever works for you. I thought you were off the inside out Luske hat since the Bus Driver's tournamnet fiasco???

    It only works against good players.......and Gold Medal winner
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    Dude... whatever works for you. I thought you were off the inside out Luske hat since the Bus Driver's tournamnet fiasco???

    It only works against good players.......and Gold Medal winner

    Man.... I can't believe you posted that. That is freakin record time too!

    So what exactly do you mean.... If I wear my hat inside out, I'll win?
  • derksen wrote:

    Man.... I can't believe you posted that. That is freakin record time too!

    So what exactly do you mean.... If I wear my hat inside out, I'll win?

    Either that or you'll look like Marcel Luske, but if several players wear then people may think it is a Nerd Fest
  • Derek - sent you a PM.
  • Dudes, I'm in! See ya later.
  • Dancing...air guitar...R/P/S contest...LET THE NERD FEST BEGIN!!!

    Eleanor and I will just sit at the table and play cards.
  • Mrs Busdriver would like to say thanks everybody for giving us your money. :D

    We had a great time thanks Derek and Karey.
  • Had a great time last night - thanks Derek!
  • My hangover thanks you.

    I, on the other hand, wish you dead. :rage:

    Good times, Derek, great to see everyone together too, and meet the other halves.

    Next time, though, I bring the REAL beer!!
  • Hey Derek, thanks for hosting this. Jen and I both had a great time. Glad to see everyone there. Would have stayed longer, but we budgeted 2 hours to get out of the visitor parking spot that I crammed into.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    Hey Derek, thanks for hosting this.   Jen and I both had a great time.  Glad to see everyone there.   Would have stayed longer, but we budgeted 2 hours to get out of the visitor parking spot that I crammed into.

    The first game was to get into the spot, the last game was to get out ;)

    I had a good time too, it was good to talk to everyone away from the poker table
  • Glad to hear everyone had a good time. Never really calculated the total wins, but I think the Bus Drivers were sitting pretty. I was up but not sure exactly how much. I think around $20-$30 or so. Couldn't really tell once Karey dumped her short stack into my tower.

    We had a good time too. Thanks for coming. We'll do it again at the end of this one (assuming the bankroll is in the same position :D).
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