Tournament of Champions, season celebration

Hey Guys,

As I mentioned to some of you, I would like to have the regulars (ie: the TOC participants) over to my place for a little fun. Some drinks, food and of course.... a little poker. I thought we'd mix it up a bit to see if everyone's poker skill is consistent. I was thinking a couple of different options:

1) Dealer's choice limit: I think the name explains it all. Something cheap, but fun - somewhere between .25 to 1.00 limit. Whatever you guys feel like doing. Blind man's bluff? Low Chicago? War?

2) Dealer's choice tourney: A point based system (yet to be thought up) were we would play an array of different games. Cash would be paid out based on points racked up throughout the evening.

3) The all around gamblers experience tourney: Gambling on everything from billiards, dance dance revolution (yes.... I am a geek and I do own this), rock paper scissors, fastest beer chugger, first to puke, foos ball, dealer's choice.... etc. I think a point based payout would work, or we could buy in to each event for like $5.



Tentative list:
STR82ACE (pending approval from the boss)
Derksen + the spendee
BusDriver and the lovely Ms. Bus Driver
Hork + Mrs. Hork

Jailbird, MisFit, Pkrfce9, ACDC


  • first to puke
    what's the over/under line on david?
  • I can't believe you own DDR. I'll have to practice before next weekend ;)

    I think either dealers choice limit or tourney sounds good. We can get to the gambool-fest afterwards :D
  • I think all options sound like a good time.  In spirit of the olympics I think the individual events would be fun.  Like in the movie rat race where they keep betting on anything and everything.  That kind of idea would be fun.
    The saturday night works best for me. I work saturday morning so friday nights arent the best.
  • forgot to mention - saturday nights are better for me too.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    first to puke
    what's the over/under line on david?

    Judging by approximate weight (110lbs dry), and physique, the over/under is 3 beers. (sorry David :D)
  • JHJ wrote:
    I think all options sound like a good time.  In spirit of the olympics I think the individual events would be fun.  Like in the movie rat race where they keep betting on anything and everything.  That kind of idea would be fun.
    The saturday night works best for me. I work saturday morning so friday nights arent the best.

    That does sound funny. Have you seen the American version of 'The Office' where they have the office olympics? It was hillarious. Can David make it as well?

  • Poker?  Beer?  Food?  Watching David puke his guts out after 3 beers?


    Saturday I believe works for me too, but I will have to confirm with the Mrs.

    yes, I'm whipped
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Poker?  Beer?  Food?  Watching David puke his guts out after 3 beers?


    Saturday I believe works for me too, but I will have to confirm with the Mrs.

    yes, I'm whipped

    AJ.... just buy her the damn dryer already and get her off your case!! If the woman wants to dry some clothes, don't stand in her way.
  • derksen wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Poker?  Beer?  Food?  Watching David puke his guts out after 3 beers?


    Saturday I believe works for me too, but I will have to confirm with the Mrs.

    yes, I'm whipped

    AJ.... just buy her the damn dryer already and get her off your case!! If the woman wants to dry some clothes, don't stand in her way.

    Dr. Phil?? Is that you?? When did you join the league??
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Poker?  Beer?  Food?  Watching David puke his guts out after 3 beers?


    Saturday I believe works for me too, but I will have to confirm with the Mrs.

    yes, I'm whipped

    AJ.... just buy her the damn dryer already and get her off your case!! If the woman wants to dry some clothes, don't stand in her way.

    Dr. Phil??  Is that you??  When did you join the league??

    oh no you didn't!!! AJ, I am going to wipe the floor with you in the AAGET (all around gamblers experience tourney). You're going down in the 4th match of Rock Paper Scissors. Watch your back dude!
  • derksen wrote:

    3) The all around gamblers experience tourney: Gambling on everything from billiards, dance dance revolution (yes.... I am a geek and I do own this), rock paper scissors, fastest beer chugger, first to puke, foos ball, dealer's choice.... etc. I think a point based payout would work, or we could buy in to each event for like $5.



    DDR for Xbox or PS2 and what version of DDR? Because I’m going to lay the DDR SMACK DOWN!!!!!

    There is no bigger game geek then me……after all I do test computer games for a living.

    Also I studied Foos ball/beer chugging/ puking in college so I should be good for those 3 as well.

    Usually it was beer chugging followed by the 5 meter toilet dash, quickly followed up by the 20 minute puking. AKA the college Triathlon.

    Saturday should be good for me too.
  • I have DDR for PS2. I also picked up Xbox360, but no DDR. PG Racing, Call of Duty, Perfect Dark.

    DDR smack down.... yeah ok buddy, get behind me and be careful I don't dance on your face when you fall from the dizziness emitted in my DDR skillz!

    Any other thoughts on games? Should I do another poll on games? We need to decide on the options I provided as well. We could always start off with a few small tourneys of dealers choice and move onto the other games after we get a little primed and loose.

    For format, I was thinking something like this:
    Total buy in $50
    Points awarded: 1st = 5, 2nd = 3, and 3rd = 2 (I think we all agree on that formula by now)
    Cash value of points would be dictated by number of entrants and events. If we had 10 entrants and 5 events, the pot would be $500, therefore giving a point value of $10. If we double the events, the cash value changes to $5. I think this would be fun because with so many small events, everyone is bound to win something.... maybe even Greg.

    Or we could simplify a little and make each event a $5 buy in. Winner take 50%, 2nd 30% and 3rd 20%. Pretty much the same thing I guess. The only difference would be that in the first format, we would track points and payout at the end of the night. Maybe award an elastic band to the winner??
  • Maybe award an elastic band to the winner??

    Just make sure it's a big, manly elastic band.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    Maybe award an elastic band to the winner??

    Just make sure it's a big, manly elastic band.

    I'll make sure to have 'skinny' ones as well as 'man' sized.
  • derksen wrote:
    I have DDR for PS2. I also picked up Xbox360, but no DDR. PG Racing, Call of Duty, Perfect Dark.

    DDR smack down.... yeah ok buddy, get behind me and be careful I don't dance on your face when you fall from the dizziness emitted in my DDR skillz!

    Any other thoughts on games? Should I do another poll on games? We need to decide on the options I provided as well. We could always start off with a few small tourneys of dealers choice and move onto the other games after we get a little primed and loose.

    Did you line up outside to get your 360?  ;)

    I think we could play all sorts of different types of poker that people don't normally play. (7 card stud, 5 card draw, etc.)  

    Also we could play some different cards game, I don't know about the rest of you guys but I love to play Euchre (say $1.00 a point)

    Maybe just see what kind of different games people would be interested in.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    I have DDR for PS2. I also picked up Xbox360, but no DDR. PG Racing, Call of Duty, Perfect Dark.

    DDR smack down.... yeah ok buddy, get behind me and be careful I don't dance on your face when you fall from the dizziness emitted in my DDR skillz!

    Any other thoughts on games? Should I do another poll on games? We need to decide on the options I provided as well. We could always start off with a few small tourneys of dealers choice and move onto the other games after we get a little primed and loose.

    Did you line up outside to get your 360?  ;)

    I think we could play all sorts of different types of poker that people don't normally play. (7 card stud, 5 card draw, etc.)  

    Also we could play some different cards game, I don't know about the rest of you guys but I love to play Euchre (say $1.00 a point)

    Maybe just see what kind of different games people would be interested in.

    Yes, fellow geek here. Lined up to get my 360.

    I think that each tourney should max out at 10 points. Euchre might be a bit tough due to the constricting # of players. I was trying to think of group events, eliminations and round robins. I think any poker could fall under dealers choice. Stud, omaha & HL, 7 stud, you name it, we play it!
  • I have DDR for PS2
    OMG! My kids play this. I haven't had the pleasure. Can you say duelling mats???
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    I have DDR for PS2
    OMG! My kids play this. I haven't had the pleasure. Can you say duelling mats???

    We have duelling mats :D
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    I have DDR for PS2
    OMG! My kids play this. I haven't had the pleasure. Can you say duelling mats???

    Brush up now.... it's your chance to win an event!

    Duelling mats is the only way to go!
  • Suddenly, I feel very very old :'(

    In my day it was Space Invaders and Asteroids. What the HELL is a dueling mat??

    Can't we just play cards??
  • I can bring my DDR mat if you want.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Suddenly, I feel very very old  :'(

    In my day it was Space Invaders and Asteroids.  What the HELL is a dueling mat??

    Can't we just play cards??

    DDR is a game based on an arcade game where you 'dance' on a mat with arrows on it. You step on the arrows that coordinate with the arrows on screen. Very funny, very geeky.... very cool!!

    Duelling mats... 2 mats. Toughie!
  • Hork42 wrote:
    I can bring my DDR mat if you want.

    I've got 2. Mine are kinda shite though.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    What about Guitar Hero?

    Please Lord, no. If I hear <i>Smoke on the Water</i> one more time I might just drink draino.

    This isn't going to turn into a video-game fest is it? A round or two of DDR I can handle for giggles....but a bunch of videogaming makes Eleanor sleepy.

    I'll play cards with AJ ;)
  • ElElliott wrote:
    I'll play cards with AJ ;)

    Don't worry El...I'll play with you :D
  • A little bit of poker, eh?
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    A little bit of poker, eh?

    Don't let her husband find out THIS time!!! :D
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    What about Guitar Hero?

    if your telling me there is a video game where you can play guitar, thats crazy talk!
    I'll smoke you all!
  • derksen wrote:
    DDR is a game based on an arcade game where you 'dance' on a mat with arrows on it. You step on the arrows that coordinate with the arrows on screen. Very funny, very geeky.... very cool!!

    Duelling mats... 2 mats. Toughie!

    Back in MY day, guys like ME used to beat up guys like YOU!!! :rage:
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