Personality test



  • Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica)

  • moose wrote:
    Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 94%

    I got Babylon 5 94%, but Moose got a different result with his 94% ??? Is this thing totally random. Fun to take a quiz with no understanding of what the results mean (if they mean anything).

    New quiz - roll a 6-sided dice:
    1 - You're a "Mr. White"
    2 - You're a "Mr. Orange"
    3 - You're a "Mr. Blonde"
    4 - You're a "Mr. Pink"
    5 - You're a "Mr. Blue"
    6 - You're a "Mr. Brown"
    Wow - personality analysis tests are easy to write with the correct random questions and results :D
  • Dude...

    It's only the best show on t.v. in the last 5 years... that was cancelled... by Fox... stupid fox.

    There was a movie "Serenity" in the summer, if you missed it, do yourself a favour and see it. "Firefly" was the t.v. show that spawned Serenity. It's be Joss Whedon (Buffy / Angel / X-men comic books) so you KNOW it's good.

  • beanie42 wrote:
    moose wrote:
    Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 94%

    I got Babylon 5 94%, but Moose got a different result with his 94% ???  Is this thing totally random.  Fun to take a quiz with no understanding of what the results mean (if they mean anything).

    It means I'm 94% suited to be on Galactica but you are 94% suited to be on Babylon 5. Dude pay attention.
  • Wow.. those babylon 5 people are really cynical pricks eh? :)

    Just kidding beanie... much love brother.

    BTW... are you going to Rob's tonight? If so, can you bring those comic books?

  • moose wrote:
    It means I'm 94% suited to be on Galactica but you are 94% suited to be on Babylon 5.  Dude pay attention.
    Ouch - I hate that show - I guess I better work on my personality (or maybe find one?) :(
  • DrTyore wrote:
    BTW... are you going to Rob's tonight?  If so, can you bring those comic books?
    Nope - spending some time with the kids tonight.
  • I got Deep Spce Nine because I'm seedy, orrr, something like that. It's actually ironic because I think DS9 is the worst Star Trek of them all.
  • all_aces wrote:
    Ahhh... there are many INTJ's, but few INTJ "Masterminds".  Anyone else get this particular result?
    I think I did.

    Your Type is
    Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
    Strength of the preferences %
    33 50 25 22

    What were your percentages Devin? If you don't mind me asking.

  • Easy wrote:
    I have taken tests like this before, and have always been an ENTJ. Surprise, surprise...this one said the same thing.

    I guess it will come as a shock to all that I am highly extroverted. As far as being heartless and judgemental...anyone who knows me knows I'm the sweetest most selfless girl in the world. Haha.

    I like being a Fieldmarshal tho, it gives me a perfectly valid excuse to boss everyone around and turn them into my slaves.

    From what little I know of you, I'm not in the least bit surprised by any of this.
    g2 wrote:
    all_aces wrote:
    Ahhh... there are many INTJ's, but few INTJ "Masterminds".  Anyone else get this particular result?
    I think I did.

    Your Type is
    Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
    Strength of the preferences % 
    33 50 25 22

    What were your percentages Devin?  If you don't mind me asking.


    I forget what the percentages were, but I was given this link to follow:

    The whole "1% of the population" thing made me think I was special, but apparently not really...  :(
  • Your Type is
    Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
    Strength of the preferences %
    11 75 25 44
  • Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
    Strength of the preferences %
    67 12 25 44

    My type is IDEALIST. Ha! I always thought of myself as a realist and frequently have disagreements with idealist friends of mine.
  • My other results were a 193 in the how corrupt are you test. Frankly I thought I'd score higher. Trust me, you don't want to know (lmao).
    An I tested an 81% for Serenity. I'm with you Mark. I just saw that movie today and I thought it was pretty damn good. I definitely would fit in to that group better than any of the other ones. Which are clearly gay by the way (not that there's anything wrong with that).
  • all_aces wrote:
    The whole "1% of the population" thing made me think I was special, but apparently not really... :(

    realize that actually means you are 1 of 40 or 50 million ...
  • not that you are not unique though.

    I think you're one of a kind :)

    The only guy I know with a pool table in his living room.
  • My wife is an ESFJ - Provider Guardian.

    Providers are extremely sensitive to the feelings of others, which makes them perhaps the most sympathetic of all the types, but which also leaves them rather self-conscious, that is, highly sensitive to what others think of them. Because of this Providers can be crushed by personal criticism

    This is my wife to a T - as analyzed by an ENTJ - lol

    This makes her an ideal poker player, as she can read people like no other. I am a limit player because I like to do all the analysis of pot odds.

    Have to go now and set the VCR to tape Dancing with the Stars, because if I forget, she will kill me when she gets home from work. :D
  • Ok I finally did this, fwiw I am

    Extroverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
    Strength of the preferences %
    67 25 38 33

    I'm not surprised...

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