Suggestions for next season

1/ Add in a 40/80 level to smooth out the increases in the blinds.

2/ Add antes after level x to lessen the pain of those dealing for the final 3. Also helps to get the game over by 23:15. (I know this kind of contradicts point #1...)

3/ Put a clock on that bus driver. 30 seconds is way more than enough time to fold.

4/ Change points structure to use formula the forum TLB uses. People who win bigger tourneys deserve more points.

5/ One trophy for season point leader. One trophy for TOC champ. Bracelet stays with weekly champ but then goes back to league.

6/ Consider a bi-weekly league. I can't commit to weekly but I can always just skip every other one. Not sure how others feel.

7/ Maybe smaller buy-ins. I think this will attract more people on a consistent basis. Maybe $40/week with $5 going towards the TOC.


  • I agree with the following points.


    Also, I know we don't reach it that often, but the jump from 100/200 to 200/400 was HUGE yesterday. What about a 150/300? Keep those red chips in play just a while longer.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:

    6/ Consider a bi-weekly league. I can't commit to weekly but I can always just skip every other one. Not sure how others feel.

    $5 going towards the TOC.

    Word up!
  • I agree with all the suggestions so far.

    I'm ambivilent about weekly vs. biweekly. Either works for me.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:

    2/ Add antes after level x to lessen the pain of those dealing for the final 3. Also helps to get the game over by 23:15. (I know this kind of contradicts point #1...)

    2/ The only problem with Ante's is that you would have to keep the 25 chips in play for a lot longer, and people will start to get a large amount of chips but not have many over all. This happen in the West Side big game where one guy would win all the ante's and then he would make change for everyone on the next hand so they could post their antes.
    pkrfce9 wrote:

    4/ Change points structure to use formula the forum TLB uses. People who win bigger tourneys deserve more points.

    4/ People that win bigger tournaments already get more by winning more money, I'm not sure we want to change the formula because how do you start to break down the points for people that make it to the bubble, 5th, 6th and so on. Should the person that makes it 5th get more points cause there are more people?
    pkrfce9 wrote:

    6/ Consider a bi-weekly league. I can't commit to weekly but I can always just skip every other one. Not sure how others feel.

    7/ Maybe smaller buy-ins. I think this will attract more people on a consistent basis. Maybe $40/week with $5 going towards the TOC.

    6/ & 7/ I think if we go bi-weekly then keep the buy-in the same. We regularly got 8-12 players out on a weekly basis with the $50.00 buy-in I think if it went bi-weekly and with a lower buy-in we might get too many players. I personally think the buy-in is the perfect amount, it's not too much but not too low at the same time.

    I would suggest maybe an 8:00 pm start time. I remember we all agreed to 8:30 at the beginning but that was when we were first starting out and I don't remember why we changed.
  • Should the person that makes it 5th get more points cause there are more people?
    Most definitely. Everyone should get some points to savour with their hot chocolate. I always thought it was kind of arbitrary that the bubble boy gets extra points but the player out before him doesn't.
  • 1. Nah, an extra level, will make the games even longer.
    Not that it should be speed poker, but the current
    structure the way it is, is ample time.

    2. agree

    3. I’ll put on a clock if you put on a paper bag ugly cousin.

    4. doesn’t matter

    5. ok

    6. bi-weekly will be less stress on the wallet,
    but will also take longer to get thru a season.

    7. ok

    Some additional suggestions:
    8. Maybe to be less stressful on AJ and his marriage,
    we could do a rotating venue. I’m willing to host 1 or 2.

    9. Bounty on previous week’s champ.
  • All great suggestions so far. I will try to get ahold of the forum tourney organizer and see how he does the point breakdowns for the online league.

    I have a couple for discussion as well...

    1/ Showing a card during a live hand will automatically muck your hand.

    2/ Time can be called by ANY player at a table against ANY player on the same table. After which, the player must act within 30 seconds or their hand will be declared dead.

    The reason we have an 8:30 start was a couple of players couldn't make 8pm. Unless this has changed, I don't think we can change the start time. Also, I now have to pick my kid up at that time, and will often not be there in time myself.

    I agree, we should be adding at least the 40/80 level, and for those that make the final table more regularily, 150/300 level. The jumps are brutal, and I really don't think it will stretch it out too long, especially if we impose an ante at level X (what would X be? Level 5? 6?)

    Going bi-weekly works for me, just stretches the season well into the summer months. Didn't know how people would like that as summer time is often quite full of other fun things. Still, if we do go biweekly, I would still prefer to keep the buyin and TOC contribution the same, but this can be discussed more here.

    At the current time, I only have room enough for 18 players. I am in negotitions with the wife for freeing up the basement once again for use as a Rec/Poker Room, however this is proving extrememly challenging. Should I be able to successfully arrive at some compromise, I would then have room for a total of 4 tables, maximum players would be in the range of 25-40. I will keep you posted on how negotiations are progressing.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    All great suggestions so far.  I will try to get ahold of the forum tourney organizer and see how he does the point breakdowns for the online league.

    I have a couple for discussion as well...

    1/  Showing a card during a live hand will automatically muck your hand.
    2/  Time can be called by ANY player at a table against ANY player on the same table.  After which, the player must act within 30 seconds or  their hand will be declared dead.

    The reason we have an 8:30 start was a couple of players couldn't make 8pm.  Unless this has changed, I don't think we can change the start time.  Also, I now have to pick my kid up at that time, and will often not be there in time myself.

    I agree, we should be adding at least the 40/80 level, and for those that make the final table more regularily, 150/300 level.  The jumps are brutal, and I really don't think it will stretch it out too long, especially if we impose an ante at level X (what would X be? Level 5? 6?)

    Going bi-weekly works for me, just stretches the season well into the summer months.  Didn't know how people would like that as summer time is often quite full of other fun things.  Still, if we do go biweekly, I would still prefer to keep the buyin and TOC contribution the same, but this can be discussed more here.

    At the current time, I only have room enough for 18 players.  I am in negotitions with the wife for freeing up the basement once again for use as a Rec/Poker Room, however this is proving extrememly challenging.  Should I be able to successfully arrive at some compromise, I would then have room for a total of 4 tables, maximum players would be in the range of 25-40.  I will keep you posted on how negotiations are progressing.
    It all sounds good to me.

    Bi-weekly is definitely better for me. I don't know if that is good news or bad for you guys.
  • I really like the buy-in and TOC setup.

    Time clock is a great suggestion (especially when I'm short stacked and watching the clock like a hawk).

    Also, thoughts on balancing the # of players at the table??
  • I'll try to do a better job of that, Derek. I'm still learing the ropes abit. When you see a balancing needed, just remind me.
  • I think in tournament director there is an auto balance setting which tells you when to move players and to what seats, but with that you need to update it when people get knocked out.
  • I think you're right, Chris, I did see that in TD, but like you said, every bust out means to record it in the program. I don't mind doing that so long as it doesn't slow the game down too much. Let me experiment over the 'off' season and see what I can do with it.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
      I don't mind doing that so long as it doesn't slow the game down too much.  Let me experiment over the 'off' season and see what I can do with it.

    The problem is that there would be delays every time some one gets busted out. Honestly I don't think there are any problems with the table setup and merging other then suggesting a merge (and then tight packed in) table at 9 or 10 players.
  • Was imbalanced tables really a problem?

    Here's what you can do. Once any table is two players short of another, take whichever position has just busted out and move the same position from the other table to the short table.

    I agree, too much hassle to plug everything into TD for this few players. Use TD when you have 100 players to manage, but not 15.
  • OH, that's right didn't make final table very often did you? :D

    I don't think it was a SERIOUS issue throughout the season, but there were a couple of times I could have been more watchful of the table balance. Just have to be more diligent about it. But remember, if any player sees an oppurtunity to rebalance, just say something, it will get done.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    OH, that's right didn't make final table very often did you? :D

    Enough with the hate. I'm still crying over it, no need to rub it in. :'(
  • It wasn't a huge issue. Just a couple games felt unbalaced. Just food for thought. TD is a pain in the ass to moderate during a game. I say just balance when it needs.... that's all.

    Other suggestions seem good.

    1 more.... resize the bracelet for the skinny risted winners (we are plentiful)!!
  • derksen wrote:
    1 more.... resize the bracelet for the skinny risted winners (we are plentiful)!!

    See what I can do. Maybe Justin can get it done while he has it. Just remember was sized for a MAN'S Wrist!! :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    but there were a couple of times I could have been more watchful of the table balance.  Just have to be more diligent about it.  But remember, if any player sees an oppurtunity to rebalance, just say something, it will get done.

    Forget about t.d., it is a big hassle.
    When a player is eliminated and the tables are now unbalanced by more then 1 player, move the player sitting in the exact same position (relative to the button) as the eliminated player from the higher table to lower table.

    When I hold my charity MTT on Feb. 25 I will probably just do it "freestyle" instead of using the t.d. as well.
    I will be playing in the game so I will not have the time to mess around with the computer
  • I suggest not having them on thursdays so I can make it out :D
  • Oni5000 wrote:
    I suggest not having them on thursdays so I can make it out  :D

    About that...

    Does Thursdays still work for MOST of you? If not, what other day would be better?
  • I like Thursdays a lot. Nice and close to the weekend. It always feels like a shorter week if I have poker on Thursdays.
  • I like Thursdays :)
  • For some reason Thursday just works well for me too.  Not to early in the week, that it leaves me red-eyed and trying to snap out of it all week long.  Just have to get thru Friday, which is traditionally and extended lunch day.  Plus, it doesn't compete with any weekend social plans.
  • Anyday is good for me, thursday's are nice cause it's close to the weekend
  • I like Thursday too, it kind of like a little warm up for the week-end, plus like The Bus Driver said:

    Just have to get thru Friday, which is traditionally and extended lunch day.  Plus, it doesn't compete with any weekend social plans.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    1 more.... resize the bracelet for the skinny risted winners (we are plentiful)!!

    See what I can do.  Maybe Justin can get it done while he has it.  Just remember was sized for a MAN'S Wrist!! :D
    Too bad it never made it there...
  • I've updated the League Rules as per our discussions and agreements to date. Please refer to them prior to the next League Game.

    I am waiting to hear back from ScottyZ about changing the point breakdowns to award consistent play more. Once I hear from him, I will be changing the point breakdown on the spreadsheet.

    Also, once we play the game at the Elliotts this week with the new blinds and antes, and if everyone agrees it is acceptable, I will be changing the blinds and antes. We will be adding in two blind levels (40/80 and 150/300), and antes will start at level ?? (to be determined)

    And unless the poll changes soon, it looks like we will be going to a EVERY OTHER WEEK schedule.

    If I have forgotten anything, or if you have other suggestions, please let me know.

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    award consistent play more. 

    Ya, if 4th place was worth more points, I'd be Champ! :D
  • So the new blind schedule is this, right? (Want to make sure I get it right for tonight's test run).

    1. 5-10
    2. 10-20
    3. 15-30
    4. 20-40
    5. 30-60
    6. 40-80
    7. 50-100
    8. 75-150
    9. 100-200
    10. 150-300
    11. 200-400
    12. 300-600
    13. 500-1000

    When would the antes start, and how much would they be?
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