Deepstack KPS III - Fri Mar 3rd - Waterloo - RESULTS PAGE 7



  • The KPS III Report will be filed this evening after I win the inaugural KW Grudge Match.

    For now, here is the up to date Official KPS Points Leaderboard:

    1. (3) 118 pts - "DrTyore" Mark B
    2. (13) 109 pts - "King Mob" Dave K
    3. (1) 102 pts - "g2" Greg
    4. (4) 99 pts - "Flint Bones" Andrew
    5. (6) 94 pts - "E" Elliot
    5. (11) 94 pts - "SirWatts" Mike W
    7. (7) 86 pts - "Quimby" Duane
    8. (25) 85 pts - "TNORTH" Tom
    9. (2) 82 pts - "eratik" Stefan
    10. (22) 81 pts - "accobra_kid" Steve

    Note: rank prior to KPS III is in brackets

    Overall KPS Points (.gif) (.xls)

    KPS III (Points.gif) (Results.gif) (.xls)

    KPS II (Points.gif) (Results.gif) (.xls)

    KPS I (Points.gif) (Results.gif) (.xls)

    1 Shannon earned 10 bonus KPS Points for winning this KPC tourney.

  • stpboy wrote:
    Thanks for the time tonight. I'd like to know the proper ruling on what should have happened when I called my opponents all-in and he showed his aces before action was complete. I know it's not a dead hand but should I have been given the choice to withdraw my call?
    All disputes will be settled by Roberts Rules.

    I just think, even though it will sound petty, that if you have rules they need to be followed. Otherwise, why have them? See you guys tommorow at Shopsys.


    Just to let people know the context of my mistake

    I raise all-in UTG
    everyone folds to Shannon in SB. (we're both shortsatcked and I've pushed a couple of the last few hands) he thinks for a minute and calls
    im excited, i flip over my aces.
    oops, mario in the BB still has to act. he is given the option and decides to fold his 64s (this is the new mario wer're seeing here ;)

    I think it seems counterintuitive that my hand would be mucked after ive already gone all in and committed my chips.... im only disadvantaging myself by making others decisions much easier.... although perhaps it could be argued that I was trying to keep it to one caller to keep my overall winning odds on the hand.

    either way, sorry shannon, amateur mistake on my part, appreciate everyone there for letting me play this hand out.

    thanks for another great tourney Greg!

  • Did you see a flop?

    Would the 64 of cracked them? Haha.
  • haha, we did, i dont think the 64 would have held up.
  • I was there too.
    In my opinion, it definitely wasn't done on purpose.

    As for the ruling made, I have no opinion on that.

  • Thanks for everyone letting me buy in.

    Well run tourney Greg looking forward to the next one.
  • Yeah!

    You weren't even supposed to play...I think you should ALWAYS listen to the monkey telling you to raise 3 times the pot bets. ;)
  • At 11:30pm we were down to 10 players (final table at 9)...

    "Zithal" Rob and "E" Elliot both busted out at the same time on opposite tables and that left 8 players in the tourney.

    Final Table
    1. "2BULLETS" Jeremy 61,400
    2. "ItsaMe" Mario 46,100
    3. "haddon" Josh 37,700
    4. "DrTyore" Mark 29,700
    5. "TNORTH" Tom 27,300
    6. "accobra_kid" Steve 18,300
    7. "King Mob" Dave K 17,000
    8. "SirWatts" Mike W 11,600

    8th place: "DrTyore" Mark - 11:50pm

    Just a few hands into the final table, Mark and Mario raised and reraised back and forth until they were both all in.  Mario showed pocket 7s and no help for Mark's AQo put "DrTyore" out in 8th.

    7th place: "SirWatts" Mike W - 11:57pm

    "haddon" Josh tried to make a move with 10 8 suited but was quickly called by Mike who had pocket Kings.  Warning... SUCKOUT!!!  The board was kind to Josh, 8 7 10 Q 5, and Mike was out in 7th.

    "King Mob" doubled up off "2BULLETS" with QQ vs. AJo.  Then a battle of the blinds, Dave pushed from SB with AJ spades, and Josh called right away from BB with A9 clubs.  9 was the first card on the board... but Jack on the river, and the better hand survived - another double up for "King Mob"

    6th place: "accobra_kid" Steve - 12:31am (Bubble)

    With blinds at 1000/2000 Steve raised to 4k UTG, and Tom pushed on the button with AKo.  Steve called with KJo.  Flop came 9 A Q, but Steve missed his gutshot and was KPS III's Bubble-Boy!

    5th place: "2BULLETS" Jeremy - 1:10am ($60)

    UTG Jeremy limped with my favourite hand... folded around, Mario checked the BB.  Flop 7 3 4 all spades.  Mario fired out 10k and Jeremy raised all in for another 20k.  Mario called with 75 and then Jeremy showed Q 10 spades for the flopped flush.  Not even Mario could suck out hard enough to get out of that mess.  Jeremy took down the enormous 70k pot (250k in play).

    Folded around, Jeremy pushes with AJ, but runs into Dave's pocket Kings in BB.  Board 6 7 4 5 7 and we're down to 4 players.

    4th place: "TNORTH" Tom - 1:12am ($90)

    UTG Tom pushed all in with 78s (to Mark's liking) but ran into Josh's pocket Queens.  The board came down 3 4 9 9 8 and Tom was out in 4th.  Tom's elimination meant Mario won the 8-player last longer.

    3rd place: "haddon" Josh - 1:26am ($120)

    With blinds up to 3000/6000 Mario pushes from the SB with 99 and Josh calls the raise with 10 8 offsuit.  No suckout for Josh, and Mario doubles up to ~90k.

    Josh pushes with AJo and Mario calls with A2 clubs.  Flop comes down 4 3 7 with one club... then Mario goes runner runner club for the backdoor flush.  Josh is eliminated in 3rd from his first KPS tourney with a $120 payday.


    "King Mob" Dave K 95,000
    "ItsaMe" Mario 155,000

    Mario chipped away at Dave and eventually they were all in with Mario holding 99 against Dave's 33.  The suckout artist gets a taste of his own medicine with Dave spiking a 3 on the turn and doubling up to 59k.

    Limped pot, 4 6 8 on the flop, Dave gets all his chips in with 78 (Mark loved it!) against Mario's Q4... turn 8, river 9.  Dave evens his stack to Mario's grabbing this 118k pot.

    A few hands later "King Mob" has managed to take the chip lead by a small margin.  They get all their chips in preflop and Dave flips over ROCKETS!  Mario shows K7 and gets ready to go to work.  Professional suckout artist style!!!  Flop 3 K 6, turn 7, and river 8... and Mario cracks Dave's aces.  Dave is crippled to 17k.

    Two hands later Mario's Q7 holds up against Dave's J10.

    2nd place: "King Mob" Dave K - 1:54am ($180)

    1st place: "ItsaMe" Mario - 1:54am ($300)


  • Thanks for a good night Greg. Glad to finally get my final table show at your place.

    Should be interesting next time with Crazy Pineapple - definatley a big switch from a deepstack!!
  • again, great job Greg. ANd thanks for going out so early and giving us a chance.
  • 800OVER wrote:
    again, great job Greg.  ANd thanks for going out so early and giving us a chance.
    You're welcome... but it was just a one-time thing.

  • g2 wrote:
    800OVER wrote:
    again, great job Greg.  ANd thanks for going out so early and giving us a chance.
    You're welcome... but it was just a one-time thing.


    We'll see about that. We'll see.
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