Deepstack KPS III - Fri Mar 3rd - Waterloo - RESULTS PAGE 7



  • Nice, luckily I drew donks on my left and right.
  • westside8 wrote:
    I would've loved to, but as Rob said "This is will in your nightmares for the next few days"...

    I believe the correct quote was "It will just haunt your nightmares for the next couple of months" I guess we could refer the vidoetape to confirm...

  • SirWatts wrote:
    Nice, luckily I drew donks on my left and right.

    A - "E" Elliot
    2 - "PokerQueen" Mandy
    3 - "DrTyore" Mark
    4 - "800OVER" Nik M
    5 - "King Mob" Dave D
    6 - "morty" Sean
    7 - "stpboy" Shannon
    8 - "SirWatts" Mike W

    I'm not sure what is better, having a donk on your right or a weak-tighty on your left. I'll take the weak tight on my left....Fun table!

  • spade Table 1 - SPADES spade

    A - "eratik" Stefan
    2 - "g2" Greg
    3 - "Flint Bones" Andrew
    4 - "JohnnieH" John H
    5 - "TwoThree" Braad
    6 - "Wolffhound" Dave W
    7 - "Pinhead" Brad
    8 - "2BULLETS" Jeremy

    Great, Greg on my blind, but me on Wolfys. :'( This is going to be some night. But at least all the comdians are sitting together.

    See you guys tomorrow.

  • Is someone willing to pick my lazy ass up tomorrow?

    I'll buy you Timmy's, and let you keep the "Please Pllay Again" tab. Or on the remote chance you win, you can keep that too.

  • A - "eratik" Stefan
    2 - "g2" Greg
    3 - "Flint Bones" Andrew
    4 - "JohnnieH" John H
    5 - "TwoThree" Braad
    6 - "Wolffhound" Dave W
    7 - "Pinhead" Brad
    8 - "2BULLETS" Jeremy

    weeeeee this will be fun, hey Pinhead, Last longer bet?
  • TwoThree wrote:
    A - "eratik" Stefan
    2 - "g2" Greg
    3 - "Flint Bones" Andrew
    4 - "JohnnieH" John H
    5 - "TwoThree" Braad
    6 - "Wolffhound" Dave W
    7 - "Pinhead" Brad
    8 - "2BULLETS" Jeremy

    weeeeee this will be fun, hey Pinhead, Last longer bet?

    5 Bones, Brad?
  • TwoThree wrote:
    A - "eratik" Stefan             
    2 - "g2" Greg
    3 - "Flint Bones" Andrew
    4 - "JohnnieH" John H
    5 - "TwoThree" Braad
    6 - "Wolffhound" Dave W
    7 - "Pinhead" Brad
    8 - "2BULLETS" Jeremy

    weeeeee this will be fun, hey Pinhead, Last longer bet?


    Last longer bets do horrible, horrible things to my chip stack - ask Mark, I'm sure he'll be happy to tell anybody who
    didn't already know
  • Sure but I did not want to take your money.

    Anyone else up for a last longer? $5 a head. Just say I

    $5 Last Longer
  • Hey Greg could you put me on the list.  Making my BITCH (apprentice)work Saturday, aren't they great.

    If I make it in Brad count me in.
  • Wait a minute!!! Why is my name on the list after I said NO???

    Ah what the hell, I'm in for $5. I've got position on you both so maybe I can put that to good use
  • MUHAHAHAHAHA you have fallen for my trap Pinhead!
  • While we're at it, want a last longer in Rob's Legends tourney? $10 Braad? No?
    I'll give you 2-1 on that one :)
  • I have your bigblinds in my chip stack I can see it now!

  • Greg,

    Very sorry, but, need to pull out of this on Friday.
    Catering job for March 12th turns out to be for March, I'll be busy Friday night.

    I will drop off the table top prior to the start of the game Friday. I just can't stay.

  • We'll miss ya Wolff... I was really looking forward to having you and Flint at my table... just like the NL SNG at the Royal :)  Thanks a lot for the table!

    The first player on the waiting list has been contacted.

  • Going offline... if you need to reach me call my cell (# in reminder email/PM)

  • Thanks for the time tonight. I'd like to know the proper ruling on what should have happened when I called my opponents all-in and he showed his aces before action was complete. I know it's not a dead hand but should I have been given the choice to withdraw my call?
    All disputes will be settled by Roberts Rules.

    I just think, even though it will sound petty, that if you have rules they need to be followed. Otherwise, why have them? See you guys tommorow at Shopsys.

  • Hey Greg..

    Thanks for a fun night of Poker......Even thought I didnt get to far, it was fun!!!!


    PokerQueen ;)

  • Hey Brent

    I think the thread you directed stpboy to is very different from his situation. I don't know the exact ruling, but first folded's situation was that it was a cash game, where as stp's was in a tournament. Secondly folded was a headsup on the river, while stp's still had a player to act. Just felt I would post for clarification.
  • I had a great time. Thanks Greg. Definately want to come back and donate more to the cash game ;).
  • Been a long time since I've laughed that hard at anything
    Thanks Cory...and of course Greg for hosting
    Somehow after giving you $1 for water I still came out ahead :)
  • There was a time around 4AM where I could not breathe Cory had me laughing so hard.

    What the hell did he say?
  • I wish I could remember, but I know how you felt
    I think I was laughing so hard I was almost crying...and now, sleep
  • Hey who took it down last night??

    Maybe we shouldnt have let Mario in!
  • TNORTH wrote:
    Hey who took it down last night??

    Maybe we shouldnt have let Mario in!

    Mario did. Dave came in second, and Josh third.

    Thanks again, Greg. Your tournaments are always a blast!

    My night ended when my 55 ran head long into Dave's AA. D'oh!!

  • Greg's best run tournament yet. Great job! As always it was a great time. Can't wait for Pineapple.
  • stpboy wrote:
    Thanks for the time tonight. I'd like to know the proper ruling on what should have happened when I called my opponents all-in and he showed his aces before action was complete. I know it's not a dead hand but should I have been given the choice to withdraw my call?
    All disputes will be settled by Roberts Rules.

    I just think, even though it will sound petty, that if you have rules they need to be followed. Otherwise, why have them? See you guys tommorow at Shopsys.


    According to Robert's Rules...

    The following actions are improper, and grounds for warning, suspending, or barring a violator:
    Revealing the contents of a live hand in a multihanded pot before the betting is complete.

    Tournament poker
    22. Showing cards from a live hand during the action injures the rights of other players still competing in an event, who wish to see contestants eliminated. A player in a multihanded pot may not show any cards during a deal. Heads-up, a player may not show any cards unless the event has only two remaining players, or is winner-take-all. If a player deliberately shows a card, the player may be penalized (but his hand will not be ruled dead). Verbally stating one’s hand during the play may be penalized.

    Other than that, there's nothing about being able to take back a bet. It sounds like one of those things that isn't illegal, but is ETREMELY poor etiquette angle shooting which I strongly dislike. It'd be up to the host on how to handle it. If done intentionally (which it sounds like), the player would get a solid warning from me, eviction from the tournament if a warning's been issued.

    Sadly, it sounds like you'd still have to play your hand.

    On another note: great tournament!
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