Bristol St. Classic XXIII - Wed. Feb. 8th @ 7pm (Waterloo)



  • g2 wrote:
    Congrats to JohnnieH.  "SirWatts" Mike came in second, and MrsMoose was 3rd.
    WOW! Go Johnnie - way to survive the normal bubble-suckouts :) . You definately deserve a Bristol title!
  • Congrats - Johnnie.

    Once agian Bristol has smoked me when I put all my money in post flop with the best of it :(

    Next time - my cards statistically have to hold up :)

    Thanks again Rob!
  • Just soliciting some feedback on the hand that took me out of the Bristol Street Classic last night.

    Playing JJ.

    I know Mario hates them, he was folding any hand even containing a J; and I saw Mark fold an AJ without any raises – just because he thought Beanie was going to make a move.

    Jacks are though – it is the damn paint on the cards that entices us. I feel I can play them pretty effectively post-flop – it is preflop I run into problems.

    So I am UTG maybe UTG+1.

    I get JJ. Blinds are 150/300 25 ante.

    I have just over 3000 chips.

    I toss out 650 from EP.

    One caller.

    Flop is 8QQ.

    I push all in.

    Rob (Zithal) thinks about for quite some time. Trying to rationalize.

    My re-raise left him with about 4k in chips if he called and lost.

    Because he thought about it for so long – I knew I was ahead.

    Figuring if he had the Q it was an instant call and even with KK or AA he was probably calling me (and probably would have pushed back preflop)

    Anyhow – he figures I am full of it and calls.

    Flips AK. Yay for me.

    Turn: Ace. Boo for me.

    So I am sent walking.

    Any tips for how to have better played these Jacks???

    Should have I checked raised preflop??
    I thought a min raise would induce a possible steal attempt from someone like Mark. Where I could re-raise.

    Also post-flop. With QQ on the board and JJ in my hand I figured the first person to bet this hand takes it. I didn’t want to check into his bet.

    Suggestions/comments welcome:
  • I think the question with the JJ is "Did you want the call?" All-in looks like an overbet trying to capture the pot. If you really want this pot I think that you have to say "What would someone with a Q do here? What would they expect the best hand to do in this situation?" Pushing is probably not the answer to that question. It does take a strong hand (and some balls) to make the call, but you will probalby only get calls from hands that have you beat. I probably check here and call a bet to try and make it look like I am trapping with a Q in my hand. Then check-raise the turn. Even when the A comes down if you raise then it might look like you have the other Q and the other player might fold.

    Mind you I haven't had too much luck at Bristols lately. Rob busted me with 63s last time!
  • Big congrats to Johnnie who walks away as our Bristol Street Classic XXIII champion!! Results will be a little delayed as I'm heading back to the parents today, but will get them posted before this evening.

    It was a pretty bad suckout I gave Tom, but it wasn't the worst suckout of the evening... we'll get to that when I post the results of the Final Table.

    About the hand in question; I think it was your auto all-in that got me thinking. I've seen you make forceful bets at the pot in the past with nothing, so I had to figure that into the equation; you're a player capable of making a move like that. The all-in just screamed please don't call me, so I could rule out the Q. It seemed possible that you had the 8 or a pair, but I had the nut bluff hand plus, six outs twice if I was wrong. I'm trying to play a little more on feel these days and it was the second time in a week I was dead wrong on a read.

    It was a good trap. I made a questionable call (but one that seemed right to me at the time) and got lucky.

    Anyway.. look for the results along with a final table recap this evening!
  • I think the question with the JJ is "Did you want the call?" 

    Yes, with JJ I did want the call – I was only at 2400 chips with 1800 in the pot. I was happy to take it down. And I figured the only way he had me beat was with a Q – since pre-flop play suggested to me he wasn’t on KK or AA.

    I couldn’t well just fold the hand since the next BB and SB would put me severe short stack.

    I thought about the check raise – but Rob would have to put a pot size bet out there at least – I didn’t have enough chips to check raise him off the pot.

    I also didn’t want to see any free cards. I like JJ against a board of QQ8 – but cant do much with it once an ace hits. He had called a preflop raise – the chances of him having an ace are pretty good and had there been an ace on the board I could have easily folded.

    I guess it is just the curse of the JJ. So pretty, yet so vulnerable.

    ** Also I knew I was coming into a bad seat - Trevor had just been busted out with AA against 94!! Called with a 900 raise!!! That chair should be burned!!
  • Zithal wrote:
    It was a pretty bad suckout I gave Tom, but it wasn't the worst suckout of the evening... we'll get to that when I post the results of the Final Table.

    Hee hee... I'm a dirty dirty whore

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Zithal wrote:
    It was a pretty bad suckout I gave Tom, but it wasn't the worst suckout of the evening... we'll get to that when I post the results of the Final Table.

    Hee hee... I'm a dirty dirty whore

    When I read this, why did I immediately think Mark or Mario? (sorry Brad, but you weren't there, or you'd be on the list :) )
  • Congrats Johnnie! Mike must have had a huge lead and ran outta luck by the time you two were heads up, I was sure he was going to take this down after winning virtually every coinflip/ 40:60 race. Once we were down to 5 players and I was eliminated I obviously had no hard feelings at all as all remaining players completely deserved a Bristol Championship.

    Thanks Rob for yet another great tournament!

  • I was ahead 2:1 when we got HU and finally got all-in AQ vs K9 when we were back to about even but my luck ran out. Actually I lost another 60:40 3-handed against MrsMoose so my chiplead when we got heads up wasn't as big as it might have been. I'll make the necessary adjustments to my luckbox so it doesn't burnout at the end next time.
  • SirWatts wrote:
    I'll make the necessary adjustments to my luckbox so it doesn't burnout at the end next time. 
    Are you a luckbox mechanic Mike?  My live luckbox has turned around, but my online luckbox needs a full repair, especially in the river section!  Can you help a buddy out?

  • My online luckbox is malfunctioning as well. If I sort it out I'll let you know. However my live luckbox has been on overdrive for the last 2 weeks, probably why it burnt out at the end of Bristol. Once I get my own situation back under control I'll work on other people's luckboxes for a small fee (it will pay for itself).
  • Hey Rob,

    Wondering if you could add a thread updating the players that have currently qualified for the end of the years TOC. I find it interesting that already we have two players in that were in last year as well. It could be the exact same people who qualify! I guess Brent and Tyson need to start showing up though....

  • Sorry for the delay all. I've tried typing the results in with my parents computer twice only to have it crash on me both times. Grrrrrr....

    I'll get the full results and updated point counts done on Monday when I get back into town.

    Great idea, Shannon, I'll get that added when I do up the points.

    For now... I think it's off to Casino Windsor for me.
  • Thank you to everyone for the PMs, phone calls and other warm wishes!!

    I'll post my thought(s) on the RESULTS!! page when it's posted.


    ps..and I'm sure I'll see most of you tonight anyway!
  • Sorry for the delay all. I've tried typing the results in with my parents computer twice only to have it crash on me both times. Grrrrrr....

    Rob if you've got a long report - do it in Word and then just cut and paste it in.
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