Celebrity Tourney (Feb. 25) for Woodman

I have been wanting to organize a tourney to try and get the forum members together for quite some time now. Zithal held the original "celebrity" tourney a couple years ago and I think it is time for another.
A bonus with this event is that it will be a fundraiser for one of our own, "woodman".
For anyone not familiar with his situation:

We get to play some cards, meet some new/old faces and have a few laughs.
Freeze out: $75
At the airport club outside of Toronto/Mississauga area. Shane is letting us use his facilities (not just the washroom) for the tourney at no charge.
Saturday February 25, 2pm start. 1pm registration.

Plasma big screens TVs etc. If I have enough volunteers we will have dealers otherwise it will be self deal with 2 decks per table. If my buddies and I bust out early we will help deal..

$15 in advance will reserve your seat. It seems to be common for players to commit to a tourney and then not show. This way woodman will still get his dough.
Arrangements can be made to get the money to me or the airport club without too much hassle I would think.

I have already been offered prizes for this event and I will post details as I get them.
When I get a minute I will also set up a page on my site to make it easy to track the updates to the tourney..

To book your seat pm or email me with the subject title "Tourney for Woodman"

Thank you and have a nice day. :)



  • Great idea beat me to it. I have been in the works for a fundraiser event as well for Woodman. Maybe we will have 2!!!!
  • Great idea beat me to it.  I have been in the works for a fundraiser event as well for Woodman.  Maybe we will have 2!!!!
    Sorry Dave. Well sort of, ;) You know the kind of sorry when you hit your back door flush to eliminate another player at the final table.
    2 is good too! If you have some ideas or want to help out from the west side that would be great.

    **I will be playing the tourney at the unit tonight if anyone wants to pay for their entry.**
    Tuesday Jan.24
  • Here is the blind schedule.
    5000 starting chips.
    Blinds: 20 minute levels.
    3000/6000,  ?
    4000/8000,  ?
    5000/10,000 capped

    Depending on the amount of players/chips in play I may cap the blinds a level or two earlier.

    *I added a 150/300 level and deleted the extra 300/600 level to give a little extra play in the early rounds.
  • Damn, Bill, I just found this thread. Sorry for the late response.

    I would be VERY interested in participated as well as helping out in any way I can. I'll get you the $$ when I see you next time.

    Great job Bill.
  • No problem dude, your seat is saved. Anyone can reserve their spot and figure out the $15 drop later.

    If you want to collect money from your league players that are coming out that would be great.
  • Not a problem. I'll let them know tomorrow night and collect what I can.
  • Sounds good to me Bill. I will personally put up a "Bounty" for whoever takes out D. Armstrong.

    I encourage all forum members who can get to the GTA to come as well. This is a chance to feel good about gambling for a change.

    Editor's Note: Bounty may or may not be my favourite candy bar from back in the day.
  • Hey, Bill, sign up two more!!

    BigChrisE and Eleanor have given me their seat deposits, and I will give them to you when we get together.
  • LOL Al, very nice.

    Bill, this is a great idea. At the moment, I am scheduled to record a show for CGTV that day (that afternoon) but I will see what I can do about switching a day with Johnny.
  • Esool,

    Although our budgets do not allow us to play in this tournament my girlfriend Miranda (MIRMIR) and I are willing to volunteer to make the trip from Guelph to deal for the tournament if needed. I encourage everyone to get out and support a fellow forum member.

  • If I remember correctly, this is the same day West Side Poker Club is running their HeadsUp monthly tourney, which might possibly cause some conflicts...
  • Esool,

    I can't play but I wil send $15.00 via Paridise. 25th is my daughters birthday.
  • pokerdro wrote:

    Although our budgets do not allow us to play in this tournament my girlfriend Miranda (MIRMIR) and I are willing to volunteer to make the trip from Guelph to deal for the tournament if needed.  I encourage everyone to get out and support a fellow forum member.


    Thanks for the offer, I may take you up on that.
    If there is enough interest we could probably run a $10 satellite at the club before the tourney starts..
  • Dead Money wrote:

    I can't play but I wil send $15.00 via Paridise. 25th is my daughters birthday.

    Thanks Rob, that is nice of you.
  • Please post details about the heads up monthly tournament.
    westside8 wrote:
    If I remember correctly, this is the same day West Side Poker Club is running their HeadsUp monthly tourney, which might possibly cause some conflicts...
  • BlondeFish wrote:
    Please post details about the heads up monthly tournament.
    westside8 wrote:
    If I remember correctly, this is the same day West Side Poker Club is running their HeadsUp monthly tourney, which might possibly cause some conflicts...

    Its not a monthly tournament, its just West Side Poker Club (Prophet 22) runs a monthly tournament, and its just their next one (which will be Heads Up) is on the same date (Feb 25) if if I remember correctly.

    You will need Prophet 22 to confirm though.
  • I have started getting commitments for prizes and am just waiting for them to arrive to post the details.

    River Room has donated a $125 entry fee into their Friday night game.

    I also have t-shirts and poker supplies on the way. Everyone at the final table will get something but most likely I will have prizes for every player that attends.

    If you would like to donate a prize pls email me,

    It is nice to see the 5-10 limit game being requested as much as the 1-2 NL game. I can't wait to draw out on everyone at that table. :)
  • Dead Money wrote:

    I can't play but I wil send $15.00 via Paridise. 25th is my daughters birthday.

    Got it, tx dude.

    I am now sending some good poker karma your way.
  • esool wrote:

    River Room has donated a $125 entry fee into their Friday night game.

    I also have t-shirts and poker supplies on the way. Everyone at the final table will get something but most likely I will have prizes for every player that attends.

    If you would like to donate a prize pls email me,

    RiverRatJosh from the forum has donated a $170 entry fee to his Thursday tourney and has donated a $275 entry fee to their WSOP pkg satellite game.

    With prizes like this someone could end up winning a lot of money. Looks like I will now be playing in this tourney as well as running it.
  • I'm glad to see things are coming together for this tourney. I'm happy to be apart of it, as a player. Great work Bill!!
  • If I gotta jump back in the game, this is as good a shot as any.

    Bill, Please PM me for some additional prizes - my company can certainly spare some stuff.

  • westside8 wrote:
    BlondeFish wrote:
    Please post details about the heads up monthly tournament.
    westside8 wrote:
    If I remember correctly, this is the same day West Side Poker Club is running their HeadsUp monthly tourney, which might possibly cause some conflicts...

    Its not a monthly tournament, its just West Side Poker Club (Prophet 22) runs a monthly tournament, and its just their next one (which will be Heads Up) is on the same date (Feb 25) if if I remember correctly.

    You will need Prophet 22 to confirm though.

    Nevermind, it won't be heads up, but they are hosting a tournament regardless
  • That's too bad. I hope we can still get a good crowd for this event.
  • ElElliott wrote:
    That's too bad. I hope we can still get a good crowd for this event.

    It's too bad WSPCs tourney is the same day but I think we will still get a good turn out. A lot of the west end players will go to their tourney for sure since they are very well run but we have a lot of players in this area too.

    I am a little confused about the number of people that voted on the cash game choice at the beginning of this thread. 30 people from the forum voted but I do not have near 30 players from the forum committed to this tourney..
    I expect we will have around 50 or so players for the game. We will be paying out the # of tables + 2. So if we end up with 5 tables of 10 players then the top 7 will get cash top 10% and everyone else at the final table will get a prize. Hopefully every player will end up with some sort of prize..

    I have more prizes coming very soon that I will need to add to the list. :)

    Edit: We will pay out the top 10% and the prizes down from there.
  • Yorkpoker wrote:
    If I gotta jump back in the game, this is as good a shot as any.

    Bill, Please PM me for some additional prizes - my company can certainly spare some stuff.

    I just received the palm pilot and hats, thanks! Who should I post as the sponsor on my site?
  • esool wrote:

    I have more prizes coming very soon that I will need to add to the list. :)

    Edit: We will pay out the top 10% and the prizes down from there.

    Pokerstars has donated a bunch of shirts, hats, dvds and one deck of plastic cards. (For about 2 seconds I thought about keeping these cards ;) )

    More stuff still to come...
  • Sounds great so far Bill. What time is this starting at btw?
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Sounds great so far Bill.  What time is this starting at btw?

    1pm registartion will start, 2pm sharp cards in the air. I will not be waiting for extra players to show. I hate that caca.
  • Hi Bill -- can you tell me how many spots are open still for this tourney?
    Thx in advance!!!
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