Bristol St. Classic XXII - Wed. Jan. 25th @ 7pm (Waterloo)

The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament
Wednesday, Jan 25th - 7:00pm
(doors open at 6:30pm)

$20 Buy-in Freeze-out

$$$ Pay-out $$$
1st place - 45%
2nd place - 25%
3rd place - 15%
4th place - 10%
5th place - 5%
Each player will receive 4000 chips for their $20 buyin. You are eliminated from the tourney when you lose all your chips. The tourney will not stop, except for short breaks, until one player holds all the chips. That player will be declared the 1st place finisher. The last player eliminated will be the 2nd place finisher, the second last player eliminated will be the 3rd place finisher, etc..

Late players: If you know you're going to be late, please phone and a seat and chips will be set out for you and you will post blinds and fold until you arrive. Players that are late that haven't let me know will give up their seat to the next player on the waiting list. If there's no one left on the waiting list, late players may buy into the tournament during the first level (20 minutes), but must immediately post the big and small blind if the blinds have passed them.

Waiting List players: Players on the waiting list will fill no shows at the start of the tournament to a maximum of 32. The remaining players on the waiting list are alternates. During the first four levels, when a player busts out, you have the option of joining the tournament at that point with a starting chip stack.

The tournament will last approximately 5-6 hours. Seating is limited to 32 players with alternates. (8 max tables) Please reserve your seat in advance!!

Blind schedule, chip values, rules, etc, etc, will be posted at my place, or you may msg me for specifics.

As always, tournaments at Bristol Street are rake-free

BOYB, BYOsnacks


  • Reserve List

    1. "Zithal" Rob L (I)
    2. "8Ball" Tye Z.
    3. "Oragami" Jonathan C
    4. "Shtebs" Steve
    5. "2BULLETS" Jeremy
    6. "Dirty Whore" Mark B. (XX)
    7. "Ionstorm" Ian.
    8. "Brava" Dave S. (III)
    9. "Skittlepoker" Bill S.
    10. "Quickfingers" Anthony R. (VI)
    11. "PokerQueen" Mandy
    12. "stpboy" Shannon ={05}=
    13. "Johnnie H" Johnnie H.
    14. "Acid" Joe
    15. Aimee
    16. "Flint Bones" Andrew (XVI)
    17. Ian R.
    18. "Shopsy" Jeff
    19. "Slippery" Pete A. (IX, XIV)
    20. "Waterlooser" Adam
    21. "g2" Greg
    22. "hughjazz" Dom
    23. "TNORTH" Tom (XIX)
    24. "Big E" Eric
    25. "Skinny T" TJ
    26. Jon L
    27. "Morty" Sean
    28. "westside" Wesley
    29. "Pinhead" Brad
    30. "Pinhead+1"
    31. "Witchdoctor"
    32. "ItaMe" Mario

    Waiting List

  • The 2006 Season of Bristol St's tournaments begins with the 22nd Bristol St. Classic!!! Will Tyson repeat at Bristol St. Player of the Year, or will another player take that crown? Which players will make it into the GRAND FINALS and can Shannon win back to back titles?!

    I've asked a lot of you about preference for formats and waiting list policies and I've heard vastly different opinions on how the tourney's should be run. So, this year, we're going to mix in freeze-outs with the re-buys, and continue making tweaks depending on what works and what doesn't work.

    BSC 22 is a *freeze-out event* (no rebuys) and I'm going to try using alternates for the first event, but I'm working on ways to increase the number that can compete at once, so that this eventually becomes a moot point. My number one priority for these events is for everyone to have fun, which is why I'm going with the alternate system, to let as many people play as possible. I started these things to have a fun evening of casual low-buyin poker and I think using an alternate system fits best in the spirit of that. If the alternate plan is really disliked, we'll scrap it after this event.

    I'm looking forward to a really fun season. Let the games begin!!!
  • Sign me up please.

  • Sign me up please.
  • sign me up please

  • 3 hours and the list is almost full? Jeez...put me down Rob!
  • I'm in Rob, and can you add 1 more for me too

  • I am in as well Rob!!!! Thanks!!!
  • please sign me up!
  • 6 hours old and there is no waiting list yet?? What's going on here people?

    And one more thing I feel I need to bring up for my own ego alone
    Zithal wrote:
    Reserve List
    29. "Pinhead" Brad (XVII)
  • Okay about this then....I have a feeling about this one:
    24. "Big E" Eric (XXII)
  • Zithal wrote:

    12. "stpboy" Shannon ={05}=

    Cmon guys, have we already forgotten?  Your victories mean nothing.

    <spinning the BSC logo on my belt>

  • Durn it, missed again, can 3 of us from Milton get on the wait list... Jeff C, Bob S, and Larry L? Thanks Rob...
  • Sorry all, Mario was supposed to be 12th on the list, but I forgot to write his name down. SpecialK is now first on the Waiting list. My bad.

    I see everyone's finding their "Reserve List tolkens"; I'll be making some up for each event I throw.. now I have the backlog to go through and come up with differed 'tokens'; Merry Xmas Maddess, Jour de Poker, Stud Series, etc, etc.

  • Rob if we go on the reserve list but don't come to be alternated in are we SOL or do we still get on the next Bristol List?
  • The monstrous waiting list thing that happened at the end of the last season was a little wonky When everything was done, maybe a 1/3rd or less of the people that were on the list made it to the next tournament.

    Without knowing the date, it doesn't seem like an effective policy and I'm worried that the waiting list will just fill up with people not intending to go to the tournament that they've joined a waiting list for.

    All that said, I'll definately keep in the mind the players that end up on the waiting list and I'll try to make some special arrangements. My number one priority is fun and I want to make sure that no one's feeling slighted. You guys are a great group, respectful of my place and are a blast to play against.

    I'm also very willing to take suggestions on how to up capacity within the limitations of my home.. For example, would it get insanely crowed if we went to 9 max tables? Should I get off my ass and clean the garage so that I can get two more tables in there? Should the tournamnets be split into a Day1A and 1B to accomidate more people?
  • I feel slighted when I don't win... so make everyone always fold to my raises. It's a rule now.

    I like the idea of the garage, with 20 people in there, it should heat it up! But then time constraints becomes somewhat of a challenge doesn't it? Considering you were trying to find a way to ensure it's done by 1:00, and also that nobody wants to blind levels MORE suffocating by shortening the time, how would this be accomplished?

  • Zithal wrote:
    Should I get off my ass and clean the garage so that I can get two more tables in there?
    9-max might work, but it's already a bit crowded. The garage is a great idea, and 16 players (2 tables) should only length the game by a blind level or so.
  • you have a garage?

    hehe....why not have a reverse tournament to clean the garage out, first person out starts cleaning but wins the first place money, next person joins when they are out and wins second place money...and so the time we have a winner, the garage should be pretty much done so the winner would not have to get their hands dirty, so to speak, and the people who spent the most time cleaning it out in a sense would get paid to clean it out?

    The question is do you really want to bust out first for the cash and spend the day cleaning Zithal's garage (I have not seen the inside of Rob's garage so I don't know if this is a chore but if it's anything like mine was I'd be scared to go in alone.) or do you want to keep your hands clean?
  • Hi Rob,

    Please add me to the waiting list.
  • How is the point system going to run this year, Rob?

    BigE: Great idea about cleaning the garage! I'd be the first to shove'em in, gettng cleaning and take the money!! Actually, Id help for say, an extra 50% of starting chips for the next BSC and/or a couple of Robs fancy beers.

    Seriously, anyone who has played at BSNC should help. Rob has been very good to us regulars, and its the least we could do.

    See you all on Wednesday.

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Seriously, anyone who has played at BSNC should help. Rob has been very good to us regulars, and its the least we could do.

    I'd be more than willing to help out if there is a date only request is I am assured a seat at the following BSC

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Actually, Id help for say, an extra 50% of starting chips  for the next BSC and/or a couple of Robs fancy beers. 

    Rob likes good beer, I would definitely clean for some of that!!!!
  • As much as I enjoy hearing the offers to clean the garage, there's no way I'm subjecting any of you to that. :) LOL

    Points this year will be done using the same scale as the Lucky Lou Tour, except everyone that shows gets points. I think there's a thread around here that details a sample for a 32 person tournament. I like it has it has better rewards for going deeper and doesn't suffer from the "1st/24 = 9th/32" problem.
  • Put me on the wait list please Rob.

    Steve S.
  • Zithal wrote:
    As much as I enjoy hearing the offers to clean the garage, there's no way I'm subjecting any of you to that. :)  LOL   

    That's because that is where the bodies of the players who objected to Rob's rulings are stored.
  • If there's a BBQ and a beer in it, I'm up for helping clean out the garage, hell I have a van for the "dump" run.

    Probably be a f'king waiting list form for cleaning Zithal's garage...
  • Hey Rob

    Dave "Ineedanick" P. can't make it tomorrow... one lucky guy or gal is now in the game!

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