KPS II - Fri Feb 3rd - Waterloo



  • Trevor...can you bring my tabletop to the tourney too, so I can bring it home with me??
  • Trevor...can you bring my tabletop to the tourney too, so I can bring it home with me??
    No problem Dave. If it works for you, I'll just bring yours (then I don't have to bring anything home :) ). Just LMK
  • That is no problem with me!!!! See you tonite!!
  • Screw work! Count me in Greg.
  • Soon to be heard again....

    Player 1- I'm all in
    Itsame- "hang on a second, I need to calculate my suckout odds..."

    See you all tonight, Greg, I will have my table with me.
  • ItsaMe wrote:
    Screw work! Count me in Greg.
    Yesss!!!  See you tonight Mario!
    Wolffhound wrote:
    ..., Greg, I will have my table with me.
    Thanks Dave.

  • Hey Greg.
    Can you sign me up please?

  • ItsaMe wrote:
    Screw work!   Count me in Greg.

    A little disappointed. My idol rebelling. However it will be more exciting with you there!!!!!
    A pair of 2's will always beat a complete bluff !

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  • Hey Greg.
    Can you sign me up please?

    witchdocter unfortunately had to cancel, so I added you in #12.  See you at 6:30pm

  • Greg could you PM directions.
  • I think Im going to try and get a ride here this week, the po po got me last week on the way home and I norrowly escaped being breathalized.....

    Someone that plans on making the final table wanna give me a lift home?

  • If I don't knock you out to early i'll give ya a ride home :)
  • Hey Greg.
    Please add my friend Mike on the list too.

  • TwoThree wrote:
    If I don't knock you out to early i'll give ya a ride home :)

    Sweet, I think?? I will not play against you when you have AK...

  • stpboy wrote:
    I think Im going to try and get a ride here this week, the po po got me last week on the way home and I norrowly escaped being breathalized.....

    Someone that plans on making the final table wanna give me a lift home?

    stpboy wrote:
    TwoThree wrote:
    If I don't knock you out to early i'll give ya a ride home :)

    Sweet, I think?? I will not play against you when you have AK...


    If we're both out early (unlikely, I know) we can always hit the Spur for some singin and some drinkin'!!

  • I have a favor to ask...

    Could some one give me a lift home after the tournament and/or the Silver Spur?

    I'd own you one......thanks

  • JohnnieH wrote:

    If we're both out early (unlikely, I know) we can always hit the Spur for some singin and some drinkin'!!


    I'm always up for some drinkin' and singin'....hopefully we can watch the leafs and the raps play tonight while playing some poker...hint hint..

  • Any regulations on age at all? Becuase I got a couple guys and myself who might be interested in dropping by, but we're all 17.. :'(
  • Results posted in KPS III thread.

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