First Trip to Brantford CC!



  • Big E wrote:
    ItsaMe wrote:
    Tight is right! Tight is right!

    Quick someone get to Mario's house....he's obviously being held at gun point!!!!!

    I think Friday may be a hmmm 'sick' day for me...let me check the bankroll....if I don't see you good luck guys and please post when you get back!!!!!

    Flint Bones, Big E, DrtYore, this a Bristol St or what!!

    Can't wait to see you all there! I'll be wearing my trusty retro Toronto Blue Jays Road cap, and I'm will to bet that Mark T-Shirt will be asking you to "Vote For Pedro".......

    If you see us there, please introduce yourself!!

  • Or possibly my new

    "I"m like a Superhero without powers or motivation"

  • Johnnie,

    I expect to see a "Brantford Trip Report" by JohnnieH posted on Saturday.

    I hope I am featured in a good way. For example, "So I get pocket Aces and it's capped to me....blah blah blah...he called with 2 8 off! I can't beleive it! So Flint Bones bought me a beer to get over it. Damn place. Brantford's fixed!"

    Or maybe you'll say you finished +$400. What a day. Either way I will be looking for it.
  • I used to play Brantford 3-4 x a week, until I discovered the great poker culture in the KW area.

    Mark and I have already discussed strategies. But once again to reaffirm (Mark I think you were drunk at the time)

    #1 You will get bad beats - ones that make absolutely no sense at all. You must be able to deal with this and expect this in advance.

    #2 When you get your bad beats take a walk - grab a marker or skip an orbit. You will see J3o win enough times that you will eventually convince yourself any two cards can win. In Brantford that is true - but in the long run some cards win a lot more than others. Truthfully - I want the guy who calls his J3o all the way down to the river against my AJ even if he does catch his 3 outer on the river. Again - TAKE A WALK. When you get back your chips stack will be the same size - if you keep playing on tilt it likely wont be.

    #3 If you go up big, its ok to leave. You go up a few hundred in the first couple hours just go home - be happy with money you made and lose it to me at G2s cash game :) I am speaking from experience here. You decide you are a going all day or all night and you stay even when you are up. It is more difficult to play strong disciplined poker at lower limit tables when you are up and have big stacks. Take the white meat while it is still white.

    #4 Get ready for some good laughs.  You get all types at Brantford - if you are lucky this Thursday is "Welfare" day. Friday will be a joke.

    Best of luck wish I could be there! If we were really smart we would hit up Brantford after G2s and play against the drunks and the guys who are burnt out at the end of 12 hr sessions.
  • Andrew: I will ALWAYS let you buy me a beer when your 82o beats my AA!!! Yes, I will try to write down a hand or two, and white a trip report.

    Tom: Thanks for the great advice.

    My "goal" is to make $$ for my bankroll, and have fun.

  • 2 assumptions:

    1) Since I'm posting this at noon on Friday, there is nobody to read this since EVERYBODY is at the casino.

    2) There will be a full and comprehensive post-trip report up at some point this weekend.
  • Furfy wrote:
    1) Since I'm posting this at noon on Friday, there is nobody to read this since EVERYBODY is at the casino
    Some of us still have to work :(
  • beanie42 wrote:
    Furfy wrote:
    1) Since I'm posting this at noon on Friday, there is nobody to read this since EVERYBODY is at the casino
    Some of us still have to work :(

    While some of us cant go :'(
  • Well..........since we're all sulking...........let me join the club.....

  • I told DrTyore that if I won last night I'd join them today...

    Work is great... :rage:

    Hope the boys had fun, look forward to hearing about it at g2's tonight.
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    Hope the boys had fun, look forward to hearing about it at g2's tonight.

    What makes you think that they'll be back by then?
  • morty wrote:
    Wolffhound wrote:
    Hope the boys had fun, look forward to hearing about it at g2's tonight.

    What makes you think that they'll be back by then?

    Why we would miss a great night Gregs?
  • Well, since people are dying to hear....

    Both myself and JohnnieH ended up on the good side of the cashout yesterday. We played 2/5 and Johnnie was directly to my right all day.. lucky him. :)

    Final tally - JohnnieH - +$35

    DrTyore - +$40

    Sure.. it's not a quit your job kinda up, but up is up, and that's good... let's not forget that we both also DOMINATED at g2's..... :) johnnie getting 2nd and I placed 4th!

    Oddly enough, there were no real "bad beats" to behold per se... sure there were people playing hands that they had NO right calling with, but also, once the flop hit, they played it pretty well (e.g. calling $6 pre-flop was bad with 23o. Betting the hell outta the pot whenn A-4-5o dropped was great poker).

  • Thanks Mark,

    Some (not so) random thoughts:

    Two pair was a dog hand to have, I lost every showdown with it. One of those to Mark.

    After a few hours, a couple of small pots, I'm get AA, the flop comes 10 high but 2 spades, so start to pound at the pot like crazy. The turn was a rag, I pound, almost everybody calls. The river was not a spade, I bet, everybody folded. Sweet.

    The great thing about the 2/5 is when you flop a monster, and don't get sucked out on, you get paid HUGE. I flopped a straight and won a $45 pot with it. Nobody saw it coming.

    I thought the service was great, really friendly and they answered my questions with great patience.

    For the most part, the dealers were cool very professional. One of them was a clone of ALL IN Steve. AND HIS NAME IS STEVE. Friggin weird.

    Overall, I had a great time, I can't wait to go to Las Vegas, and do the same, with free booze.

    Sorry for the lack-luster report, I'm no writer.

  • Yeah Johnnie, you're right. When you flop that monster it sure can be nice. I went last night and played 5-10 and got paid off on a really nice hand.

    I'm BB with :5c :6d
    UTG calls
    UTG + 2 raises to 10
    I call
    UTG calls

    Flop is :5d :6c :6s (nice to flop a boat). No slow play from me, so I bet at it.
    UTG calls
    original raiser raises to 10.
    I raise to fifteen and both call.

    Turn :6h (Boats are nice, but quads are better)

    Who bets in the lead with quads? Me, that who! :D
    UTG RAISES!!!!!!
    original raiser calls and I obviously reraise.

    The bells go off in both of their heads and they both call. River is a brick, I bet and both call.

    UTG shows :5h :5s (We both flopped a boat) and raiser shows :jd :jc

    $195 pot. Essentially my buy-in in one hand
  • Nice pot, but if you keep calling EP raises with unsuited crap connectors in small pots, you're going to lose a ton.
  • Thanks Scooby, I'll let you know when I need more coaching. :)
  • Scooby, prepare to be a busy man... Looks like you're going to be working overtime.
  • You got very lucky Furfy.
    I'd put you at around a 7-1 dog.

  • Of course I got lucky.......ridiculously lucky. Sickening lucky. Miracle flop lucky. Am I only 7-1 there? I thought it was even less

    I'm not patting myself on the back for stellar play, I'm just responding to Johnnie's comment of taking down a big pot.

    Why does every hand analysis have to be about 'how great I played'? Sometimes it's just 'I got lucky'...............just a story.
  • Why does every hand analysis have to be about 'how great I played'? Sometimes it's just 'I got lucky'...............just a story.

    Because most of the people that post here are interested in improving thier play. If you would like to not be subject to the insults of the masses trying to help, stick that in a footer or something so we can avoid educating the fish.
  • Point well taken BBC Z


    "the insults of the masses trying to help"

    GREAT it!

  • Calling another $5 in the BB to see a flop is not the worst play in the world. I would probbaly have folded myself unless they were suited.
  • What is the competition like at Brantford? Best times to go?
  • Sundays through to Sundays between Midnight and Midnight are when Brantford is at it's loosest.
  • Are you just trying to accumulate posts? What is your deal?
  • Yes.. I try an accumulate posts. Be it either from 1) humour (which seems to be lost on your dumbass), 2) intellectual discussion, and 3) pissing people off that I don't like.

    You are getting very close to #3, but my post was totally in the #1 zone.

    Let me explain the joke for you:

    Brantford games are always soft, so go there at anytime and you'll find a game you love.
  • I felt it was a #3 due to previous comments made.
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