Name the Ryder Cup! (psst. we can't call it that)



  • Heres an idea i have been brewing for a few days.

    the Royal invitational. (royal flush being the idea here, obviously)

    or lets say The Royal Cup Of Southern Ontario.

    just an idea.

  • Queens and Jokers aka "the band" (Shannon, Johnnie, Rob etc etc)

    How about we open this tourney with a little tune of some sort? :D
  • Since none asked about SUAD
    I like the suggestion "Royal Invitational"


    P.S.  SUAD  = Shuffle Up and Deal
  • Save yourselves the trouble and call it the Kitchener Cup. I can't see it ending up anywhere else.

    More importantly, lets figure out, Who, What, Where, When...then we can name the thing once its off the ground.
  • I truly liked the Royal Invitational....very simple, yet inventive...good job!
    Sandro? is it you with the final say? this thread needs to end!!
  • Royal Invitational or

    Poker Forum dot C eh!

    I know it doesn't exactly line up but you get the gist of it...

  • Ryder Int. could care less if a few people from southern Ont. named a tournament using there names.

    I have a good friend that named a Golf tournament the Scarborough Ryder Cup. All the Scarborough high schools send teams for this tournament. It has been running for 3 years and no one has complained to him yet.

    I don't think the copyright police will come knocking.

    My 2 cents.
  • Dead Money wrote:
    Ryder Int. could care less if a few people from southern Ont. named a tournament using there names.

    I have a good friend that named a Golf tournament the Scarborough Ryder Cup. All the Scarborough high schools send teams for this tournament. It has been running for 3 years and no one has complained to him yet.

    I don't think the copyright police will come knocking.

    My 2 cents.

    I agree, and we've been calling it that for so long, why change now. Plus, all the threads/posts so far are "Ryder", so changing it will make searching the forum a pain.
  • The Ryder Cup

    Sounds good to me.

  • why just settle for a name thats so un-original.

    the whole idea here is soemthing that hasnt been doen before, why not make a name that suits it, a name that sets it apart. a name that isnt lifted off of some other organization. we need one of our own.

  • I missed it earlier, but it appears from the update in the primary thread that the new name is "The Royal Cup" Team Invitational

  • beanie42 wrote:
    I missed it earlier, but it appears from the update in the primary thread that the new name is "The Royal Invitational"

    Ahhh, you mean Royal Cup.

  • The Royal Cup....

    Isn't that what Prince Charles wears when he plays Polo?
  •                                                                :as :ad :ac :ah

                                                                 THE CPF KICKER-IN-THE-NUTS CUP
                                                                               :s: :d: :c: :h:
                                                              POWER POKER WITH NO PROTECTION
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