Name the Ryder Cup! (psst. we can't call it that)

That is right we need a name for our "Ryder Cup" due to copyright laws bla bla bla... so This is where you post your idea for a name! I'm sure one will be picked :D



  • Why have abreviations?

    WSOP World Series Of Poker
    KWSOP  Kitchener Waterloo Series Of Poker
    WPT World Poker Tour

    The big name and the big names for the venues for the KWSOP (park street poker pit, Poker cave, and bristol even has casino in the name) are what got us in troubl;e in the first place.  it's what got the wrong people attention.

    how about not using the word POKER???

    and i knwo this is gonna sound dumb, but i dont even knwo what the original ryder cup was for.  isnt that a good thing for what we're doing here?

    The Super Bowl is the same.  it's not the super bowl of football is it?  that just sounds dumb.

    lets find an original name thats discrete. 

    But hey, if anyone doent liek that idea, just say so.

    thanks guys,
  • How about Champions Cup of the Ontario Poker Series

    OR for those of you, like Johnny, who LOVE acronyms...

    C COPS

  • You can't really name it Ontario or anything though considering we represent a small % of poker players in Southern Ontario, let alone Ontario. How about something the revolves around the forum itself?
  • This, at one point, could turn into an Ontario or a Canadian wide thing. Might as well shoot for the stars I'd say.

  • Go big or go home...

    "Canadian Poker Grudge Match challenge"

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Go big or go home...

    "Canadian Poker Grudge Match challenge"


    oh I like that one :D
  • Any title with "Grudge Match in it is a fun title.

  • There already is a "Grudge Match." It makes it sound like a wrestling event. Yes Mark, I know you'd love that, but some of us HATE wrestling.

    How about the Trilluim Cup, Hiway401 SOP, The Ontario Team Main Event (OTME), or whatever.

  • Ontario CPF Cup.
  • Do you guys remember when the Canadian Alliance party came up with a new name, and the acronym was CRAPP (I think)?  

    Well, what if we called it the Playoffs Of Ontario Poker.  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh I love it. And by the way I am a legal adult. I'm only half kidding though. I honestly like this idea. Am I the only one?

    Also, if anyone has any other acronym suggestions along these lines I'd like to hear them.
  • Golden Horseshoe Poker Challenge.
  • How about the Rider Cup of Poker!!!!!
  • peteski wrote:
    Well, what if we called it the Playoffs Of Ontario Poker. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh I love it.

    I  :h: POOP.

    So if one of the teams takes a dive in the finals what does this mean?

    They are throwing the POOP?
  • Hork42 wrote:
    peteski wrote:
    Well, what if we called it the Playoffs Of Ontario Poker. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh I love it.

    I :h: POOP.

    So if one of the teams takes a dive in the finals what does this mean?

    They are throwing the POOP?

    <sigh> so bored at work....
  • (if you care how it got the name)

    So I guess we need to have someone inspirational start this put up all kinds of money or prizes ... now that I am thinking about it, we should sell the naming rights!!! I can picture it now - the PPC (Pepsi Poker Cup), or how about PPSOPTE (Party Poker Southern Ontario Poker Team Event).

    This should be a pretty easy sell ;) Look at all the publicity the event's name would get on the forum, there would be a whole section devoted to all discussion of the event. The forum is a powerful advertising engine!

    Start the bidding at $100 ... do I hear $100 to name our event?
  • The Southern Ontario Poker Games With Absolutely No Rake Open To Members Of Only That Will Operate Completely Within The Parameters Set Forth In The Criminal Code Of Canada (TSOPGWANROTMOPOTWOCWTPSFITCCOC)
    Canadian Cards Classic (C3)
    Five Unnamed City Klash (****)
    The February Freezeouts (TFF)

    I know these all suck but maybe it will spawn some better ideas
  • Buster Nutts Cup
  • has anyone thought of that this may accually go canada wide?
    Possiably we should bill this as the first annual bla...and get some like minded poker people in the sask..or BC..or eastern provinces..who knows....set a date for our regional tourney to be finished, and have the winner of that go to represent our province....
    just a suggestion....but with that suggestion also comes a naming idea...if we are a canada wide, we really could "sell" the naming rights.....or at least have some corporate person pay for all of us to stay in a hotel in a predetermined city for the provincial championchips....
    just a suggestion...
  • Five Unnamed City Klash (****)

    I love it, but add "Main Event" at the end of the title. :D
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Five Unnamed City Klash (****) 

    I love it, but add "Main Event" at the end of the title.   :D

    lol, put the Main Event infront of the Five Unnamed City Klash title but make sure to use a , after The Main Event.... :P
  • Quiane wrote:
    if we are a Canada wide, we really could "sell" the naming rights.....
    Before we start selling licensed stpboy bobble-heads, we should slow down a minute.  If other regions/provinces choose to try this, that would be great.  However, if this goes beyond a regional thing, somebody probably needs to consult a lawyer ($$$). Lets see how the first SMALL one goes, than decide how to proceed.  Once you start talking about Canada-wide and selling stuff and licensing, it gets a bit dangerous in my opinion. 

    As has been said a few times (but apparently forgotten/ignored with the next burst of adrenaline and ideas), we are entering the same murky areas that got KWSOP shut down.
  • SUAD Cup !!!

    simple , yet unpretentious, with a hint of swagger!
  • very good's hard to keep the enthusiam in check when reading about all the interest etc of other people on the board.
    It makes sense to keep it small, but if it goes well the F-U-C-K M-E will be amazing! :)
    and hopefully annual...what do you say sandro?!
  • I was actually kidding about the naming rights - who would buy it? I certainly don't want to get into any grey areas.
  • Quiane wrote:
    if it goes well the F-U-C-K M-E will be amazing! :)
    and hopefully annual...
    Anniversary coming up?
  • this is perfect... or absolutely inappropriate..

    The "Waterloo Area Invitational Tournament: Residents, Universities, and Area Championship Of Poker"


    the "WAIT: RU A COP"

    hahaha I beeen working on that for like 1/2 hour.

  • Time well wasted.

    My vote is still for Five Unnamaed City Klash-Main Event
  • DrTyore wrote:
    this is perfect... or absolutely inappropriate..

    The  "Waterloo Area Invitational Tournament: Residents, Universities, and Area Championship Of Poker"


    the "WAIT: RU A COP"

    hahaha  I beeen working on that for like 1/2 hour. 


    haha best time investment ever!
  • This isn't funny or exciting but how about...

    The Canadian Poker Forum Team Championships....CPFTC
  • It's dry, descriptive, and promotional. Sandro will love it.
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