Bristol St. presents -- "Merry Xmas Maddness 2" - Dec 30th @7pm (Waterloo)



  • will bw a long shot but put me on the waiting list thanks rob
  • Hey Rob:

    Am I safe to assume that there will be side/cash games later this evening?
  • Tonight's the night!!!!!!!!!

    I feel like I am going to the rippers with my pocket full of $5 bills
  • folded wrote:
    Tonight's the night!!!!!!!!!

    I feel like I am going to the rippers with my pocket full of $5 bills

    If you ask Mario nicely, maybe he'll strip for you......
  • I dont think you have to ask nicely - just grab one of his rebuys he may do it out of pure impulse - I have always wondered what is under that trench coat - well not really :)
  • Could I hitch (steal) a ride home from someone, if my wife drops me off?

    See you all tonight!

  • Also, what if you play down to the end with both the :as :2h?

    What happens then? (Besides losing the pot?)

  • Off work the the last day and a half with the flu.
    I won't be out tonight.
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    Off work the the last day and a half with the flu.
    I won't be out tonight.
    That sucks - get well soon Dave!
  • Sometimes you have to suck it up Dave..
  • See you crazy kids tonight! Damn we shoulda had a 'strip for your chips' chip.....on second thought maybe not. Mark might enjoy that to much....

  • OK with the mentioning of strip clubs and my trench coat it got me to thinking on how I can pay for this tourney. For only 5 bucks I'll give you a pick under the coat but you can't tell whats under there you'll ruin the surprise for everyone else.

    See you to night.
  • ItsaMe wrote:
    OK with the mentioning of strip clubs and my trench coat it got me to thinking on how I can pay for this tourney. For only 5 bucks I'll give you a pick under the coat but you can't tell whats under there you'll ruin the surprise for everyone else.

    See you to night.

    Pick under your coat? I'll pay $10 for that!!! LOL!!!
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    ItsaMe wrote:
    OK with the mentioning of strip clubs and my trench coat it got me to thinking on how I can pay for this tourney. For only 5 bucks I'll give you a pick under the coat but you can't tell whats under there you'll ruin the surprise for everyone else.

    See you to night.

    Pick under your coat?  I'll pay $10 for that!!! LOL!!!

    Perhaps he meant, you can see his little prick under his coat. You know, like a needle point. LOL!
  • come on only 6 more drop out s neede d ill stop buy since i"m one street over come on come on come on 6 more of you don"t wanna play lol
  • OUCH!!!!

    I hate this spelling stuff. It was suppose to be peak as in like a mountain peak(watch out it may explode).
  • T-2 hours and 51 minutes, 11 seconds to go....
  • We had one last minute cancellation (that I know of, so the list is now up to date with STR82ACE getting the empty seat).

    If you're on the waiting list and someone drops out before rebuys, we will fill that up based on the waiting list. There's also a few minor changes that I'll mention here...

    - Changed the posted blind schedule to include antes and make it a little less harsh after the first break.
    - The first four levels will now be 25 minutes instead of 30.
    - The grey's will stay in the bag after the rebuys are over and will count as 10,000 chips if pulled after.

    I think that's about it! We're getting close to ready and can't wait to get the cards in the air!!
  • JohnnieH reporting under Robs screenname:

    Some funny notes:

    1. '23' Brad chip leader with 17K+, at a table with Itasme, folded, Sthtebs, 'Slippery' Pete, Tye Z and compuense. They may have set a record with 35+ rebuys!!! Craziness.

    2. A question from 'magitighs'Lou: What are the odds of a showdown, :ah :ac vs :4s? Lou shoved'em in with the 4, (after drawing the "Ba Humbug" card only to be called by 'Easy' Amandas pocket rockets. Needless to say, Lou got no help, and had to rebuy.

    Will post more later..............
  • DAMN!! :rage: Sorry, I missed this post giving me the seat!!! Should have given you a phone number or something. :rage:

    Enjoy yourselves guys! :(
  • Thanks Johnnie,

    GL all.
  • Tye "8-ball" here.

    Just busted out. Blinds 1500 - 3000. Ante - 500

    My stack 23,500. U.T.G. - Pocket 5's

    Raise 10000 ( 13000 to go) - Put all In by Amanda "Easy"

    55 vs AQ off - She flopped a queen, rivered ann ace.

    I was drawing dead, small blind folded 55.

    Great tourni. CRAZY!

    Thanks Rob. Good luck all!

    Tye "8-ball"
  • Again, Thanks so much Rob from all the Milton crew.. We really appreciate your hospitality. Your organizational skills are becoming legendary.. Great event, and now I realize that winning suckouts can be beneficial (thought they always went against me) and necessary to win an event such as this...
    And Shannon, good fold my friend, your A-9 was dominated.... Braad, good fold on your part too, a couple of times... but thanks for the chips... Have a great New Year all... Jeff...

    P.S. off to see the New Years at Casino Niagara.....
  • Rob... you still da man...

    Though I can honestly say that was the first time I'd been bad beat after the river card was already down... stupid Omaha card.

    Oh well, the side SNG was a lot of fun... and I hope everyone got their fair share of my beers! :)

  • thanks rob had a great time look forward to playing again
  • Thanks for the great time last night Rob and all of those present. Now for another night of debauchery..

    Happy New Year All!

  • Awesome event Rob!  I had more fun this year than last year -- even though my take home pay was much lower!  Good to see Easy out again, and she keeps taking my chips!  Great to see everyone again.   And, thank you to all that brought the extra prizes -- even though I didn't get ANY!

    Happy New Year
  • Great Nite, MORE OMAHA CHIPS, Happy New Year All, Congrats Jeff
  • Those Omaha chips were pure gold, but alas I never played with any of the fun presents. A great night again Rob - not quite poker, but a real blast :) . Big congrats to Jeff on the win - this was a tough game considering all the "obstacles" you had to dodge (like the grab bag). Thanks for reminding us rocks can win ;)

    And the SnG that wouldn't end was a blast, although it got pretty interesting at the end when after over 3 hours, Mark and I get heads up with 8 BB between us. Just like our Bristol finish, we play lots of good/fun poker, but always end the game playing bingo. Congrats on hanging around long enough after losing your big stack to sober up enough to clobber me - looking forward to the next one :)
  • Thanks again, Rob!!!

    The most memorable hand for me, was THE LAYDOWN!!

    I'm dealing, and pick up KK.

    Big E UTG, raises to $1500 and 'ddmilcan' Dave makes it $4000. I smooth call, Eric calls, everybody else got the hell out of Dodge.

    Flop is a Queen high rainbow, Big E bets..(??)) and Dave goes over the top all in. The flop was a great one for Kings, but I knew something was amiss. For once I trust my instincts, ignore the PushMonkey on my back and FOLD.

    Eric mulls in over and calls with AQ. Dave rolls over AA!!! Wow.

    No help for Big E and Dave doubles up. No kings came either!

    Thanks to everyone for making it a great night, and all who stayed until 3:45AM to watch the madness end.

    Congrats to Jeff on the win, and to Fran, Mario, Dave P, and Amanda for making the money!!


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