Bristol St. presents -- "Merry Xmas Maddness 2" - Dec 30th @7pm (Waterloo)

The 2005 Bristol Street Merry Xmas Maddness
No-Limit Hold'em Tournament
Friday, Dec 30th at 7pm.

The gift giving season IS BACK!!! The Xmas season is all about gift giving (and getting!) and beating those mad rushes to get the best gifts while the clock ticks down to Christmas Eve. The Bristol Street Merry Xmas Maddness tournment contains all the best (and worst) aspects of the season and should make for that tournament that's... very interesting. (Please note, to celebrate the coming New Year, this tournament is a little less serious that some of the others) The details....
$5 Entry for 1,000 chips.
Unl. rebuys in the first 4 levels (2 hours); $5 for 1,000 (you must bust out to rebuy!)
One add-on available at the end of Level 4. $5 for an extra 2,000 chips.
And... a Bag 'o Presents available at every table!!
Payout: 1st: 45%, 2nd: 25%, 3rd: 15%, 4th: 10%, 5th: 5%
Maximum number of Players: 32 - 4 tables of eight (Please RSVP)

At the beginning of the tournament, each table recieves one "Bag 'o Presents". If you play a hand down to the river and one of your hole cards is the "2 of Hearts" -OR- the "A of Spades". You must pull one present (at random) from the Bag 'o Presents. Each Bag will contain the following...

One green 25 chip
Two black 100 chips
Four purple 500 chips
Two yellow 1,000 chips
Two "Special" White chips
Two "Special" Blue chips
Two "Special" Red chips
Two "Special" Light-Blue chips
Two "Special" Pink chips
Two "Special" Orange chips
Two "Special" Grey chips

The "Special" Chips.

White - "Merry Christmas!" - The player pulling this chip may exchange it for one free re-buy or add-on.
Blue - "Secret Santa!" - The player pulling this chip is feeling especially generous and will be moving All-In blind on the very next hand
Red - "Gift Exchange!" - The player pulling this chip, exchanges all their chips with the all the chips of the player to thier left.
Light Blue - "Don't open your Presents Early!" - If this chip is pulled before the first break, you get a green 25 chip from the bank. If it's pulled after the first break, it counts as it's value (5,000)
Pink - "Christmas in Omaha" - At any point, trade in this chip for 2 more hole cards. Use any combination of the board cards and your four hole cards to make the best hand.
Orange - "Presents for Everyone!" - Give each player from the table a number of chips from your stack equaling the total of the blinds. Start with the player on your left and go clockwise around the table.
Grey - "Bah Humbug!" - Keep this chip until you win a pot. While you have this chip you only get dealt one hole card.

Special rules for the "Bag 'o Presents"

1. You do not need to win the hand at showdown in order to claim a present. (But you do have to show your cards!) Your hand needs to either be still in play after the final round of betting, or All-In with at least one caller.
2. If you bust out (but win a present), the present you've drawn is appiled after you re-buy. If you choose not to re-buy, you don't pull a present. If it's after the rebuy period and you bust out. You are still in the game with only the chip you pull from the bag. (We'll call it a "Last Minute Xmas Gift")
3. If you pull a present that's already been coloured up... the present is discarded. Tough luck! Feel free to shout, "Bah, Humbug!"
4. The white, red and blue chips will be removed from the bag during the first break. For each one removed a yellow chip (1,000) will be put back in. Pink and Grey Chips get replace by Orange (2,000) chips.
5. If a table collapses and there are still presents on it, the presents are discarded. We will randomly determine the tables to be broken down, players will re-draw seats as each table collapse.

Blind Schedule (30 minute levels for 1->4, 20 minutes per level thereafter)

Level 1: 25-25
Level 2: 25-50
Level 3: 50-75
Level 4: 50-100
(BREAK: Race off the green 25 chips. Complete add-ons. Clean up the Bag 'O Presents)
Level 5: 100-200
Level 6: 150-300
Level 7: 200-400
Level 8: 300-600
(BREAK 10 minutes)
Level 9: 400-800
Level 10: 600-1,200
Level 11: 800-1,600
(BREAK: Race off the black 100 chips)
Level 12: 1,000-2,000
Level 13: 1,500-3,000 **estimated end of tournament
Level 14: 2,000-4,000
Level 15: 3,000-6,000
Level 16: 4,000-8,000
Level 17: 6,000-12,000
Level 18: 8,000-16,000
Level 19: 10,000-20,000

(Note: breaks after 100 race off will be on an as-needed basis)

Tournament Strategy.

With higher than normal starting blinds, your goal should be to double or triple through early. I'm keeping the cost of tournament and the rebuys low to help encourage lots of rebuys and to keep the attitude a fun one! Once the first break is done and the bag of presents are exhausted, play will obviously get more serious, but I really wanted to have a fun, crazy tournament to end the year. (So, if wild loose play with lots of bad suck-outs will greatly annoy you... you may want to skip this one.) With the requirement of needed to showdown the "2 of hearts", going for a present is a risky proposition! The payoff may be really good... or really bad.

So, what's the ultimate strategy......? HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please RSVP your spot, please send me a message. If there's a question you have, or if you discover a rules inconsistancy, please let me know! All tourneys at Bristol Street are rake free.



  • Reserves

    1. "Zithal" Rob L
    2. "compuease" Jeff
    3. Dave D
    4. Bob S
    5. "8Ball" Tye Z.
    6. "8BallGal" Susan
    7. ""Milton" Larry L
    8. STR82ACE
    9. "Easy" Amanda
    10. "Dirty Whore" Mark B
    11. "King Mob" Dave
    12. "Ineedanick" Dave
    13. "ItsaMe" Mario
    14. Johnnie H
    15. "Wolffhound" Dave W.
    16. "magithighs" Lou G.
    17. "stpboy" Shannon
    18. "Shopsy" Jeff S.
    19. "Slippery" Pete A.
    20. "Dumb Fluck" Adam S.
    21. "beanie42" Trevor
    22. "Big E" Eric
    23. "Handsome" Rob C.
    24. Jenn
    25. "westside" Wesley
    26. "Big Daddy" Paul W.
    27. "folded" Cory
    28. "shtebs" Steve
    29. "Pinhead" Brad
    30. "All-In" Steve S
    31. "Moose" Rob
    32. "MrsMoose"

    Waiting List

    1. Mandy
    2. "2BULLETS" Jeremy
    3. "peteski" Pete
    4. "labeach" Steve L
    5. "TwoThree" Brad
    6. "nordique"
  • Notes from Me:

    First off, thanks for all the great suggestions for this tournament. There were a lot of funny and themed ideas in there. The majority of the suggestions were for global effect ideas, so I wasn't able to use them (as I think the person who risks goes to the river should be the recipiant of the good or bad that comes from the sack.)

    So, I was going to add a mechanic in to introduce global effects, but I tought it might get to busy with that, AND, more importantly, all the global ideas gave me an idea for another wacky tournament which will be run this year.

    I didn't exactely use the ideas from BigE and Beanie, but they were close enough to get the auto-reserve prize.

    Lastly, the blind schedule you see is the one from last year, with the exception that the first four levels are 30 minutes each. I may be tweaking the rest of the schedule to add antes, so don't consider the above the "final" schedule yet.

    If you have any questions, let me know! (And if I don't see you before then, have a Merry Xmas!!)
  • Sign up Jenn and I, please.
  • Im in. Now I got to find a place to stay over that night...
  • I've got too be part of this. Sign me up.

  • 2 quick clarification questions (sorry for being so anal :) ).
    Zithal wrote:
      Grey - "Bah Humbug!" - Keep this chip until you win a pot.  While you have this chip you only get dealt one hole card.
    If you bust out and rebuy, do you lose this effect, or do you keep playing with it even after busting oout / rebuying multiple times?
    Zithal wrote:
    4. The white, red and blue chips will be removed from the bag during the first break. For each one removed a yellow chip (1,000) will be put back in. Pink and Grey Chips get replace by Orange (2,000) chips.
    So after first break, there are no more "special effect" presents, only "value chips"?

    This is gonna be too much fun :) - 2 red deuces - ALL-IN!
  • Hey Wes, what part of Toronto you live in buddy? I'm heading down there on the 31st and maybe I could give you a ride if you're heading back. If you want you are also welcome to crash in my spare room.

    Steve S.
  • Please sign me and MrsMoose up.
  • Rob, please add the 4 of us "old" guys from milton, Myself, Dave D, Larry L and Bob S. Thanks.. Jeff C.
  • This sounds like a blast. But my name down too!!!
  • Hey, check it out!
    I just achieved my first arcade game "champion" status. Woot Woot! Damn that took a while.
    Bumpity Bump.

    Steve S.
  • Whoo hoo! What timing. Was so afraid of missing the sign up for this while I was away in Vegas. Just made it under the wire.
    Looking forward to it!!!!
  • Wow, can't believe it filled up that fast.... Please let me know asap if any spots open up Rob... I see that us 4 Milton guys are next on the waiting list... Jeff..
  • And I'm the 5th :rage: Oh well, have a great time guys. Sounds like it should be a riot.
  • compuease wrote:
    Wow, can't believe it filled up that fast....

    I'm sorry... are you new here?

    Mark :)
  • DrTyore wrote:
    compuease wrote:
    Wow, can't believe it filled up that fast....

    I'm sorry... are you new here?

    Mark :)

    :) some of us can't always monitor the forum minute by minute... It filled up in like 4 hours...
  • compuease wrote:
    :) some of us can't always monitor the forum minute by minute... It filled up in like 4 hours...

    I know!!!! I was worried that it was taking that long. I thought I had lost my touch. :)

    The three RSVD's spots under my name are for me for friends that may or may not be able to make it. I should know for sure by next Thursday, so you guys still have a good chance at getting in...
  • Hey Rob.....

    Could you add Jeremy and I on the waiting list?

    Thanks so much......

    Merry Christmas

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Sounds like it should be a riot.

    Did I hear correctly? The waiting list is going to be rioting to get in??
  • Hork42 wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Sounds like it should be a riot.

    Did I hear correctly? The waiting list is going to be rioting to get in??

    If it means I could join in on the fun...sure, I'll slam around for a seat!! :D
  • wow rob! this sounds amazing! haha, i find the bag o presents thing awesome with all the special chips. woulda been a blast! damn me for not being in waterloo. damn the university. closing for christmas. nobody closes poker for christmas!! bah hum bug!!
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    wow rob! this sounds amazing! haha, i find the bag o presents thing awesome with all the special chips. woulda been a blast! damn me for not being in waterloo. damn the university. closing for christmas. nobody closes poker for christmas!! bah hum bug!!

    I'm making a trip to waterloo just for that day! you can too!
  • Hey Rob, if there's any room left on the waiting list I'd like a shot at playing. thank

    labeach (steve l)
  • Rob, you should be running satellites into the main tourney :D Oh, did I mention, you can't win the pot at the showdown without winning an arm wrestle too? Stay away you twiggy armed nerds, big man comin through!
  • Jebus! I miss this post and damn it filled up fast, Um can you put me down on the waiting list? (psst what does it take to skip that :P )
  • Shtebs wrote:
    Hey, check it out!
    I just achieved my first arcade game "champion" status. Woot Woot! Damn that took a while.
    Bumpity Bump.

    Steve S.

    As long as it's not in Asteroids, I'm happy!!

    Rob, can't wait to mix it up in your house again!! I'll save some $5 bills from Gregs to play!!

    Merry Ho-HO!!!

  • I am so pissed that I have to miss this. Why do I have to be away! WHY???!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?
  • Hey, is there any cancellations, changes or chance people on the waitlist will get in, I have another chance to play on Friday but this one sounds like alot of fun, I know I'm a ways down on the waitlist.

  • That is an interesting format, but unfortunately, I'll be playing in a heads-up championship tournament in Toronto that night. Did any other forum member also qualify?
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