Ryder Cup - Team Waterloo

Ok, non UW boys... I guess we need a team too


who else wants in and whos cgoing to be the captin stabbin?


  • I'll represent!

    I can host a large crowd too if we need a venue.

  • I'll throw my name in the hat too.
  • westside8 wrote:
    I'll throw my name in the hat too.

    Wouldnt you be on the UW team Westside?
  • Redington wrote:
    westside8 wrote:
    I'll throw my name in the hat too.

    Wouldnt you be on the UW team Westside?

    Are we serious about the UW team? I was only joking about it when I mentioned it. If so, G2 would be on that too.
  • I go to UW too... but I'm also a pure Waterloo guy... so I choose Waterloo :)

    Sorry Wes, you're cut!  Start your own thread... it seems to be the thing to do today.  There's plenty of UW guys to make a team... you just won't have a driver Muahahaha!!! :D

    I nominate Shopsy as our captain... cuz he's old wise!  LOL

    I just found out I'm getting the keys to my new place this Saturday night.  We can use that as our headquarters/training facility.

    Join the Waterloo squad!  How many players are supposed to be on each team by the way?

  • I would be interested in playing (or fighting for a seat in a satellite, because I am sure the interest for this high-powered team is gonna be huge). Whoever the captain is, just make sure I am dealing against Big E. Me dealing is basically Kryptonite to him (and hopefully the rest of Kitchener) - buahahaah!

    <edit> I like the stud (although never played it tournament style) and the limit, but you should probably keep me away from the Omaha, just no experience here </edit>
  • You know I"m in
  • Count me in! (I'll also offer a venue too)
  • count me in.. .If shopsy won't be captain, i will organize you clowns
  • i'm in for the waterloo team (uw team) when is all this going on?
  • OOO!!!!OOO!!! Pick me!!!!!!!!Right here!!!!! MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME!!!
  • Sounds good!

    Sign me up!!!

  • I nominate Shopsy or Rob as Captain. I also think that if we get enough for two teams that we should either due a draft or totally random draw to decide the split.

  • So that makes the Waterloo list:

    Player . . . . . . . . . . . .
    "Zithal" Rob
    "Azrael_12" Tye
    "folded" Cory
    "g2" Greg
    "JohnnieH" Johnnie
    "Redington" Tyson
    "Shopsy" Jeff
    "Waterlooser" Adam

    Formats of choice
    Holdem, Omaha

    Holdem, Omaha
    Holdem, Stud, Draw

    Holdem, Stud

    Nominated for captain: Shopsy (2), Rob (3)

  • I second the nomination of Rob for team captain. (No offense, Shopsy)

    Greg, put me down for NLTHE, Limit HE, Stud and Draw. Just keep me away from that crazy High-Low Stuff

  • That's a very nice team. I'm good with any format, Limit, PL or NL.

  • I'll have to brush up, but I should be good for anything OTHER than Stud or Razz. (I just can't get those games.)
    Any Kansas City Low-ball?

  • Im fine with any game...

    Prefer Omaha, HE, Stud, Razz..

    Euchre, crib etc

    And rob would make a great captain
  • Has Shopsy figured out what team hes on?
  • hey guys been gone for a while but now im back would love to join the team and know of any games going on soon thanks kevin
  • This team sounds as good as any...... I"m in ( my vote for Capt. goes to Rob or Tyson )
  • shopsy wrote:
    This team sounds as good as any...... I"m in ( my vote for Capt. goes to Rob or Tyson )

    Hey no deflections back to me.... :D

    I pass that vote over to rob
  • Has anyone come up with the teams yet???
  • folded wrote:
    Has anyone come up with the teams yet???

    Look down. Look 3 down...
  • Updated Waterloo list (in order of signup):

    Player . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    1. "Redington" Tyson
    2. "g2" Greg
    3. "Waterlooser" Adam
    4. "Shopsy" Jeff
    5. "Zithal" Rob
    6. "folded" Cory
    7. "JohnnieH"
    8. "Azrael_12" Tye
    9. "nordique" Kevin

    Formats of choice
    Holdem, Omaha
    Holdem, Stud

    Holdem, Omaha
    Holdem, Stud, Draw
    Holdem, Omaha

    Nominated for captain: Shopsy (2), Rob (4), Tyson (1)

    Looks to me like Rob has been nominated our captain.  Any objections?

  • Rob sounds good.

    I'll play Holdem Omaha or Stud.. However, I suck at Stud
  • no different from your hold'em game eh!

    Prophet 22
  • no different from your hold'em game eh!

    Prophet 22

    And since he owns you Brent, what does that say about your holdem game?
  • hey i m good for any game love to play pot limit omaha but put me in for anthing
    wont put up a fight
  • so do all nine get to play or just six?
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