Southern Ontario Challenge Match!

For discussion of a potential challenge match with teams (4 man/woman?) from each of the respective geographies, Kitchener, Waterloo, London, Guelph, Milton, Bradford (for you Joe), etc. Let's hear your ideas as to format, buy-in, etc... I would propose hosting the 1st one in Milton and then perhaps cycling it around to different locations similar to the Canadian Open.. LOL, maybe we could sell the TV rights?


  • Added my comments from Mark (Dr Tyores) grudge match thread here to keep it all in one place.

    "I think we have the makings of a special team match shaping up here, perhaps in the New Year? I will talk to the Milton gang and see if we can perhaps host the 1st one. Maybe get some of our experienced tournament hosts to assist with the setup/organization? Rob, Brent, et al? We'll need to come up with some sort of format. I have a local small condo meeting room that would probably hold 40-50 ppl, rectangular tables/chairs that we can get for a nominal fee.... Perhaps we should start a new thread to get this going in rather than hijack this one?"



    :ah :ac :ad :as
  • Sign me up for the Milton Rocks!
  • We have cambridge here!!

    Johnny adams
    Kevin farrell
    Steve block
    Brian bell.

    I think teams of 4 woudl be awesome. i also think kitchener and waterloo will have to have different teams. we coudlnt just have 4 guys from kitchener. we woudl have to have kitchener 1, Kitchener 2, etc... same with waterloo, or any city with more than one team.

    now, all we need to do is figure out a structure and soem reasonable buy-in's to make a "team" event a working theory.

  • I've been thinking of this idea for some time now, mentioned it to Beanie the other night. Anyway, I'll have a team in I just have to figure out who it is I want to take to the promise land... No really, anyone want me...I have no friends :'(

    *cough Mark, Mario, Johnnie, Rob, Ty *cough cough
  • shannon, you knwo we will always want you........

    everyone wants you when you're THAT amazing at poker.  *cough, cough**
  • I like your ideas Sandro.... especially the idea of making it a multiple discipline event.... Any thoughts on an elapsed time this could take? Do you have anything to base it on?
  • Hmmm, funny you sound a lot like this girl I know.  A friend of mine and a friend of yours....

    On a side note:  Have you seen the movie Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe?  Yeah, I laughed everytime I saw that guys are the spitting image of eachother.  Deathly attractive!

    If anyone could find a picture of him that would be awesome...

  • Love the idea Sandro, who and how would you pick the Captains of each region? Most posts? ;)

    Let's get the ball rolling.

  • I love that idea Sandro. Now lets hope I'm not the kid that no body wants and then left out as the last pick of the draft.
  • I think you'll find a plethora of players that would want in in Kitchener and Waterloo. They may need more than one team.
  • Sounds like fun, and the different games sounds great.  Another idea (from one of McEvoy's articles) is a tag-team HORSE game, where every round you swap in a new player as the game changes.  Basically, 4-5 players sharing a seat/chips on a rotating basis.  However I think you're going to have a bunch of potential teams, and a real scheduling nightmare.  Great idea, but the logistics will be interesting.
  • How about a "celebrity" pro team that Lou could captain? Maybe he can ask Helmuth, Matusow and Annie Duke... Now that would be interesting,, and what a challenge for captain Lou...
  • The Captains would be arranged or chosen by their area. It is election time isn't it.   Since this is a team event it will be up to each area to find a diplomatic way to choose their captain and players. Also as mentioned in earlier posts there are quite a few players in Kitchener and Waterloo so narrowing the selection of players and a Captain might take some work. Possibly some play in tournaments.   Again this can be disected and changed to include more teams, less games but my original thought was a 4 team format over a FULL day of poker. The only issue is if the larger poker communities can find a good way to get a team together.
    Anyways off the top of my head I can give you 4 Captains.

    Compuease - Team Other
    Rob - Team Waterloo
    Myself Team Guelph
    STP - Team Kitchener

    Jeff as for timing -  I would imagine with some semi aggressive blinds the SNGs would last 2 1/2 Hours = 9 Hours for 4
    A couple breaks (dinner etc)  = 2 Hours
    Heads Up = 1 Hour
  • Put me down for "Team - I just want one"
  • pokerdro wrote:

    STP - Team Kitchener

    I could easily come up with a Kitchener team, I'll start thinking of it right now. Can I take the Cambridge players too? I'll have fun with this until someone else wants to be elected....

    These are guys from Kitchener off the top of my head, not necessarily 'the team' though.

    Mark "DrTyore"
    Trevor "Beanie"
    Jenn "KangaX5"
    Jeff Roth "teach"
    Neil Mcvicar "Sloth"
    Brad "Pinhead"

    Wow, I can think of about a million players in Waterloo. Why don't all of you Kitchener players PM or post if you'd be interested in something like this and I can add you to the list.

  • I have an idea!! What about 8 players from each region. Top 2 finishers in each region move to the final table to see which team is the overall Southern Ontario Champion. Now if there is a huge interest to be one of the 8 to play for ur region. Hold a satelite.
    One day to crown a champion?, or point based over a time period of x number of months....then you have a definate result which region is the the way, i'll support MILTON!!!
  • I propose Team Toronto-

    GTA Poker
    Acid Joe

    That is if they are all willing to do this? The format sounds great, but like Beanie said, logistically it will be difficult. I guess I have to go out and learn me some new games.... sheesh.
  • Jeesh, this is taking on a life of it's own...... No idea poker was so popular.. {sw} Keep those ideas flowing. I will see if I can come up with a venue and potential dates in say early Feb? Like a Saturday starting at 1?
  • Jeff, i've always wanted it held in the grand ball room at the hotel. But if we can work out the legalities of it, I'm sure my mom would be okay with it at the hotel..perfect venue, large enough for 500+ people we can have it catered by the onsite restaurant and put up large screens for TV. ...also side games. ...and the cost will be minimal cuz' I can tell her to do me a favor.
  • MDSGuy wrote:
    I propose Team Toronto-

    GTA Poker
    Acid Joe

    That is if they are all willing to do this? The format sounds great, but like Beanie said, logistically it will be difficult. I guess I have to go out and learn me some new games.... sheesh.

    Can I qualify for Team Toronto too since thats where I live before uni? :D (more chance of making the team, KW contingence is way too huge =D)
  • I have spent alot of time devising an answer to our conundrum.

    for anyone who played robs tournament of champions, we all knwo how amazing everything about it was.  the structure, buy-in, length, intensity, etc..

    I figure a series of sit n go's that qualifys 2 players from each table to a "Finalie" tournament with the same idea.

    lets say for example we get (idealy) 8 teams of 8.  and through my exceptional math skills, we can see that this would make for a tournament of 64.

    1. Kitchener 1
    2. Kitchener 2
    3. waterloo 1
    4. waterloo 2
    5. Cambridge
    6. milton
    7. Toronto
    8. Guelph

    each table of 8 is a SnG with the top 2 players moving on to the finalie tournament of 16 players.  in the Sng's no players from the same team will sit at the same table.  each team will be evenly distributed over the 8 tables.

    Here's the team strategy part.   the 8 team captains each draw a card, ace to 8.  the ace is first and the 8 is last.  tables are numbered 1 through 8 obviously and which ever team captain is the ace sits his or her team on tables 1 thorugh 8.  whichever team draws the 2 gets to match which ever player on their team to the table they see fit to their players strengts and weeknesses.  For example, i see a tight agressive player such as shannon, i woudl chose either my strongest or my weakest player depending on our strategy.  and the captain who gets card 3 gets to make the even tougher decision now that their are 2 players at that table.  you guys get the point, and i think this adds a whole new dynamic to the game.  pretty cool if you ask me.

    here's where it gets tricky.  the buy-ins and payouts:

    $20/person for the SnG's.  this makes a total prizepool of $160 for each table.  $60 form each table will be set aside and this will be explained later.  the last $100 will be divided 50/50 between the last 2 men/women left at each table. 

    for each player who makes it to the 16 person final, the buy-in will be $40.  this makes the pot $640 for the last 16 players.  the payout for the last 16 players will be a 50/30/20 payout.

    NOW!  for the $480 taken from the SnG's we could either throw it into the final prizepool for the last 16 players and make the payout to the top 6 or 7, or we could go the rout for the top team.

    we make that $480 the prize for the top team to split evenly.  we assign points to the SnG's and the final tournament and which ever team makes the most points gets to evenly split the prize between themselves. 


    As for location, my fater has a shop big enough for us to hold this tournament and it woudl be free, unless anyonme can come up with a better place.  This shop is located in Paris, so i dont knwo if it;'s too far for everyoen to get there.

    During breaks teams may get togather to talk strategy and hwo to play other teams.

    teams can make different names for themselves (shannons team can call themsleves "the wonderfully terrible poker players with bad gas" team for example.)  Shannon you knwo i love you buddy.

    so everyone respond with your thoughts.

    i think the buy-ins are pretty reasonable considering each SnG is pretty much a satellite into the final tournament.

    the final tournament woudl have 10 000 in chips and the SnG's woudl start with 1500 or 1000 depending on input.

    thanks guys

  • Great idea John.

    I think maybe we can take this even further and have the 8 tables being hosted at 3 or 4 venues at the same time, and then have the final table somewhere.

    The regulars host I can think of are Rob, Sandro, Trev, and Greg (starting in Jan) - Sorry guys for throwing your names out there without your consent

    Maybe we can have one weekend where the 8 tables will play on Saturday, and the Sunday we will have the final.
  • TSN should buy the rights to this ....can you imagine the publicity?!?!
  • This is the first time I've seen this thread but all I can say is ::::: HELL YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in. I've actually been thinking of something like this but christmas and real life has gotten in the way.
  • i like poker, i live in waterloo....
  • Lamb_of_john love the idea! This sounds like a ton of fun :D The question is who's team do I get to handicap ? :P
  • Lamb_of_John, I would like to name you as team captain for Cambridge.  I see you as the Dave Andreychuck for our city.  You as our captain would be inspirational rather than for leadership purposes.  The other Tampa Bay Lightning players looked to Dave for inspiration. The inspiration was to win a stanley cup NOW instead of being a has-been 40 year old like Dave and still playing hockey for his chance to win his FIRST stanley cup.  I would look at you in the same regard, a has-been who's still trying his last kick at the can!!!
    ok man, im playing, you know i love you, but yeah be our team captain, and im sure good things will come of it.

    Go Cambridge Go!!!

  • anybody interested in starting a Thornhill/Richmond Hill team?

  • As this thread is getting pretty crowded, could I recommend that everyone interested PM's the "team captains", and they simply create a single post for their team (and modify it with new players).  Simply get together the pool of players for each area, and then see whether we need "Kitchener 2" or not (we may need another "regional" team instead). If you're not in the specific area, PM the team closest to you, and once a region gets too large look at splitting it (and deciding how many regions there are).  If this makes sense, it looks like the unofficial team captains so far are:

    Cambridge - Lamb_of_john
    Kitchener - stpboy
    Toronto - MDSGuy
    Milton - compuease
    London - witchdoctor
    Guelph - ?
    Waterloo - ?
    Other - ?

    Love John's idea, and would favour top team (points) being the big winner.  Otherwise, it seems like it would simply be a shootout where the players are non-randomly assigned, and I think the "team" factor really makes this interesting.  Can't wait though - this sounds like a blast!
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