The $5 tourney that ended - Wed Dec 28th - Waterloo - RESULTS BOTTOM OF PAGE 7



  • BlondeFish wrote:
    Will the tourney start promptly at 6:30 PM, or will you wait until at least 28 (4*7) players are ready to play? I just fought through the rain and traffic to get home, so I hope I can follow the directions to get to Waterloo by 7 PM.
    I'll blind players in for the first round... and I suspect we won't start promptly at 6:30pm.

  • Let me be the first to congratulate Shannon!

    Well played.

  • Full results will be posted tomorrow afternoon.

    Congrats to Shannon - 1st place $205 + $45 in bounties

  • Grats Shannon! nice game of heads up and nice bit of luck with the 4's :P

    Thanks Greg wicked game tons of fun! thanks for hosting!
  • Did you make it to heads up Braad? OMG after all the suck outs that occured. Imagine first hand Braad, Mark and me all in blind. And I lost with J 9 suited to a lousy K Q off. I never seen chip stacks rise and fall at the table I was at. Back to the J 9 I was the only one with soooooted cards. I thought they were supposed to win.
  • Greg,
    Cudos on the nite
    I could have been a contender had I only had more 5's ! LOL
    Always a good nite of poker with the KW crew

    Parting thought: WHO THE HELL ORDERED THAT KING????
  • Great Night, Greg!!

    Thanks a bunch!!

  • TwoThree wrote:
    Grats Shannon! nice game of heads up and nice bit of luck with the 4's :P
    "nice bit of luck" with the KJ to make it that far - it still hurts!

    Congrats Shannon on (yet another) victory. I was looking forward to playing a bit more with you, but my luck wasn't there :)

    A BIG congratulations to "Mini TD" Jason. Totally card-dead for the night, he showed a lot of patience (well beyond his years) waiting for cards, and when he finally got short-stacked, was able to double up 4 times to stay in the hunt. In the end, he outlasted half the field and finished in 9th - not bad for his first tournament (and for a 10 year old) :) . Sadly, the one player he did manage to eliminate was the ONLY player to NOT buy a bounty chip :rage: . Thanks to everyone who played with him - he really had a blast!

    Thanks for hosting Greg - it was a lot of fun (and I finally made it to your house! :) ).
  • Greg, thanks for the tournament. I had a great time and it was really nice to see everyone looking smashing!

    As for the tournament, I basically had two very tough calls to make. One against Greg on the river when I only had TPTK (AK) and he bet all in on the river. This call, as I told Greg, would have only been made due to the re-buy option the tournament had. I'd fold almost every other time. Nice all in bet on the river Greg.

    The other tough call that REALLY put me in good shape was when I decided to slow play JJ. Folded around to me in the small, I have jacks. I call and promptly get raised by the 2nd leader at the table (I was leading). He makes it another 600 to go. I smooth call. Flop 10 9 3 rainbow. I check he bets 1K. I make it 4K to go and he goes all in. "He" was none other then PokerDeamon on this forum, AKA Damian. For some reason I knew at some point he would want to take over being the table Captain role. I thought about my call here for awhile but knew I wasn't really going to be folding it, I had him on a bigger ace. I was totally wrong. He had 82 or something to that affect. I knocked him out and had a 2:1 chip lead on the next closer opponent.

    Heads up with Dwayne was tough, I knew it would be a battle. I got lucky after turning the aggression up and overplaying a weak ace. His AQ was no match for my A4 in the end. Thanks to all those crazy players who re-bought soooooo many times and biult the prize pool to over $500!

    Thanks again and see you guys Friday!

  • It was definately a crazy game with 29 rebuys at my first table!!!

    I consitently was being beat by calls when I had the best hand -BUT- that is the beauty of the re-buy tourney.

    After 6 rebuys ($30) and a add-on and bount ($10) I had to get 3rd to make money - and I did $80 for all my troubles.

    The turning point for my tournament was also the turning point for Dwaynes (who placed 2nd) - This was with about 16 players remaining.

    I had just been moved upstairs to the other major rebuy table.

    And I am BB with QJ - it was raised by 2nd last position (Dwayne) to a $1000 preflop.

    I call the extra $1000 to see the flop.

    Q was the high card on the board. I raise 3500 and Dwayne goes all-in.

    Seeminly an easy situation, is it?

    I ponder.

    This is was my decision process:

    I have never played with this guy before.

    I have seen about 3 orbitz this is his first move.

    He raised preflop.

    He called and raised me instantly.

    I have him covered but will be left in the red-dead zone if I make the call.

    He could have had me beat with numerous other hands. But, his instant call made me think either KK AA or AQ. He seemed confident and the only I read I had on him at this point from the few minutes I was playing was that he definately wasnt the loose type.

    So I laid my hand down to ensure my tournament survival.

    He flips over Q-10.


    He took down the pot of about 9000 and gave himself chip lead at our table.

    Had I called the all-in I would have had around the equal chips to shannon on his table.

    Instead I was in a fold or push situation only.

    And Dwayne was sitting comfy.

    That is the hand that sticks out most in my mind as what could have put me in better position to grab 2nd or maybe 1st (probably not against shannon though :D).

    Luckily, Brad who fast plays 84o decided to slow play his AA on my big blind.

    I had 84o. Checked.

    I hit two pair on the flop and through in a small bet - Brad comes over the top all=in. I double up and am right back in it.

    I ended up going out on a total bluff to Dwayne who made trips. But, by this time over half my stack was in 3 -way with only a few blinds left. So I dont feel so badly about it.

    Good game all.
  • Fun tournament!

    Had a number of second best hands in the rebuy period (including a flopped top/bottom two pair to Shopsy's flopped top two pair), and it cost me 6-8 rebuys to play fast and loose in the first bit. Action was CRAZY at our table. And, in a ANNOYING move, the player that had gotten a majority of the rebuys in his stack, Trevor, was moved upstairs to balance halfway through things.

    Right after the break I get moved upstairs where the action was quite tight and Shannon was sitting on a very big stack. From my loose table I moved up and had most everyone else at the table covered. Shannon pushed me off a pot and showed KK, then two hands later I pick up 88 in cutoff at our 6 handed table. I raise, Shannon re-raises and I push. Shannon turns over KK again (second time in three hands) and I'm out.

    I'll chalk up the bad play to my 12 hour, two state oddessy to get beer followed by a three hour car trip home a few hours before the tourney started. Yeah, that's it.

    Great fun!
  • Now I've already received my money from last nights win but what about those darn ten points, what can I do with those. C'mon tourny host, post!

  • stpboy wrote:
    Now I've already received my  money from last nights win but what about those darn ten points, what can I do with those.  C'mon tourny host, post!

    I was doing such a kickass job hosting... but I left the sheet at home, and I'm at my parents' place installing my Dad's new computer (all migrating tons of business software).  So the results won't be posted until later tonight, or very very later tonight.

    To make Shannon happy... along with winning the tourney last night he won 10 bonus points towards the Keatsway Poker Series.

    Full details of the KPS will be posted tomorrow.

  • The results are in!

    1. "stpboy" Shannon $205 + $45 in bounties
    2. "Quimby" Duane $125 + $15 in bounties @ 1:09am
    3. "TNORTH" Tom $80 @ 12:39am
    4. "TwoThree" Braad $60 + $15 in bounties @ 12:37am
    5. "shopsy" Jeff $40 @ 12:32am
    6. Dave D $5 bounty @ 12:27am
    7. "JohnnieH" @ 12:16am
    8. "beanie42" $5 bounty @ 12:16am
    9. "beanie10" Jason @ 11:34pm
    10. Bob S @ 10:56pm
    11. "Zithal" Rob @ 10:45pm
    12. "peteski" Pete @ 10:44pm
    13. Aimee @ 10:44pm
    14. "Wine Man" Larry L @ 10:35pm
    15. "ziggy" Jonathan @ 10:17pm
    16. Damian $5 bounty @10:10pm
    17. "compuease" Jeff C @ 9:51pm
    18. "DrTyore" Mark @ 9:26pm
    19. "g2" Greg @ 9:01pm
    20. Matt @ 7:56pm
    21. Michelle @ 7:54pm
    22. "AcidJoe" @ 7:50pm

  • Total prize pool of this 22-player $5 tourney: $595

    22 players = $110
    60 rebuys = $300
    19 add-ons = $95
    18 bounties = $90
    0 rake = $0

  • g2 wrote:
    Total prize pool of this 22-player $5 tourney: $595

    22 players = $110
    60 rebuys = $300
    19 add-ons = $95
    18 bounties = $90
    0 rake = $0


    4. "TwoThree" Braad $60 + $15 in bounties @ 12:37am HAHA WTF eh!

    60 rebuys = $300 lol my starting table alone was 27 of them :D
  • Good job hosting Greg.  I had a great time. 

    The rebuy madness was about what I expected.  I dipped under 1000 after the first orbit and promptly rebought.  I then tripled up with AK vs AQ and something else and pretty much sat quiet until the addon. 

    I took a bit of a hit when beanie sr played his "favourite hand" and I had Qx on an AQx board.  A few low blocker bets and I was down to about 6000.

    Soon after my most memorable hand was with Braad.  I had JJ and raised.  Brad reraised to 4000 or so.  I counted my remaining chips (I would haev been left with 1600) and put him most likely on AK.  I pondered for about 2 minutes (sorry for the delay of game guys) deciding whether I wanted to flip at this point and thought it was time.  I call and Braad says allin as the cards are being turned over.  He does have AK at this point.  I see JAJ come out.  I'm not sure exactly what I said but in the end I check and Braad does his promised push.  I show the flopped quads and pick up a tasty pot.

    Thanks again to Tom for letting go of the best hand with his QJ.  Phew.

    Down to 4 or five and Tom raised at the CO and I had A7 on the button. Flop 77x.  Tom checks and I check behind.  He checks the rag turn, I bet, he folds.  Damn.  I would later take him out in a similar situation with flopped trip J's.

    We started the heads up battle pretty much even and I knew already that Shannon was aggressive.  There were a few reraises but my AQ was no match for his A4 when two fours show up on the board.

    Congrats to Shannon for a great game.  I hope to make it out to another event soon.

  • Quimby wrote:
    I took a bit of a hit when beanie sr played his "favourite hand" and I had Qx on an AQx board.  A few low blocker bets and I was down to about 6000.
    LOL - I told you what I had, so you could have gotten away - here's the whole story: My "favorite" hand is A-9, specifically when against Mark (Dr. Tyore). Anyway, I was on the button, Mark's in the SB and Duane's in the BB. It's limped around to me and I smooth-call hoping Mark and I can have another (in)famous clash. Mark doesn't even complete, and I laugh and say to him "that sucks - guess what I have?". I then realized that Duane was still in the hand, but we hadn't played together before tonight. I say "whoops - do you know what my favorite hand is?" and he tells it to me, and then checks. He raises on the flop, and I almost folded since he knows exactly what I have, so I'm thinking he might have a bigger kicker. However, the small bets and the HIGH possibility of a bluff (after my blunder) made me keep calling! A bigger raise and I might have been gone, but you "made" me call :) . That was probably my second most memorable hand (after the hand with Brad where he "earned" his prison stripes :'( ).
  • I forgot to mention... someone left a blue sweater at my place after the tourney.  There will be a skill-testing question to claim your prize.

  • g2 wrote:
    I forgot to mention... someone left a blue sweater at my place after the tourney. There will be a skill-testing question to claim your prize.


    Greg.. you should know better...

    It's mine.. it was beside your freezer, it's dark navy blue and has a zipper front.

  • DING DING DING we have a winner!!!

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