Bristol St. Classic Grand Final - LIVE UPDATES



  • 8th Place, and believe me I'm surprised I lasted that long. Some good hands, some good folds but I never really had much of a chip stack for the whole tournament.

    Final hand, I was all in QK not suited, against Shannon's Pocket 10's. Third 10 came up on the flop and not a single face card in sight.

    Made it to the final table, so I can't complain there.

    Great Year of Poker at Bristol St. Many thanks to Zithral for a great year, here's hoping for a better next year.
  • I'm out in 7th in a very, very, very, dumb play (it only takes one right?)

    KJ, Mario raises to 4k and I call. Flop comes JT8, I check and Mario bets out $10,000. I'm positive I have him covered and push all-in, Mario calls and turns over 88!! (Nice flop bet)

    No help for me and we count it up and he's got me covered. Second time I've done that here.... grrrrr.....

    Down to the Final 6!
  • My first post! To say that I busted out 9th. Oh the shame... But honestly, great tournament, and I feel lucky to have made it so far with such a talented field.

    My last hand was AQ in small blind. Rob raises 1700 or so, I re-raise to 3500. Flop comes down 8 8 10. Thinking I'm short stack, and wanting to steal, I push all in. Rob quickly calls with pocket tens. Ooops. Guess I fell into the cookie jar.

    Guess there's always next year!

    Thanks Rob (and I mean that in a nice way)
  • Update please.
  • 5 remain, top 3 are Mario...Brad...shannon...then mark and Ty.

    Mmmmm hmmmm.

  • First Update....

    On 2nd break now, blinds are eating up our hero, but he is perservereing, morale is high, and Tye is laughing so hard he's crying at times... Tom's out, top pair pushed all in, shannon calls with KQ flush.

    Chip stacks:

    Our Hero: 21, 900
    Mario 49, 800
    Shannon 43, 800
    Tye 35, 900
    Brad 28, 600

    Blinds are 1k/2k/300 ante... WHOOO!!!

  • CRAP :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:BUBBLED

    Cheap lead after break UG get A4 suit make a move on the Blinds Brad on the BB goes in the the think tank and makes a great call with JJ and they hold.(loss 29,000)

    Blinds 1200/2400/400 Tye raises 9000 I go all in with QQ he calls with KJ OFF flop XXX turn K and I'm out.

    CRAZY HAND causes a double elimination at the Final Table.

    Mark in Short Stack UTG and pushes in for his final $16,000 with TT. Brad is next to him, ponders for a minutes, then moves all-in, over the top. Shannon, the next in line, asks for a chip-count!!!

    Brad is all-in for an additional $20,000, and Shannon calls both players, having both players out-chipped. Brad turns over AQ, while Shannon show's the monster KK!!!

    The flop, turn and river come, helping no one, and eliminates two players from the tournament!! Having more chips, Brad takes 3rd place and $100.

    4th - "Dirty Whore" Mark - $20 (pizza change)
    3rd - "Pinhead" Brad - $100

    We are now heads up and a chip count is coming...
  • With Shannon's double elimination, he now has a 2.5-1 chip lead over Tye. The chip counts are roughly...

    Shannon - $123,000
    Tye - $52,700

    Blinds are 1,200-2,400(400) and there is PLENTY of action in the stacks. Good luck to both of these excellent players.
  • Well I'm back from TO.. Good luck to Shannon and Tye. Sorry Table 2, wish I could of donated my money to you..


    After a very tough back and forth battle we now have our "Bristol Street 2005 Champion"...


    Congrats on earning your entry as our Wildcard, then repeating as Champion! And congrats to "8Ball" Tye for a fantastic tournament and year at Bristol Street. Reports from the Heads-up competitors will be coming shortly...
  • Hey Shannon!

    You played an excellent game brother, and you deserve it. Tye, solid play all day, making the right (but difficult moves) when needed. I"m not sure if I'm upset or glad to have not played with you for very much today (before the final table) since it's always a pleasure.

    As for myself, I think that nobody can argue that "pizza boy" money is somehow appropriate for me... I played a very straightforward game tonight, no chance of getting "cute" with anything. I pushed often, and large, especially at the final table when I was going in short stacked. However, given the caliber of players at the table, there was NO chance that anyone was going to be the captain / bully.

    I can honestly say that this has to have been the best day of poker that I've seen in a while, and that it is my priveledge and great luck to have played with everyone today. I feel absolutely NO shame in the players I lost to. Shannon, Tye, Brad.. you are all amazing players, who I very much enjoyed playing with.

    Rob, the absolute perfect role model for how a host / tournament director should be. Thanks for this day, it is not possible to say how much it means to some of us guys!!

    Finally, thanks to all the Pokerforum readers who followed, cheered, and showed interest in our little game... excellent community here.

  • Rob,

    Thanks for letting me be a part of this. I wish my mind could have been here today. I let my table down by not playing up to par. With all that is on my plate this week, I should have let one of the alternates deal! Great job Shannon! Well deserved after a long hiatus this summer and most of the fall.

    Prophet 22
  • Re: Bristol St. Classic 2005 GRAND FINAL - Dec 3rd - 2pm
    « Reply #17 on: December 01, 2005, 07:43:01 PM »

    Slippery Pete

    Those are the top 4...not sure in what order. I like Tye's game lately.

    Honestly, looking at the field of players, there will be no "surprise" winner. I like the mix of players/styles.
    You all have game.

    Good luck and congrats to Rob, you run a great game.

    Well...picked 3 out of the 4 right.

    Congrats to all on what sounds like a great game.
  • Congrats to all the players on a great season.
  • Zithal wrote:

    After a very tough back and forth battle we now have our "Bristol Street 2005 Champion"...


    Congrats on earning your entry as our Wildcard, then repeating as Champion!  And congrats to "8Ball" Tye for a fantastic tournament and year at Bristol Street.  Reports from the Heads-up competitors will be coming shortly...

    Well Shannon I must add my congratulations. I learned when I played heads-up against you for what seemed like hours at the Wildcard tourney that you are a fierce competitor and would be a strong contender for the title. Looking forward to another shot at you at Lou's tonight hopefully.. lol... You have a big target on your back now. Get used to it!
  • Definately an excellent evening! Thanks Rob.

    And CONGRATS SHANNON! Hope my chips helped - flopping a flush and setting a trap - thats why it pays to keep aware once you make it to the final table.

    Anyways - Rob and I both made the exact same mistake with nearly the same cards - Figured our top pair was good with a decent kicker raised all our chips (when we could have raised half of them to figure out the same thing) to find our opponents had already made a strong hand (Mario with trips and Shannon with his Flush).

    Next time Rob - we will come back smarter.

    Thanks again - good to see everyone.
  • It sounds like a really tough and fun night - an ideal poker tourney :) . Congrats to Shannon on the win (saying that alot lately) - you definately have bragging rights now :)
  • Thanks a lot guys, it was a mentally taxing night for sure. Tom I think if I don't have the flush I likely fold so your bet wasn't as bad as you may think. I've made the same mistake myself in a large tournament ($500+ buy-in) ...see

    Appreciate the kind words and Pm's I've received. I'll be ready to play again tonight, the streak must continue!

  • And now the post from second place.

    I feel I played a good tourni. Great cards at Great moments helped carry the day to Heads up.

    Then to go CARD DEAD. (ouch!) But hey, that's the game.

    Congrats to Shannon! He played amazing poker all day. As did the entire final table. (2+ hours five handed.WOW!)

    Thanks to Rob and the entire Bristol St. Staff, wait, that's Rob.  Great job!

    See you all at X-Mas Madness!

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