Bristol St. Classic Grand Final - LIVE UPDATES

Keep your eyes peeled here throughout the day as we update LIVE the progress of the tournaments. Players will post their thoughts here as they bust out, and we'll give the occational update through out the day.

It's 12 minutes to start time, players are arriving and the seating draw will begin soon!!

Good luck players.


  • WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!I'm in!!!!
  • Seating has been drawn and one table may be a tad more aggressive than the other... can you guess which one??

    TABLE 1

    Seat 1: "Hughjazz" Dom
    Seat 2: "TNORTH" Tom
    Seat 3: "Oragami" Jonathan
    Seat 4: "Slippery" Pete
    Seat 5: "Dirty Whore" Mark
    Seat 6: "Flint Bones" Andrew
    Seat 7: "Pinhead" Brad
    Seat 8: "Zithal" Rob L
    Seat 9: "JohnnieH" Johnnie

    TABLE 2

    Seat 1: "ItsaMe" Mario
    Seat 2: "Shopsy" Jeff
    Seat 3: "Prophet22" Brent
    Seat 4: "Lamb Of" John
    Seat 5: Kevin F
    Seat 6: "Redington" Tyson
    Seat 7: "8Ball" Tye
    Seat 8: "Ineedanick" Dave
    Seat 9: "stpboy" Shannon
  • Tell Shopsy to take his purse off and go all in blind next hand.. And to Shannon, I hope you don't get caught with your pants down too many times this afternoon..

    Off to the Leaf game!

  • We're two levels in an no eliminations yet. Blinds are at 50-100.
  • Dear Folded,

    Wish you were here.

    Everyone at Table 2.
  • 3:20pm : On a flop of A37, Kevin and Mario find themselves all-in. Kevin has AKo, Mario as A3s.

    No help for Kevin, and he's out in 18th place. The first elimination bubble has been burst!
  • Only two bigs hands I've lost so far were with AKo, yes it does suck. Still in but only an 8K stack, couple hundred times the big.....John Adams better not raise my blind again! I'm sure before the night is over I'll take most of his chips when i call his bluff....

  • Flop KcQh8h, 3K in the pot. Me, Mario and Johnny Adams. Turn J, I have A10 for broadway. Johnny goes all in and I call, river 5h. Johnny has i said. Still in though, barely.

  • Kevin F was knocked out by Mario at 50-100.

    Rob took the sidebet of when the first elimination was.
  • Its sweeter to win from the short stack. Hang in there Stp.

  • p.s. a chip count at the break would be a cool thing for those of us hanging at home with our kids...
  • is there another tourney happening, after this game? if so, when and where email me..asap!
  • On a T high flop, Brent moves in with AT, only to run into Tye's KK. No A. No T.

    "Prophet22" Brent is out in 17th place. Tough last run of cards! We're about 45 min away from break, and will have a chip count
  • Good luck to all you guys, esp Shannon since he prevented me from talking my rightful place as the elder statesman, representing experiance...... lol.. I will check on how this turned out tomorrow as I'm off the Niagara to make some real money this evening.... Jeff..
    P.S. Take care of my chips Shannon...
  • "Slippery" Pete's A8 runs into AJ and Pete has been eliminated 16th. He was crippled earlier in the night and survived on a micro-stack for a few levels!

    We currently have ring games running upstairs, so feel free to drop by and play some poker!
  • i wanna play, is there another tourney after this one is finish?
  • where are u located?
  • we're on a dinner break right now, and i'm 1.5 (15K) the oroginal chip stack. feelin pretty good, playing some solid poker, and it's kind of weird, a few or these donkys are respecting my raises. EVEN MARIO!

    but every time i raise, tyson(to my left) has a "MONSTER". "and I'm laying it down......."

    People are dropping super slow from this one, which means it's just gonna be a long one. I'm planning on changing gears now and waiting for the cards............BULLS**T

    hope to post again soon

  • Dinner beak has hit. Pepi's is order. Here is the chip count at dinner break. No one's walking away with this yet as blinds are about to raise to 150/300 (50)

    "8Ball" Tye Z. - $21,800
    "Dirty Whore" Mark B. - $17,675
    "Pinhead" Brad - $17,200
    "ItsaMe" Mario - $16,450
    "Lamb Of" John - $14,825
    "TNORTH" Tom - $14,025
    "Flint Bones" Andrew - $11,325
    "JohnnieH" - $11,075
    "Innedanick" - Dave - $10,800
    "Redington" Tyson - $8,775
    "Shopsy" Jeff - $7,250
    "Oragami" Jonathan - $6,725
    "stpboy" Shannon - $6,450
    "Zithal" Rob - $6,400
    "Hughjazz" Dom - $4,100
    "Slippery" Pete - 16th place
    "Prophet22" Brent - 17th place
    Kevin - 18th Place
  • okay boys, im commin over from milton. Be there by 7pm! ..hopefully there will be some sit n go's ..Ali!
    good luck to everyone still in the main game!
  • Dom pushes all in for just over 2K with 10's, only to run into Mark in the BB with AA. No help for Dom and Dom is eliminated in 15th place. Blinds are at 200-400(50)
  • Up to 16K now, Pinhead has the lead I believe after a huge hand with Mark.

  • thanks for the updates boys.

    GJ pinhead...had you in the final 4. Pick on someone other than DrTyore though.
  • alright kids, here we go.

    I'm out, but i played a great game. I knew i'd have to do some serious playing against these guys.

    i raise substantially with AQ of clubs, and tyson and tye fold to shannon who snap "All-in's". I snap call and he shows KQ of spaids. flop comes with his king and doubles him up to about 14k. It brings me down to about 9k and i still have room to breath. so for the next hour i'm playing pretty tight but the blinds and ante's are gettin to my stack. i decide to make a move and raise with Q8o in good position to steal a pretty sexy looking pot with about 3k in it, and tyson snap "All-in's". everyone folds to me and i have to fold. he shows AQo, so i'm down to 6k.

    I'm waiting for a hand when mario raises. i see Pocket 10's and push my last 5k. he thinks about it and calls with A8o. thats right, A8 OFFSUIT!!!!!!!! flop is holding his Ace and gives him the pot. knocks me out.

    had a great time, and i think i wanna play this exact same tournament with the exact same structure and the same players over and over again.


    (as we speak there are 3 all ins going on so there will be more posting shortly.)
  • Ok, now I'm out. I think this is the coldest my cards have ever been.

    With the blinds at 300/600/100 I find myself with 33, so I shoved All In from the dealer postion, after Pinhead raised to 1800. Tom re-raised All In from the BB, Brad folds. Tom shows QQ, and I'm done.

    Now on to the cash game..........

  • tough ones John-ie-H-A...
    to both of you.

    I'm stumbling off for a few pints down the street...if a cab comes by 11:00...are people still going to be hanging out at Bristol?
  • Recent Eliminations..

    13th - "Flint Bones" Andrew
    12th - "Redington" Tyson

    Andrew left with 900 chip and about to hit the BB, pushes with K5. Tyson raises to isolate with AQ, but runs into Tye who has KK. No help for anyone eliminates two people in teh same hand..

    11th - "JohnnieH" Johnnie H

    Running out of cash, Johnnie pushes with 33, but runs into Tom with QQ. No help for Johnnie.

    10th - "Shopsy"

    Mark has AQ, Shopsy has QT, Shopsy is out! The final table forms... chip count and seating to come...
  • I am out.

    I was crippled earlier by Mario. I have about $16000 to Mario's $14000. I get AdQd UTG. I raise to 1200 (Blinds are 200/400). Mario calls in the BB. Flop is 5 7 3 rainbow. Mario bets 2500. I think and think and think and re-raise all in. Mario thinks and thinks and calls with 88. No help for me on the turn or river.

    I am crippled. After getting nothing higher than a 10 I go all in UTG with K5 with 925 chips left (the 100 ante and the 600 blind was the next hand). Tyson goes all in and then Tye goes all in. Tyson has AQ, Tye has KK.

    Tye knocks us both out and takes a monster chip lead.

    Seat 1: "TNORTH" Tom - $14,250
    Seat 2: "stpboy" Shannon - $16,200
    Seat 3: "Ineedanick" Dave - $14,200
    Seat 4: "8Ball" Tye - $37,200
    Seat 5: "Dirty Whore" Mark - $16,200
    Seat 6: "Pinhead" Brad - $19,150
    Seat 7: "Zithal" Rob - $23,300
    Seat 8: "Oragami" Jonathan - $7,725
    Seat 9: "ItsaMe" Mario - $32,000

    We're on a 15 minute break with 6 minutes left in the 300-600 (100). Good luck all!!
  • Hell of a final table.

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