$60 deepstack NL tourney Wed Dec 7th, 7:00pm, Waterloo - 3 SEATS LEFT



  • Thank you for hosting a great game Greg!
    Nice pad, might I add. I was pretty desperate for quite a while being short stack for most of the tourney. A few timely double ups keepin me alive helped. And stealing the odd pot or blinds when I felt the other players didn't have strong hands and couldn't justifiably call my all-ins. Fortunately I let Larry do most of the work for me, eliminating guys with bigger stacks than mine, while I folded out of hand after hand, with top pair, second pair with a flush draw and often... nothing (heh heh). I figured, might as well let them go at it and hopefully get one place closer to the money. Bingo! Four players later I'm guaranteed 3 whole bucks profit so it's time to make a move since I have roughly 1/4 the chips of Peteski (#2 stack). I raise preflop and both guys call. Flop comes :ad :jd :3s . I put Larry on a Q (not pockets mind u!) and Pete on the lower straight draw (which he had... but suited in diamonds to add a flush draw) so I figured any 10 any K and I might be good and my KJ were actually both spades so there is the distant chance of a backdoor flush. Wrong. As Greg said, :10d on the turn and goodnight I'm done. Poor Larry's monstrous stack becomes miniscule and a few hands later it was all over, but for the crying.
    Good game played by all. Can't wait for the next game at your place Greg. Should be a good one if we can get a full game.

  • Yes, thanks for hosting a very enjoyable tournament Greg. I love deep stacks. I look forward to making it for another one sometime soon.

    Good ole 52. Never loses.
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