$60 deepstack NL tourney Wed Dec 7th, 7:00pm, Waterloo - 3 SEATS LEFT

Hey guys,

I'm hosting a $60 deepstack NL tourney Wednesday December 7th at 7:00pm.  Doors open at 6:45pm.  10,000 in starting chips, max 1 rebuy in the first 4 rounds: 10,000 chips for $60.  $1/$2 cash game to follow.  Only running one table for the tourney, so the pool table, dart board, and ping pong table will be free.

Located in Waterloo near University Ave & Bridge St.  PM for address/phone number.  BYOB/Snacks.

1. "g2" Greg
2. "specialK" Kyle
3. "Shtebs" Steve
4. Larry L.
5. "hughjazz6969" Dom
6. "peteski"
7. Will



  • Payout:

    1st - 50%
    2nd - 35%
    3rd - 15%


    20 minute rounds

    7:00pm - 10/20
    7:20pm - 20/40
    7:40pm - 30/60
    8:00pm - 50/100
    8:20pm - 10 minute break / colour up 5s
    8:30pm - 50/100
    8:30pm - 75/150
    8:50pm - 100/200
    9:10pm - 150/300 (25)
    9:30pm - 200/400 (25)
    9:50pm - 300/600 (50)
    10:10pm - 10 minute break / colour up 25s
    10:20pm - 500/1000 (100)
    10:40pm - 700/1400 (200)
    11:00pm - 1000/2000 (300)
    11:20pm - 1500/3000 (400)
    11:40pm - 2000/4000 (500)
    12:00am - 3000/6000 (1000) capped
  • Woohoo! Finally get to go play at Greg's after missing the first two (I think?)
    Count me in
  • greg i'm in for sure, before all my exams thankfully.
  • Hey Greg sign me up for this, it sounds fun. Could you also pm me directions please.

  • Good day Greg
    I'm in like flint. Book me Danno. I don't see Tysons name on the list yet! Does this mean "we" can't beat him up again? You'd think he'd learn that you don't mess with the 'young' and' old' guy. I think I'd also like another shot at Mark & STP boy after the Shopsy letdown! See you then. I'm ripe for the pickin.
    'The Wine Man'
    Larry L.
  • I'm in.

  • Working next Wed. night Greg, maybe next time.
  • That's too bad Shopsy... FYI next time will probably be Wed. Dec. 28th.

  • Yes,

    I can come and take your beating.

    Can we have Lost on in the background?
  • Request granted.  I guess that means no Raptors game stp, the Lakers will probably destroy them anyway.

  • Don't worry about Lost...

    I think watching 5 guys lost in Toronto is way funnier... or more depressing.

    Way to pick a winner there Shannon. Next thing ya'know you'll be asking for a peice of Larry for thw WSOP.
  • I'll be taping lost that night, so yeah Raps vs. Kobe should be a riot. Larry for 2006WSOP, what are the current odds on him winning?

  • This is a great idea, but I have an exam the next day. Next time.
  • eratik wrote:
    This is a great idea, but I have an exam the next day. Next time.

    I do too! But you can always make time for poker :D
  • eratik wrote:
    This is a great idea, but I have an exam the next day. Next time.
    I remember playing poker the night before I had an exam once.  I made sure I was home by 2am so I could start studying... I'm not irresponsible.

  • Congrats Shannon. Good to see you're in the Bristol St. FINAL. Best of luck. I pick you for top 5 if you promise not to go all in with 2-5s pre flop! By the way....the odds on me for the 2006 WSOP are 5700 : 1, and that's just on me making it to the front door sober with a 'wine' bottle. Keep smilin. Talk soon.
    Larry L.
  • 3 seats left

    Who's next?

  • Crap! Won't be able to make it anymore :'(

    Have a great time guys.
  • Count me in.

  • Come on people... 3 more seats!

    Anybody need directions? See you guys tomorrow night.

  • I'm in. So is my friend Will.
  • I can't remember your address. E-mail or call me at 519 577 8552.
    Larry L.
  • Directions sent.

  • This is shaping up to be a hell of a table. I'm on-call tonight so hopefully I don't get called in 20 minutes into the tournament, that would be one sure fire way to eliminate me! See you at 7pm.

  • Ahhhhhhhhh! I just got called into work, have to be there for 3pm till 11pm. Sorry Greg et al. you'll have to get me another time.

  • You jinxed it!

  • He Gord, :D
    Ive been sick all week and won't be able to make it.Need to rest upl for the TOC this weekend.

    Sorry for the short notice, But Im sure you have someone to fill it quickly
  • Too bad, I was looking forward to taking your money Tony. :D

  • Who took it down?
  • westside8 wrote:
    Who took it down?
    Certainly not you, ya no-good cancelling bum!  ;)

    The Report:

    Peteski took it down.  Larry "The Wine Man" was chip monster for most of the game, but Pete got some huge hands when it was down to 3 or 4.  One such example:  flop 7 7 7, turn 4, river A.  I was very impressed with Larry's discipline not going broke with his A 10 where Pete was holding K 7.  Steve profited $3 coming in 3rd.  Congrats Steve, you survived with a short stack for most of the tourney... well played.

    The turning point was a 3-way all-in hand when it was down to 3 players.  Flop came down  :ad  :3s  :qd 
    Bet and raised around and then short stack Steve moves all-in.  Pete flat calls, but then Larry moves all-in on top.  Larry and Pete looked apporximately even in chips at this point.  Pete wasn't happy about Larry's move, he wanted to see the turn for relatively cheap.  Pete admitted he was on the flush draw, which Larry had put both Pete and Steve on.  Pete was worried Steve had the higher flush draw though.  Pete eventually realized (b/c Larry told him) that he had major odds to call, since about 40% of his chips were in the pot already, so he made the call and turned over  :2d :5d  Steve wasn't actually on the flush draw, he showed The Bachelor.  Then Larry showed a monster! :qs :qc  Time for a turn:  :10d  the only ten that Steve didn't want to see.  The river didn't pair the board so Pete took down the monster pot and Steve came in 3rd.

    Larry had about 3,500 left in chips with blinds at 700/1400 (200)  and lasted only 2 hands.

    Till next time... which is Wed Dec 28th by the way  :D

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