Cook Crew Casual Game, Nov. 27 @ 8pm, Kitchener



  • hey trevore this is gonna seem like a crazy question but would it be ok if i brought my new chips to play with... i'm itchin to get them into action. lol.
  • specialK wrote:
    cool, 5players sounds awesome to me, just give the go ahead trevor...
    If you guys are good with that, come on over.
    specialK wrote:
    hey trevore this is gonna seem like a crazy question but would it be ok if i brought my new chips to play with... i'm itchin to get them into action.  lol.
    LOL - no problem, save me cleaning up.
  • greg where do you want me to meet you? beer store or infront of my house?
  • Sweet!  Game's on!!!

    Kyle, I'll pick you up at 7:55pm, in front of your house.
    Wes, 8:00pm, the usual.

    Trev, we should get there about quarter after... laptops in tow.

    See you guys soon   :D

  • There better not be any colluding between all of you in the LuckyLou, we're ALL watching! Haha, to tired to play live tonight. I just got off a 9 hour shift without much sleep the previous two nights. Taking a nap before the freeroll...zzzzzz

  • looking forward to seeing ya'll soon.
  • stpboy wrote:
    There better not be any colluding between all of you in the LuckyLou, we're ALL watching! 
    5 of us, 5 money spots in the freeroll... ;)
  • thanks for hosting trevor & jenn, it was alot of fun... memorable moments include me making the best call ever, then getting sucked out... lol thanks wes... see you all on wednesday at bristol.
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