Cook Crew Casual Game, Nov. 27 @ 8pm, Kitchener

Just wondering if anyone is interested in playing a few mini-tournaments tonight.  1-2 tables, $10-20 buy-in, freeze-out or rebuy, depending on what the majority wants to do.  We'll start at 8:00, and we're located in Stanley Park area of Kitchener.

1. Trevor
2. Jenn
3. Greg
4. Wesley
5. Kyle


  • I'm in.

  • Greg, wanna pick me up too? :D
  • Sure, if the game is a go.

  • 90 seconds reply. That was fast.

    Keep us updated Trev
  • Sounds like fun, however alot of the LuckyLou regulars will be playing the $100 Freeroll today @ Paradise. (Including me!)

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Sounds like fun, however alot of the LuckyLou regulars will be playing the $100 Freeroll today @ Paradise. (Including me!)
    Forgot about that, however Jenn and I are in the $500, so not playing tonight. Jenn's also itching for a live game.

    We're good to go even if there's only a few players (I'd say 6 min). If it's that low, we'll probably just do the low buy-in and play a couple games. Currently we're at 4, so a couple more and we're on (if everyones ok with a short-handed table :) ).
  • Your poker shark of a son could take seat #5  ;)

  • g2 wrote:
    Your poker shark of a son could take seat #5  ;)
    I'd actually consider that, except for this weekend. Normally we do our family stuff Sunday night, but we're bedding the kids early tonight due to an extremely busy weekend (otherwise we wouldn't even be able to play tonight ;) ).

    It is past 4 now, so a few of the "late-risers" should be up by now. I hope we'll hear from some of them soon...
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Sounds like fun, however alot of the LuckyLou regulars will be playing the $100 Freeroll today @ Paradise. (Including me!)


    Wonder if Trev have a wireless router, if he does we can all bring our laptops and play together! :D
  • westside8 wrote:
    Wonder if Trev have a wireless router, if he does we can all bring our laptops and play together!   :D
    LOL - I actually do, and suggested that to Johnnie :) .  We're strictly playing live, but if anyone wants to bring their laptop (or use mine, although I only have 1) and multi-table, that's fine with me :) .  Just hoping we can get some responses, since we're REALLY hoping to play tonight.  I haven't seen KW this quiet in a while!
  • Honestly, I would multi-table!
  • Is the power out in the rest of KW?  I can't believe no one else has signed up!

  • I think we're the only ones with power. KW game barely getting responses for a
  • westside8 wrote:
    I think we're the only ones with power. KW game barely getting responses for a

    There's plenty of power in KW
    Take a look @ paradise, we're all signed up!!!

  • Well, unfortunately there has been very little response (barring the 2 super-dedicated players :) ). I guess tonight's off, so I'll just see everyone online. Good luck to all.
  • greg, i would be up for this if you could give me a ride... if you get this post in time...??
  • oh, didn't see the second page, sorry...
  • Too bad tonight didn't work out.  I am signed up for the LuckyLou freeroll though.  See you guys there.

    Umm... I just read Kyle's post... we still need 1 more player... if we can get that, yes I'll drive ya.

  • I'm still watching, so it's "possible" if we get another player. I've just lost my optimism for tonight, but we'll see.
  • I'm in the Lucky Lou's freeroll too, but I will keep checking to see if we end up getting a game going.
  • i'll ask a friend of mine.... he sounds perhaps interested... asking how much... could you drive him too greg??
  • Yes, I could.  I think we're just gonna be playing a series of $10 or $20 games... nothing too expensive.

  • ok, he's not in... that was weird, he asked if he could get a ride... and then said no... i'll keep asking around... we have 5 as of now right?
  • specialK wrote:
    i'll ask a friend of mine.... he sounds perhaps interested... asking how much... could you drive him too greg??
    I'm thinking either a few $10 games (normal starting stacks) or a single deeper $20 game, but I'm good with whatever everyone wants to do. We just want to play (live), so we can work something out :) . And yes, we're currently at 5.
  • ok, yeah i wanna play live too... definately, i'll try to find some others, i'm just curious we're not gonna do it if there's only 5 right?
  • hey, sorry everyone i couldn't manage to find anyone else... i'll still play if there's only 5 though and everyone else wants to still...
  • greg is it too late for me to sign up for the LuckLou thing still?
  • Hey Trev,

    Any chance to get a game going maybe on Monday or Tuesday night?
  • Hey Trev,

    I think Wes and Kyle and I are all still a go for 5 players, it's up to you and Jenn.

    Are you going to Carlos' game tomorrow night?

    Wes, that's a game in Cambridge, $20 or $40, there were 10 players last week. PM Carlos "AAKKK" and ask if you can get a seat. I'll drive.

  • cool, 5players sounds awesome to me, just give the go ahead trevor...
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